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Everything posted by gwen

  1. I don't know the specifics but i think if you go thru your dr and pharma co they have some programs for folks who can't have coverage. I'm sure there is a big demand but maybe its worth a try. my ins co filled my presc today, but told pharmacy it wasn't covered (although Ive been on it for 2 yrs and they've paid. I asked the pharm to run it again (its sad when the pharmacy knows you by your first name) and after arguing it turns out low and behold they paid. They are just constantly testing , the ins co, to see what they can get away with once and then say they don't have to pay. I hope you can get some kind of relief.
  2. please sleep tonight and tomorrow will be another day. There is no one who is without an oops once in awhile . Now a big hug, sleep tight, its all water under the bridge.:-)
  3. when no one could figure out what was going on i was sent to a psych who immediattly said this was biological depression and probably secondary to something else. (a she, so smart). She put me on wellbutrin and klonopin which has helped immensely. It was ironic that these also seem to help my nmh/pots. only thing is the commercial says low incidence of sexual side effect which is not true with me but i don';t know if thats from the other drugs and or my symptoms, especially fatgue. I am on max dose of wellbutrin and I have trid to back down but I really didn't do well. Just my response for what it is worth.:-)
  4. My dr. hasn't made me do the tilt test becasue she says it wouldn't prove anymore than what she has already seen. We have done the "poor Man's" test and I of course didn't do well. I was fortunate the Ins. co accepted that. maybe they saved money right? At one point I told the dr. I didn't care what I had to do , I would but we had not gotten on a good med group yet. I respect she didn't run me thru everything all over again. I totllay fear the ttt because just thinking about it makes me want to throw up and gives me the dizzies. So don't feel bad about stopping the test. see about the other test and if you can't get them to do it, wait until you can get up the nerve again. I sure feel for you. It's hard enough to get thru to dr.s who speak english much less in a foreign country and a foreign language. good luck.
  5. It gave me terrible scalp itchiness for about a month now that is only ever so often. I did not see results right away but now I can say I don't know what I'd do without it. Some people don't get such good relief, so stick it out a little while if it isn't making you sick and then if no results cal the doc.:-)
  6. A holistic md that I was going to last year determined that I had overactve yeast in digestive system and that was causing all sorts of problems. I've been on Nystatin ever since, Ive tried to go off but it is only a few days when symptoms come back. I had thrush on my tongue for two years and my dentist never told me what it was or that it was yeast infection. most people I tell this to don't realize this. changed my diet even got rid of my roseacea on face. I truly believe a lot of people are not realizing what they are putting into their bodies. I'm not a health nut freak but I sure watch a lot closer. I don't think western med realizes it all has to work together. They are just looking at quick fixes.
  7. If your dr. thinks a baby aspirin is enough a day it won't hurt, but remember aspirin is a blood thinner and Potsy people really don't need their blood any thinner. If your family has a history of strokes or heart attacks I'd consider it, but my cardiologist said at this time to skip it, I had enough stuff in my system.:-)
  8. I was always a night person. Never knew why, but now i think it was this underlying it all. I feel most alert and best after 8-12. Just wish the world did too! I will talk about conan Obrien and friends will say if you went to bed sooner you'd feel better, but they don't get that my brain functions then. Its not unusual fo me to do payroll at 10 pm. numbers just work then.
  9. you go girl! If only we all could get that kind education in our community!!
  10. I'm so sorry you are feeling bad. The flu or cold will make anything else seem worse. I don't think the sarcoidocis getting worse will make pots worsen, although it may make some of the symptoms worse. They are not directly related,but like a lot of things the pots symptoms get involved. If the antibiotics aren't helping perhaps you can speak to your dr about changing it. some people do better on different meds. Try to get some rest and lots of fluid which of course helps flu and pots.
  11. Since the birth of my son 21 years ago I have had trouble on and off wearing watches and blowing lightbulbs out when turning on the switch. Not just one lightbulb but all the bulbs in our home which we built and is new. Please follow me on this. after ruining two very expensive watches I asked the jeweler what could be causing this and he said some people have a change in their magnetic system. he knew it sounded crazy but he'd seen it before especially after some kind of great physical change (ie illness or pregnancy etc). The watches were quartz which supposedly can't be affected. I wear very cheap watches now that are slightly loose so the watch part dangles from my wrist. the necklace isn't practical. stay with me. a month ago at my last drs visit She was very excited because all my results were normal for first time in overtwo years. I thought I was just having a good spell. Well that weekend I blew all the lights in the house and had tech troubles of all kinds. a. does any one else have this? b. I think this ties in with the meridien energy force of eastern med but ( i'm getting foggy now) I think this ties into this thread somehow.So many of us have sleep problems that i do feel are tied into circadian rythm. c. the jeweler told me fluorescent lights would probably bother me. no scientific proof just what these other people had relayed to him. they do. d. There was an astronaut from the 60's(whose name I'm drawing a blank on) who later brcame a sucessful senator. He was allowed on a space shuttle flight a few years ago. He was in great condition for his age and there was a lot of attention made to it. When he got off he had to be carried, I assume and it was reported from changes in space. I have never heard anything more about him or his condition. with his age and space /time orthostolic intolerence is there a correlation? sorry this a rambling. i do feel this is an important thread because of the research side. I also agree "they" know a whole lot more than they are sharing.
  12. Morgan I would be very excited to get a copy of this. My fax is 636.366.4574. I will pay any costs involved!!Thank you so much!!Gwen:-)
  13. i completely agree with ithomas! I'm educating myself and my drs.
  14. I have decided this is my journey from being an a type personality and having to learn patience. this is slowing me down for some reason. I used to think I was patient but this has put a new definition on it. I do believe G-d or fate has something in store for me, my life has been too unusual up to now to get an ordinary med problem. I believe there is a saying" whether bidden or not, G-d is there" . I think this is my story and while I may not like the chapter, it has many more. Patience. One moment, one hour, one day at a time.
  15. i have one contact for far away and one for close up. well we changed a med and that threw that pres out and changed close up. have never been happy with it. now start and increased a new med and i'm back to original pres. I have debated lasix but will it correct to the right eyesight? i don't think so . so i just keep switching around the contacts and using bi focal.ugh.:-)
  16. I hope every one in the family is better now. I am so glad that the resident met someone who has this problem because now maybe he'll see it in the future and think of you. Of course we all know its all in our heads and if we wanted to we could just make ourselves feel better. Glad your hubby was there for backup. Surprised the doc didn't think you were trying to get attention from dau.! if we didn't have these stories of dumb drs to shake our heads and laugh at we'd all go crazy. Best to you all on Vday.
  17. I don't think you are supposed to lay down while on midodrine.thats why they don't want you to take it after 5 in the eve. If I feel like I have to I go lay down I go to the recliner. Somedays I just have a headache and I wonder if it isn't from all the meds kicking in.
  18. Glad to hear Midodrine is helping. I know it does me. I take 10mgin morn and 5 at noon and about 4. Hope it gives you more lee-way in what you want to do.:-)
  19. It's like a sore that forms if you ever bitten down hard on your lip and it gets very sore until it heals. Only you don't have to bite wrong to get them. they just show up. If I eat too much chocolate or fresh tomatos I'm sure to get them, also when I'm stressed or sick. I think some people are just prone to them. I'm the only one in my family to get them.
  20. My presc is for morn. I can't make up my mind if it is helping or not. I've been tempted to stop taking it and see if it is actually taking it but I hate to make myself sick if it is working. i've never taken at night or noticed a sugar problem.
  21. remember the endurance part like an athlete. You can't be a sissy and have pots, and you are very strong. I did not read your entry,but it has been a trying time here too. I just have moments when i feel like running away from it all. I take welbutrin and it has helped in two ways. some depression and some nmh. do call your dr and find another med for the depression. I suffered from that first and if you get down mentally its pretty hard to deal with anything. celexa, strattera, xanax etc. Please call the dr right away. then you'll be that much closer to a litle bit lighter load.:-)
  22. the dr recently told me to take it while i had a hdeadcold which really made my dizziness terrible. I got relif right away but i'm not sure it helps that much with everyday dizzy and balance. It's a mption sickness med like dramimine. it doesn't make me sleepy. I'v always had to take dramamine for trips, it did help break up congestion in head.
  23. I used to have a bad time with them. Dr. said its the same as whats in your stomach. I don't have stomach ulcers. he also said it was stress. I have found taking a wet teabag (I use green) and laying it on the sore on and off thru the day will reall y help. Of course Oragel at the immediate onset can sometimes ward them off.
  24. Unfortunately I have had to be on both sides of work comp issue as an employer and employee. The ins just loves that!Ha! You definitly need to get this documented!!! Work Comp lawyers are snakes and it is an ugly issue. Watch your back because if you don't , i guarentee they won't. What they are doing is blatently illeggal in MO but all states are different. By fed law they are still in violation. document, document, document!!:-)
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