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Posts posted by mom4cem

  1. Welcome and sorry you are feeling so badly. I sometimes have the tightness in my chest and feel like I can't breathe. I had a pft done and it comes out normal though my chest feels like it has a band around it, tightening all the time. I also have almost 24/7 adrenaline rushes and it gives me flip flops in my stomach, sometimes makes my heart race for no reason or just hangs around and my heart jumps all over the place when moving around. I also have MVP and the heart itself does not cause the problem it is the ANS/dysautonomia that causes it. I have extra beats(pac,pvc) every day but it comes from the dysautonomia. So please try not to worry that there is something seriously wrong with your heart. It may be a good idea to have an echo and you can be sure but most if not all of the symptoms are usually due to the dysautonomia.

    Wish I could give you some clues but I do send tons of support and well wishes to you. :angry:

  2. What a horrible way to be treated :angry: I was going to suggest zithromax,,that one seems to work the best for me w/o side effects except for some stomach upset sometimes. I tried levaquin,,gave me the shakes very badly. Biaxin truly put a hole through my stomach.

    Hope the z-pack works for you. Try some warm compress on your forehead, over the sinuses.

    Kudos to you for sticking up for yourself and not letting her getting away with treating you like that!

  3. I have the adrenaline rushes also. with the shakes and teeth chattering. Sometimes many, many times a day. The b vitamins do play an important role in the nervous system but if one more than another, I have not researched that far into yet. I have been reading though that choline, one of the b vitamins, is imp. in helping to produce acethycholine, a nuerotransmitter for the parasympathetic system. I was hoping that by taking extra it would do something, but I hve been taking it for about a week straight and no change as of yet.

    I know you are under a lot of pressure and the work must get done. Any break you can get, take it. Pls call you doc if this continues. ;)

  4. I have to agree with so much already posted. Sometimes I feel yes, I brought it on by trying to be supermom, superfriend, superwife etc. Run here, run there, yes everyone,,never saying no then BAM!.. But, I still do a lot of things, I have to and for me it's good it forces me to move and to go. I still overdo it at times and pay the price. I do think that by having some form of dysautonomia(I don't really know which yet) that it does help me to focus more on taking care of myself, saying no when I can't do something and not feeling bad for doing so. It has helped me to appreciate things, people etc..more.

  5. Not much spare or down time here. Work p/t , sometimes a full time day here and there. Drop off kids, pick up kids, who has football practice 3x a weeks, soccer practice,(each does that 1 practice a weeks and games for all sports on the weekend, playdates,.etc. No wonder one is always wired but tired! I like to cook(sometimes), took up a yoga class one night a week with some girlfriends and try to exercise when at the kids practice by walking if I can otherwise I sit and vegetate.I can't wait for sports to end for the fall/winter and I can get some down time. Sometimes I think all the running around is good and bad. It keeps me going and I don't have much time to dwell on how I am feeling but then too much makes me feel worse. :)

  6. I also get twitching, not sure what it is from though. I suspect it is my nerves being irritated from vertabrae pressure, especially in my legs, and my neck muscles are always tight, my arms are always getting tingly in certain positions,,I think that is why I twitch.

    Adrenaline surges, I get them every day, several times a day. Sometimes it leads to some nasty tachy events other times it just feels like my stomach is dropping, like on a roller coaster with internal trembling. When it shuts off, I know it, all of a sudden it's calm. I have been taking a beta blocker(not doing much good though),klonopin when I need it, some vitamins including l-theanine, which can help calm the nervous system.

    Eating diverts blood from elsewhere to digest, so I have read. I have become tachy after eating as well as bloating.

    Sorry I have not much to offer, but I do hope you feel better :)

  7. I have MVPS also. My mother has symptoms of it at times even when she was younger but no one has ever mentioned MVP to her, and one time that she did have an echo they said all was normal. My sister as far as I know has shown no symptoms of it though she and I have never really talked about it much.

    My Grandmother always was in bed, according to my mother, and always thought she was dying. Maybe she had anxiety, MVP who knows. I do know after be tested at the MVP Autonomic Center of Ala., that my test showed blunted dysautonomia. I just tell people I have mvp and dysautonomia, most have no idea what either is.

    So many symptoms overlap so many other diagnoses that it is hard to pinpoint to one certain disease or syndrome at times. Enough to make one crazy :)

  8. Hi ling,

    Sorry you are feeling so poorly. Have you tried the usual, crackers, ginger ale when you can stomach it. Small meals throughout the day. For most the nausea does get better after the first three months B)

    Your body now has to try to circulate more blood volume for two. It certainly can give you tachy and all those other great symptoms. With all three of mine I had some strange ones. My first I had tachy whenever I moved and the most wicked cramps in the early part of the pregnancy as well as some nasty heartburn. My second was not too bad. The third gave me cramps all 9 months long as well as tachycardia events, runs of pac and pvcs, uti's, a whole bunch of stuff. Everything turned out fine :blink:

    During the second to third trimester the increase in blood volume makes a lot of women feel much better, but make sure you keep up the increase in fluids to a nice level for yourself.

    I used to chew on ginger pieces from the health food store, used ginger root capsules as well as ginger candy for heartburn and for nausea.

    Take care of yourself, I'm sure you will do great and will start to feel better soon B):)

  9. Over the past year I have begun sweating even when it is not hot, warm whatever. It could be 40 and I sweat. It was really becoming embarassing. That started last Nov and maybe up until a month ago it was daily. Lately it has calmed down but something else took its place :)

    Welcome, glad you have received some answers and hope you begin to feel better soon. :blink:

  10. Have gerd here also. What came first, the chicken or the egg? I don't know if I had dysautonomia long before I had GERD but just did not know it , but I also had IBS diagnosed since I was about 16 or so.

    Interesting you should bring this up, my GERD has just reared its ugly head again, and it is very nasty this time. ARrrrgh!

  11. I've had pvcs and pacs daily for years now. Worse at times than others. Lately they have been off and on from 1-2 a day to 20,30 or more a day. I also get what feels like adrenaline rushes. There have been times that whenever I would move I would get a pvc. I have worn an event monitor for months at a time and caught various events, all which they considered a nuisance but benign. Also lately I have had problems with sinus tachy. I have recorded these with a event monitor and doc says it is sinus tachy. It gradually comes on, sometimes I feel that dread or anxious feeling in my stomach and then my pulse gradually quickens and peaks anywhere from 110-140 and then gradually comes back down. That has been the latest.

    Seems like once you get used to one thing another pops up to keep it interesting. :)

  12. Sorry you are not feeling well. Try to get some much needed sleep before your trip. I hope everything goes well with you and you get some help and much needed answers while you are at the clinic. Have a safe trip :)

    I experience pac/pvc everyday as well as a fast heartrate. My dr. is not concerned either. They certainly bother me more than they do him!

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