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Posts posted by mom4cem

  1. Maybe push alot of water or club soda, eat a little carbs, like a piece of bread and then just eating a small portion(which is probably what you did anyway). Could be that something was up with the pork? I can't handle rich foods, especially creamy sauces.

    What was it stuffed with?

  2. Sorry you are going through this nasty virus :)

    I can tell you that my kids pediatrician tells me not to give them water when they are vomiting, that it actually can make you vomit. He tells me to give them gingerale or soda, juice any other liquid. He especially makes a point each time to tell us ice pops are good to give them also. Maybe try the ice pops and gingerale.

    I don't know if you have been on anything stronger for reflux like prevacid or nexium. They might work. I will add mylanta to my list of things to take. It does help to somewhat relieve the burn. I have heard gaviscon is good also.

    Hope you get some sleep, eat a bit and feel better in the a.m. :(

  3. Hi Fin,

    I had a loop recorder for 2 years,,that's right 2! It did acutally become a security thing for me. I caught lots of different things on it, from pvc, to pac to tachy and some other rhythms too. I really like the company that we dealt with. For 2 years after I was monitor free but since this spring I have a event monitor this time. My cardio does not feel I need the loop, he says he just wants to see the rhythm and since I experience the tachy for 10-45minutes it is plenty of time to catch it.

    I have to agree on the electrodes, I could use the pediatric ones but they would fall off to easy so the regular electrodes I would have to take the spongy disc off of it, it seem that would make me itch like crazy and would leave my skin very irritated.

    I would recommend that monitor too. Mine was called the king of hearts monitor.


    How did it go today?

  4. Thanks Carolyn and welcome to the forum!

    I'm glad your attacks have been less frequent and that you have coping mechanisms that help. I was also told the same about the sinus tachy if it gradually goes up and down.

    I've just been feeling that it is going to do it again all day and night. Guess the funky ANS is just reminding me it's still here.

    Thanks again Carolyn :)

  5. Thanks :)

    Just heard from my cardio. He said I have to ride this out, it's just a bad time. I asked him since the beta blocker was not keeping them at bay if that meant it was initiated by the heart. He said it's sinus tachy and says it seems like something is triggering my ans(that is hard for him to say since he tends to see dysautonomia as only a severe, total body failure rather than the other subsets to dysautonomia) to spit out the adrenaline. Especially he said since I say that I have the feeling like I am on a roller coaster with my stomach. It feels like it drops and then the rush feeling comes over and my hr goes up sometimes just a bit and sometimes it's the start of the whole cycle of up, peak and slow decline. He wants me to up my dose of beta's, yikes! On 25, which I split in the a.m. and p.m. I am most times in the 70's unless an episodes is looming, can't imagine what 37 or 50 will do. :)

    He broke the news to me that he is going on vacation for the holidays. I hate when he leaves :( Anyone who is on call for him has no clue what to say or do for me if I have an episode and need to see or talk to someone. I have to see him next week to get my dose of reassurance and hopefully I won't need him until after Jan 1.

    Hard to believe that I could still be having mini rushes and my hr still going up and down, guess something is triggering these episodes, even at this hour.

    To top things off my little guy is coughing his head off with a cold and his chest hurts now from coughing so much, he's 4 and my daughter has some type of stomach virus going on...great...it looks like it will be a great Friday all the way around :blink:

    Thanks all, you all are great :)

  6. Hi friends,

    Just wondering if you have this what type you have and what do you do for it and how often do you experience it.

    I've been doing readings of these spells I have with my heart racing. I have an event monitor to put on my chest when it happens, so it catches the event while I am in it. The techs tell me it is sinus tachy and my dr. says also. At first it seemed to hit almost the exact same time each month, usually mid cycle and then a day before my period. Well that theory seems blown. Today, after a while of doing well I finally thought maybe it had settled down or better yet gone away,,(yeah right) I was going to work, felt that anxious feeling in my stomach and my rate started to go up. It lasted about 10 min then it went down to about 90's. I sat in the 80's and 90's the rest of morning. By 3:00 and sitting in the carpool line I felt that anxious feeling again and it started to climb but only lasted about 2-3 minutes then slowly was back to about 80-90. It does not jump start to fast and drop back to normal. The reading today was sinus tachy and about 130's. Wonder if it would be higher without the atenelol? I guess they can tell by the reading what type of rhythm

    So now I am really freaked out that it happened twice in a day and I am waiting for it to happen again. I got that anxious feeling still. Of course cardio has not called about it even though he gets the report from the techs. I left msg, but no call back as of yet. All my echos and stress and ekgs have been good. Them saying it is just sinus tachy does not help, unfortunately I am thick headed and need constant reassurance. He tells me he believes it is mixed msgs from my brain but I find it hard to believe. I question how accurate the monitor is and of course always what if'ing my dr.

    I am taking 12.5 atenelol in the a.m and p.m. and lately have been sitting in the 70's which is great for me.

    So this really blew me out of the water, twice in a day and feeling like there is more to come! Can't take that. I know anxiety just makes it worse.

    I know I really am ranting. I am just frustrated to deal with this on top of everything else. Arrghhh. Things could be worse, I know, but feeling this way I am self-absorbed right now. ;)

    The nurse in the Ala center where I go once a year has told me dysautonomia can cause these to happen. Anyone know this to be true?

    Could this just be one of those "stormy" days?

    How do you all deal with this?

  7. Hi Mngirl,

    Hope you woke up feeling better day. I am not a fan of snow..only if it disappears as quickly as it appears, but that never seems to happen. Hate to drive in it.

    Funny thing, when I was trying to switch from atenelol to toprol, I started to have a high resting pulse rate, don't know if it was from weaning off the atenelol but the toprol did not do the trick. So I went back to the atenelol but now I still experience days when all of a sudden my resting rate stays up in the 90's or 100s. (forget about standing or walking when it is like that) Then I need to pop an extra blocker to bring it down, then there are a few days in a row when my rate will stay in the 70's sitting. Interesting about the autoimmune connection that your dr suggested with changing meds. Hmmmm....

    I don't know much about pacemakers except for most that I have heard that have one, usually it is because they have bradycardia issues along with tachy or after ablations that left them needing a pacer. I really don't know much about them.

    I don't know whether to say I hope the monitor shows something or not. I have an event one(after about 2 years of having a two electrode one that I wore) I just place this one on my chest when I am having an episode and I send the info over to the tech. So far, it has shown sinus tachy. So dr. is not worried but it certainly annoys me when it happens. At least your dr will be able to identify what type of rhythm is going on and hopefully select a treatment that can help.

  8. Hi Julia,

    When I take the klonopin I use a baby dose and work up from there if I need more. It can make you feel poopy(no pun intended). When I get those attacks I usually have to go to the loo with bad tummy cramps, I feel upper bloating-so much so that I usually belch right after the attacks start to subside. I have not noticed that I hyperventilate or anything like that which would cause extra air to be in the stomach. Then I usually have to pee what seems like a hundred times after the attacks also. If it is a fairly mild episode then I may not have to use the bathroom at all. Most times I look like I am still a few months pregnant but after some high anxiety days and an episode I usually don't each much if anything for a few days, lose a couple of pounds, the belly gets smaller. As soon as I am back to eating, it's baaaack! (btw, I am a little underweight, so the bloated belly really looks like I am pregnant!) :)

    The klonopin may take some time getting used too. Maybe cut it back a little and see how you do. You can always take the additional piece if a little dose does not help. I take a 1/4 and see how it goes. The 1/4 does not affect me negatively. Believe me, I notice every little symptom. :huh:

    There is a post above just revived again about the research on the hyper form of pots.

    The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightfull------- (to bad I have to go to work--so don't let it snow, don't let it snow!)

  9. I don't think I could add anything better than has already been said. :) Certainly it is tough to find value right now but it is there. Why are you unable to take anything for depression/anxiety? What about alternative medicine, such as l-theanine. I take that for anxiety/mood support it takes the edge of nicely within 45min, non-habit forming, studies show it has been safely taken for many, many years in Japan, where it is actually consume in their food supply. It is also has been shown to have no drug interactions. It is found in green tea but I can't drink it because of the caffiene and these capsules are pretty easy to take. Maybe check with your dr. about taking something like this and see if it helps.

    Hugs to you :)



  10. Hi Julia,

    I take the coremega also. Now it also comes in a chocolate flavor also. Pretty good.

    I swear I am going through perimenopause. I'm 39 and still having reg. periods, but the darn cramps, backache, acne,cysts ,it is like I am 15 again.! I had my levels checked on day 3 and my levels were fine, but I certainly don't feel that way.

    I worked for an ob/gyn for several years and she used to recommend evening primrose oil,(softgels) that were supposed to help balance out the hormones as well as Vitex-(herb)that I believe comes in capsule form also.

    I have to pursure that also. Though my blood tests came back fine, in the past I have come back as post-menopausal when I was in my early 30's!, so I think our levels can constantly change.


  11. Hi Julia,

    Glad to hear you have a call in to speak to someone as well as an appt. with Dr. office.

    I still get tachy even on the beta. Most times my hr is ok in the 70's or 80's but sometimes I wake also and it is in the high 80's into the 90s at rest.

    I take Klonopin as needed and I am very leary with taking meds. I take a 1/4, slip it under my tongue and let it dissolve. My dr. told me about that years ago. It takes the edge off for me. If I need more I will take another 1/4 but only if I know I can lie down and sleep if I get sleepy from it.

  12. I know those obsessing thoughts so well. You try and try to push them away but the constant "what ifs" are there. Especially when everything that can wrong seems to happen. I don't like the winter. I swear that as soon as the first really cold day arrives I fall into SAD. The first really nice and warm spring day I feel the sun on my face and I get a happy, all over warm feeling. Not sure if sitting under a high power lightbulb would do the same over the winter for me..lol :)

    Are you having trouble eating? Are you getting a lot of gas that your tummy is bloated? I can go through days when I can't get food past the back of my throat and I drop weight. I know that it is anxiety, but my mind will wander to "what if it is something more serious?"

    During those spells it is hard to control the thoughts. I really do know those thoughts. I'm always telling my hubby, what if this time my heartrate does not go back down to normal? What if it does not stop racing? I think the adrenaline just magnifies our anxiety and these thoughts may be normally in the back of our minds but during these spells our anixety brings them forward.

    Have you seen a GI? I know reflux can trigger a spell for me. I take nexium for a few days when it is bad sometimes longer.

    Try to keep thinking that the good days are around the corner and that more good days are on the way. A few bad days feel like weeks and knock anything good right out. :)

    Hang in there ;)

  13. I think it has to do with blood pooling. I will see that on my feet and hands. I really notice it on my hands when I am walking in warm weather or when exercising and getting hot. Seems when my arms are swinging or just down at my sides they become swollen and I see the spots.

  14. Hi Lauren,

    ((hugs))) to you. Hope you are doing better now. Surely having an argument pushed you over the edge and made your reaction worse. You are doing whatever you can do for yourself. You nor anyone else asked for this illness. True friends I believe will always be around. Even if in the beginning they do not understand and stay away, they will come back once they do understand.

    Will you be living with someone or have someone nearby when you are in Md.?

  15. On the lighter side, I like how you name your attacks. Cute B)

    Sorry you are going through such a rough time. Wish I had some words of wisdom. I know those pre-attack feelings, how does one not shrink from them or add fuel to the fire? Maybe the weather and upcoming season has taken a bigger toll on you than you thought it would.

    Do you do any pt for your spinal issues? Anything that they can offer that may help?

    My hubby has high cholesterol. He does not take a statin. The dr. prescribed welchol. From what I recall this works largely on the ldl and triglycerides. His hdl has remained good and the other numbers have gone down. Just a thought. (though it is 6pills a day).

    Wishing you better days ahead. :)

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