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Posts posted by mom4cem

  1. Sorry to hear about your episoded but what a positive thing to come of it. A clean cat scan, a ER doctor who knows as well as has a spouse with Pots and then for him to know another dr. who understands Pots and has a spouse also with Pots,,wow, what are the odds of just finding someone who knows what the word Pots is let alone all that!

    Hoping this starts off a good relationship with a Dr. for you. Please call him and get this checked out for piece of mind B)

  2. Hi Poohbear,

    (((hugs))) to you. So sorry about your grandpa. Double sorry for the troubles with your family. Just remember your grandfather knew you loved him, understood why you were not physically able to be there but you were there in ways that counted, mentally and spirtually.

    I hope everything goes well with the move and your Van. appointment. Look forward to reading your experiences there :lol:

    Seems like we may be digging a hole to the center of the Earth :lol:

  3. Hi Dizzy,

    I don't really know what to say but I do hope you are feeling better today and I hope you called your dr. and mentioned this to him/her just in case. Did it feel like your heart was racing? Possibly it was too fast and not enough blood was getting to your brain?

    Please let us know how you are doing now.

  4. I was getting my periods off and on every 2 weeks or so, then just some spotting at times. My cycle was and still is not regular. Can't plan sunny vacations on the shore too much in advance. I went on b/c pills to regulate for a few months then I went off. I did fine for a while then it came back. I used progesterone cream, from the vitamin store, it had a certain percentage of natural progesterone in it. Just rubbed it in my palms, arms or abdomen from my 11th day from the first day of period until about the 21-24day then stopped and my period then started. For me it worked. I have been ok for a while again but I still have the cream just in case.

    Not bad enough we have to go through this for once a month for years,,but twice a month,,yuck!


  5. just thought this was weird. Going from usually low b/p or normal and tachy during episodes to having the episode with the usually teeth chattering, pressure building, cold extremeties but no to little tachy but high b/p! As it was my b/p has been strange lately 100/75 or 100/80

    I even checked it out during the course of the episode and it went to 115/91, 110/93 then to 110-115 in the mid 80's. I know they say you don't usually feel symptoms when your b/p goes up but I don't think it takes into consideration us dysautonomic types. I feel crappy. :) I took a beta blocker (1/4) and when it finally took hold my hr dropped even lower but the b/p stayed in the 110's to over 84-88. Who wants to worry about strokes now, not me :) So I have been seeing the trend that the blocker is knocking the pulse but not the b/p much. I can't imagine my dr's reply when I tell him this on Mon. I am headed back there after work to get my test results from echo and stress. To much more beta and I am sure my heartrate will drop waaay to low. The other thing it seems to do now is cut the internal tremor/buzzing feeling and knocks some of the adrenaline down but the rest of it is still gnawing it's way along.

    Why do these darn things have to last so long :lol:

    I leave you now, I think we are going to have to go buy a canoe soon here. This rain has been relentless!

    Thank you all again for listenening to my rants and raves, you all are really great :lol:

  6. Please send her my best :rolleyes:

    It certainly is easy to say but really there is no shame/blame. I hope Morgan, with you and the rest of the family support will get through this. I hate to say I am glad, but relieved that this was actually documented and seen by a dr., not just dismissed and sent home. I am glad that nothing physically serious such as epilepsy turned up. Her plate is full already.

    Wishing you both the best and hopefully we will hear from her soon.

  7. Hi,

    I take klonopin also. I usually take a 1/4 in the p.m, before bed. It is enough to keep me calm, not waking up every hour and when I wake in the a.m. I usually don't have the adrenaline kicking in right away. I have not taken it often during the day because I worry about it knocking me out and can't have that at work while working with kids, I'd wake up and fight myself tied to one of the classroom chairs..lol.

    I hope this is a start for you and that it works. My Dr. that I see in the center in Ala. had told me that one of the generic types of klonopin she found did not work as well as the original. So if you have a generic and you notice it does not work maybe you need the brand. She prescribed me the brand. I can't remember if she said it was the yellow generic or the pink generic one though.


  8. Sorry about your ordeal. It really stinks. Surprised they did not even do an ekg, just to cover their tush. Luckily for me my cardio, though not well versed in dysautonomia, if I have any chest pain or heart issue going on, will tell me to come in or call him. He tells me to avoid the er unless it is an emergency but I should call him first. He worries that since they don't know the things I have gone through, tachy, b/p, etc. that they might dose me up with stuff I can' take and come out worse than before.

    Did you leave a message for your cardio? I don't know if you have a good relationship with him but I would let him know that you were there with pain that has been bothering you for a few days and no one spent anytime even doing vitals for you. I guess they are still not offering basic bedside manner in medical school yet. Whenever there is a budget crisis those classes are the first to go.. :P:)

    Hope you are feeling better. :)

  9. Welcome. You will find great information and great people here. Finding the right doctors and the right medications or things that help you feel better is the never ending quest.

    Asking friends or relatives for a referral might be one way to go or might even help you stay away from certain drs.

    I had trouble in the past with coming of of prednisone. Chills, panic etc. I know I have dysautonomia with lots of different symptoms too.

    Let us know how you do. :)

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