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Posts posted by SunsetParadise49

  1. If he really loves and care about you then he will stay by yourside! I wonder how the heck my boyfriend has stayed by me while being sick. He's seen me at my worst, but he's always there to help me. If he is over at my house and I all of a sudden feel sick he takes care of me and gets me anything I want. You sound like you are in love with this man so stay with him, take care of yourself too though. Your heart will tell you what do (both in relationship ways and in your health) Good luck! If you would want to PM me you could!


  2. I am so sorry to hear that! You're not alone though with insurance problems, our insurance company only alows 2 refils from our local pharmacys around here since we don't have Kroger pharmacy around. It makes it so frustrating to send away for our medications and for many reasons at that. I hope something can be worked out for you. It's like, when you find a medicine that helps you (even if it's not the best) your insurance says no! Grr B)

  3. Gwedolyn, I really like your list. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    No problem, I just know that it has worked wonders and I was at the point to (before visiting my GI doctor) where I couldn't lie down without getting tremendous heartburn. The step that I've found a lot of help in is number 8. I love Orange Juice but it made it soooo much worse, I haven't had it in a while now.

  4. I haven't had heartburn for the longest time and it feels fantastic. For YEARS I took Zantac 75 and it worked until my POTS began extremly acting up. I was seen by a ped. GI doctor and he prescribed Nexium...it worked fine but it began not too. I am now on Achiphex (sp??) and I love it. I don't have to take it every day, which is fine with me since I hate swallowing pills.

    Peanut butter can help get rid of heartburn and also hic-cups

    drinking milk can help also

    you want to avoid tomato based products

    This is from a pamphlet that my GI doctor gave me:

    1. Stop using tobacco in all forms. Nicotine weakens the lower esophageal muscle.

    2. Avoid chewing gum and hard candy. They increase the amount of swallowed air which in turn leads to belching and reflex.

    3. Do not lie down immediately after eatring. Avoid late evening snacks.

    4. Avoid tight clothing and bending over after eating.

    5. Eat small portions of food at mealtime.

    6. Elevate the head of the bed six to eight inches to prevent reflux when sleeping. Extra pillows, by themselves are not very helpful.

    7. The following foods weaken the muscle valve in the lower esophagus, aggravate acid reflux and should be avoided:

    fatty or fried foods

    peppermint and spearmint

    whole milk



    creamed foods or soups

    8. The following foods irritate an inflamed lower esophagus and may need to be limited or avoided:

    citrus fruits and juices (grapefruit, orange, pineapple, and tomato)

    coffee (regular and decaffeinated)

    caffeinated soft drinks

    9. The following foods strengthen the muscle valve in the lower esophagus and help prevent acid reflux:

    low-fat, high protein foods

    low-fat carbohydrates (breads, cereal, pasta, crackers)

    calcium, as in fat-free milk and low-fat yogurt

    Hope this helps you or someone else out!

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