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Posts posted by mom4cem

  1. Hi,

    Sometimes it feels like my stomach drops then I notice my heartrate is increasing. It does not jump from one extreme to another it seems to creep up bit by bit then stays high for a while, as high as 150 sometimes, ekgs show sinus tachy,the slowly go down over about an hours time. I get aftershocks for a few days with a higher resting rate after and most days I get little rushes all day.

    Other rushes I feel just come over me from head to chest or head to toe.

    Poohbear summed it up. (sorry,did not notice looking for explanation :P )

  2. Sorry you are feeling so poorly. :huh: The nosebleeds could be from anything, from sinus/allergies, (with dizziness)(I get those), or possibly the migraine,just too much for your body to handle.

    I hope you get some help with those migraines, it's so tough with meds for us, who knows how we will react.

    I hope you feel better soon, and keep with the fluids :P

  3. Hi,

    I suffer from anxiety also. I think it is hard to tell what is genuinely anxiety, anxiety from being ill, or adrenaline that is being pumped out too much by our ANS that gives all the symptoms of anxiety but is not related to a specific phobia or generalized anxiety. Does that make sense?

    I know when I have anxiety that is from a situation or just generalized anxiety but I also know that much of the adrenaline rushes I have been experiencing this past year is not from general anxiety but for some reason I am just pumping out to much adrenaline and my body is reacting by my heart racing.

    This may not help :( at all.lol..

  4. Welcome. Glad you at least got a diagnosis and some treatment and you are in an area where there seems to be many specialists. It is tough to find a reg. internist to oversee everything, to understand what we are going through etc. I hate Dr. shopping.

    Don't do more than you are able to do and let not anyone tell you what you should be doing. Just because we can put on makeup, do our hair and look presentable does not mean that we feel as good inside as we look outside. Hey, makeup does wonders for me but turn me inside out that would scare anyone!

    I'm sure you have been pushing fluids also but just in case not, do so. I have allergies and that seems to trigger dizziness in me, I get car sick easily, smells bother me and the list goes on.

    Glad you found this site and welcome again :(

  5. Anyone have this problem that the symptoms shift? I go from having tachy on standing and needing an increase in beta blockers with low to normal b/p to feeling pressure in my chest and face and my hr being ok but b/p being normal high to high? Not overly high but the symptoms of feeling it. It is like someone is hanging me upside down and the blood is pooling in my chest and face. The last time this happened my cardio did an echo/stress just to make sure and everything was the same as always.

    Guessing the ole body has decided to change its route just to keep things interesting :D

    Thanks and hugs to you all as always :unsure:

  6. I have to agree with all the prior posters. You have had a lot going on, it certainly is possible that this was the trigger for you and set it all in motion. Mine started after an illness. The medications certainly would be worth a shot, if they do not agree with you, you can always stop or try something else. Especially with what you are going through with your family, you need some help to get you through.

    I was dxd in the Autonomic Center in Alabama and my tests were blunted, but they said I had dysautonomia. It has waxed and waned over the years, lately it's been hanging on big time!

    Welcome to the board and sending you hugs and much support for all that you are going through.

  7. Wow that's great very inspirational! I am trying to exercise to get my heartrate down when at rest so in hopes of reducing the need for the beta blocker. I've been on the blocker for so long I hate to see what would happen if I went off, probably sit in the 100's at rest. B) Have you always been a runner or recently started? Keep on going!! :P

  8. Hi Bamagirl,

    Hugs to you ((()))). Hope you are feeling a bit better now. I can get adrenaline surges off and on all day for days, but when I get a big one that actually starts the tachy, I can sort of tell it will come on. The chills and chatters start then I feel my heartrate going up, up and up and it stays for a while like that and then gradually goes down and sits high for the rest of the day and usually the day after. I do sometimes take an extra bb to calm it down. It wears me out. When the adrenaline finally stops and it is out of my system, I am wiped for a few days.

    If this is out of the norm for you, give your dr. a call. Even if just for reassurance. B)

  9. I get this and am guessing that when you get tachy your heart races, your anxiety builds that can raise b/p as well as I would guess that to keep you from fainting the b/p goes up. I have read of some that their b/p drops during an episode of tachy.

    Hopefully someone has an explaination, mine is not very good.. :huh:

  10. You did what you felt you had to do, not because you wanted to drive home knowing you had too much to drink but fearing for you safety, not wanting a confrontation. It's being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Can't win the lottery but this, yes can happen. Don't worry yourself sick over this incident. Go in armed with what happened, explain, use any proof you have from your physicians and explain, explain away. Did anyone in the bar know that you were just going to retrieve your bag and would be walking home? Anyone who can attest to that fact?

    Good luck, and please try to keep yourself from getting to full of anxiety over this.

  11. Hi Stacey,

    I've had the stress/echo several times, the last time was last month. I've never been injected with anything. Just first they did an echo at rest, then hopped on the treadmill,(scared the tech,my b/p was up and my hr was already tachy)did the test then hop off and jump on the table for another echo. I thought the only time they do the injection is with a thalium stress test where they do x-ray after to check for clogged arteries and that is not a stimulant that I know, it is a radioactive dye,something like that.

    You'll do fine! Do what you can and let them know when you can't do anymore. They just want to make sure you have nothing else going on like blocked arteries etc. That's why I had mine done last month, I had chest tightness which was new for me. Everything came back the same as always.

    Good luck.!

  12. I get flares w/many of the symptoms you describe. There are times when I am in a long flare up and times when it does wax and wane with a couple of good days in between(yeah!)

    Chills, teeth chatters, tingling in the scalp/back of the neck, feel every beat, adrenaline rush, tachy, dry mouth, pressure in head and behind eyes,can't focus well and then some during a flare. Before a flare I start to feel like I am crawling out of my skin, notice that my hr is going up slowly then the symptoms will start. I can't abort these though I have tried :)

  13. Great post,

    Thankful for a very supportive hubby, always there when I need him by phone, next to me, through all my up and downs(which have been a lot lately)

    My wonderful 3 kids, they keep going when I want to give up

    Great family and friend, though they may not understand what I am going through they would do anything for me.

    For my new friends/family here, on Dinet..I would be less informed, crying all the time and ready to give up..Thank you all...

    For the ability to still see that things could be worse even when I feel I am at my lowest..

    For the good days, even they may be far and few between, I keep hoping and praying for those days to become more frequent and stay!

    Thankful for so much more...!!!

  14. That's a tough one. My hubby always said well isn't it worth the groggy or dopey feeling if it keeps your heart rate down? I usually say, it's a toss up, who wants to go around in a total fog all day or feel like you can't even get up enough energy to get up. I tried toprol, it is possible that I did not take enough, I undermedicated and I had tachy sitting, standing and moving so I went back to atenelol. Even that one, it can keep my hr down a bit but when it starts to wear off I can't get another dose in quick enough. If I take to much I feel dopey and drag myself around.

    I agree with wanting to have at least one functional day, I have 15 people coming for turkey day, and after yesterdays tachy bout I just want to have a semi-decent day. Do I take more med to hopefully squash a flare up or take my chances and stick to a tiny dose?

    Personally, depending upon how I felt, I would wait till Friday.(I am personally going to try Lexapro. I am scared to death of trying but I figure the best day would be Fri.) Just in case you don't feel right on it, you won't have others around, start to feel bad that you don't feel well and worry about what someone else is thinking.

    If you think you will have a better day w/o starting the new med, then I say do what you think is right. Push some extra fluids tonight, rest when you can tom.,sit when you can too. Hope you have a great Turkey day and let us know what you decided to do and how it all went. :)

    BTW, what med did you take that you were allergic too and if you don't mind me asking what kind of reaction did you have?

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