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Posts posted by SunsetParadise49

  1. I've put the peanut butter jar in the frige before, my mom will tell me that while she's at work to put something in the crock pot...well, I always put it in, but either forget to turn it on or to plug it in. If I do manage to remember to plug it in, I plug in the wrong thing so by the time she gets home from work, supper's still cold and my mom's mad lol.

    The other day my brother's cat who is VERY weird was bugging me while I was tring to eat. I meant to say, " Stop purring in my ear." What came out was, "Stop purring in my pur."

    The other month I was helping my fiance make an email address. They put in the numbers 20105. I looked at them after a little bit and said, "what the heck do those numbers stand for?" Their reply, "uh, our dating anniversary!" I was SO embarrased! I seriously did not know what those numbers had stood for!

    I've got many more, but of course forget them! :(

  2. 1. Find the globe, beside the A with the dark line under it and between the envelope and click on it.

    2. It then asks you to enter the url, so say you wanted to refer someone to the DINET homepage, you would type in the space, http://www.dinet.com .

    3. click ok

    4. enter what you wish to call the site and click okay.

    http://www.dinet.org" target="_blank">DINET homepage (I put spaces inbetween the equals sign and the last set of brakets to show you an example of what it should look like when you click the last okay.)

    This should be your final result: DINET homepage

    Hope that helps you out and isn't too brain foggy sounding!

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