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Everything posted by gertie

  1. Did it look like the room was spinning? If so, it was vertigo. My guess is if your blood pressure reading was correct it was low BP. Is that your normal BP?
  2. I guess it's because I'm a senior & everybody expects an old person to be ill but I never mention my problems. I always put the focus on the other guest or family members especially if they have a health problem. I've learned over the years no one wants to hear about my problems. I've had people complain to me saying, "be glad you don't have my problems" & maybe all they had was a sore knee or something that is trivial to me. I do understand what you're saying & I've had the same thoughts.
  3. Someone on here mentioned eating popcorn to keep blood glucose up. I've been doing that for about 2 weeks now & that does seem to help. Hope everyone has a happy holiday!
  4. I can't remember the last time I was actually hungry & enjoyed eating. I feel nauseous most of the time & I have to make myself eat a bite or 2 every few hours to keep my blood glucose from crashing. It's been a month since my taste became distorted & eating anything is very stressful. This is the most depressing situation I can remember in awhile. I know if I don't eat I will be in a coma but if I eat I will be sick. Anyone else have this problem? I want to cancel the holidays. I can't imagine trying to cook & pretend all is well especially when just the smell of food makes me sick. Thanks.
  5. Thanks Tessie, I've always had throat, ear & gland trouble too, but what's driving me nuts is the distorted taste & nausea. I do not have a Dys specialist because there's not one anywhere near me. I'm lucky to find a dr that's heard of Dys. I can't see a neuro until Feb but I made an appt with ENT for last of Dec.
  6. It has been 2 weeks since I had a viral inf or strep throat not sure which. I started experiencing horrible throat pain & anything sweet in my mouth taste so horrible it will make me nauseous for hours. Other food taste don't seem to be affected altho I am not hungry & have to make myself eat. My main diet has been a bite or 2 or pear & some kind of meat. I thought this would eventually get better but so far not & I still have a slight sore throat & the nerve near my ear is quite sensitive. The PA at my PCP's office that checked my throat didn't know what I was talking about. I have experienced some weird things with POTS but this is insane. I literally feel like I'm going insane because no one knows what I'm talking about & I can't find anyone that has experienced this. Should I see an ENT or Neuro? I'm think Neuro because of the nerve sensitivity. Thanks.
  7. I don't sleep on a wedge but I sleep on several pillows. I have Meniere's & it seems to help.
  8. When I first started with dysautonomia my glucose would get so low it would not register. What was strange the dr would give me an IV's to try to get it stabilized & it only made me pass out more. I have adrenal problems so I have to have protein at every meal. I don't have a problem as long as I can eat but when I get sick for any reason that I can't eat I'm in trouble. At the moment I don't want anything to eat but am forcing myself. How will you fast for 72 hours & stay conscious? Isn't that dangerous? If your test are positive does that mean you will take insulin? I didn't make it through a colonoscopy prep without passing out so I know I would be dead in 72 hours. The more sugary drinks I drank the sicker I got. Please be careful. Thanks for reply.
  9. Anyone have trouble keeping their blood glucose level up when they are having periods they can't eat much? I've passed out 3 times this week. Since strep throat I'm not hungry & food especially sweets taste awful but I'm trying to eat a bite or two every few min. Just wonder how you handle low blood sugar? Thanks.
  10. Thanks everyone. It does seem that in every family there's one neat freak & one slob. I guess if both were the same it would be boring. In my mothers generation the woman did all the house work because she didn't usually work at a public job. Then my generation tried to have it all. Let's face it a lot of men are spoiled brats.
  11. KeXia, I'm sorry you're having a rough time but we're all here for you. I'm no dr but I think it's probably normal to be depressed or blue for awhile after what you've been thru. I know I would be. You're young & at least you have your parents to help & care for you a lot of us have no one. I've always found that if I get really down & feel useless it helps me to try doing something special for someone else if it's only to send a card or phone call. When I was younger & had more strength I liked to make cookies at Christmas & give to the neighbors. Don't be too hard on yourself, you never know what good surprise is around the corner. Hugs!
  12. My BP is back to normal for me but my pulse is still 90, it's usually 60. I can't believe I'm going from one symptom to another. If I can get my hypoglycemia under control I think I will be a little less stressed. I'm having to make myself eat in order not to crash & I carry a candy bar in my pocket in case I do. My DH had to go out of town this a.m. so his advice was to tie a bottle of glucose around my neck in case I was about to pass out & not be able to get to sugar. I would look like an old St Bernard. What a thought. I'm still glad I've got a glimmer of a sense of humor left. Thanks .
  13. I've had strep throat & sinus inf but beginning to get better now I notice my BP is 187/89. I normally don't take my BP but I've felt very stressed & when I took it this a.m. it was a little high. I have had this happen when I was having bad food allergies but I don't think that's it this time. Just wondered if infection would cause this. Thanks.
  14. Thanks firewatcher, I think you have the right attitude. I need to calm down. kayjay, I know how you feel. If someone asked DH how I'm doing, even if I've been passed out or some other weird symptom, he always says she's just fine & starts talking about himself. I guess I'm an embarrassment to him. I think my DH doesn't want to be bothered with it & I can't blame him. I've printed out material for him to read & put it by his chair & he never reads it. If I try to talk about it he just gets a glassy look on his face. Like you said, he is a good man, he is just completely opposite to me. I do spend a lot of time praying for forgiveness because I get so angry at him. I just watched "Hoarder" this afternoon & after seeing that, I think my house looks immaculate.
  15. Thanks Jana, You are lucky to have someone that doesn't mind helping. Mine doesn't mind grocery shpg because it's mostly for him. A cleaning service would do no good until junk is thrown away. I would say it's because he's old but he's always been this way. I guess there are some good men out there. I
  16. I guess that's a crazy question & it may not belong on this forum. With Dys I don't have enough strength to keep house like I used to & since DH is retired I expected things to be easier on me. I like things as neat & uncluttered as possible which is not always the case now. DH is a pack rat & the messier the better for him which I must say stresses the heck out of me especially at this time of year. I never ask anyone to come over anymore because I don't want anyone to see the mess. I beg him to throw away & clean up but he says it looks fine to him. When I was young I did everything but now I depend on him which is a big disappointment to me. I stay very upset over this. He seems to resent anything he has to do relating to the home. In summer he keeps the yard work done but the house is another issue. What kind of arrangement do you have with you DH or partners about keeping chores done? Maybe I expect too much. Thanks.
  17. Anytime I exercise enough for it to actually do me any good I end up with a migraine. It must have something to do with the stress on the blood vessels. I find Yoga is best for me.
  18. I have Meniere's & vertigo is sometimes brought on when I have too much salt or too much stress. I always sleep with head elevated & at first sign of the spins take Ativan. Did you have nausea?
  19. Finally got it d/l. Add-Ons has to be disabled before it would d/l. Thanks all.
  20. Thanks everyone! I know I must be better today because I noticed what a mess my house is. I've managed to change the bed & get a few things done & didn't pass out yet. I can tell my throat is some better & my fever has gone down. It is a shame I don't trust our ER here but they don't know what to do with a patient that is not normal. I mentioned to my PCP about taking IV antibiotics if I needed them & he shrugged me off & said, "oh, we'll find something you can take" without going that route. Hope everybody has a good weekend.
  21. I finally got my hypoglycemia under control but talked myself out of the ER. My reasoning for not going was, if I can't take the med's they give me why bother. I was better by the time DH got home. He brought me a bag of candy in case this happens again. I can not go without eating & not expect to faint. I've still got strep to deal with so I'm attempting the antibiotic again today knowing whatever side effect it causes there's nothing I can do about it until it wears off. Thanks for your help.
  22. Vitamin D3 made me worse. I got so lethargic I couldn't function.
  23. Thanks for your support. My PCP is out of town & our ER is a joke. The ER is full of people with non emergencies. That's why I have a hard time making a decision to go to a dr, there's not one that understands my problems. My throat is getting some better & I am drinking more liquids & will have to force myself to eat b/4 this happens again.
  24. I didn't have a temp until day 6 or 7. I haven't taken but one small dose of my med because it made me so sick. I haven't been able to drink cold water it hurts too much I have to warm it. I got up this a.m. passing out so I don't know what I'm going to do. Thanks.
  25. I am sorry I've been complaining a lot lately about bitter taste in mouth & nausea, strep throat, sinus inf etc. I've had a temp for a couple days & still haven't eaten much the last 7 days & with hypoglycemia that can be dangerous. I got up this a.m. & tried to fix me some toast & coffee & blacked out the 3rd time. First 2 times I made it to the table but last time I woke up on the floor now I have a headache. I must have sweated a lot because my table had wet spots on it & the kitchen looked like a war zone. I had turned the syrup over & it run all over the cabinet, my french toast was burned to a crisp & I'm about to pass out again. I guess this is gross but I knew I had to have food so I run my finger thru the syrup on the cabinet as I started going down again. I happened to see a slice of pear left from last night & grabbed it. This was like a horror movie as I was going thru it. I don't know how much of that was dysautonomia added to a temp. I couldn't call 911 because I couldn't get to the phone & if I had they couldn't have gotten in the house. The worst part is I finally found what might be causing the bitter taste. Someone told me that is asymptom of a stroke. So here I sit no neurologist, don't feel like driving & if I did wouldn't know where to go & everyone out of town at work. Do you all have MRI's after you pass out & hit your head? This just gets better & better. Thanks again.
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