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Posts posted by SunsetParadise49

  1. Thank you SO much everyone! Someone from another site I belong to also mentioned the CI possibilty....when I researched it, I did have many of the symptoms.

    Also, to whoever mentioned IBS, my family doctor thinks that I have IBS but I need my GI doctor to confirm the diagnosis...that will be sometime in January.

    I have tried taking high doses of Cranberry pills but they have not helped what so ever.

  2. For a little over a year now, I've been getting urinary tract infections. I get 1-2 a month, and once in a while I won't have one for a while....but that doesn't happen too often. I finally saw a urologist last Thursday. He is starting to think that they really were not uti's after all, but something else. Sometimes I will have blood in my urine, but no infection.....no kidney stones showed up in the stone study test (ct scan).

    Does this sound like anything any of you have gone through? I doubt that this problem I've been having is related to Dysautonomia but I thought I'd post anyway.

    (One possibility that the urologist mentioned are pelvic spasms.)



  3. I've been dealing with night sweats too. I crack the windows, open them up more if it's still not enough, I have a big fan sitting on my night stand that I turn on, and I have my ceiling fan! Maybe try experimenting with your blankets...take some off, see how you do at night. Another thing that helps me, is sleeping with no pants on, they trap my body heat which just sets me up to a huge night sweat!

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