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Everything posted by mom4cem

  1. Oh yes Carolyn. Many times it was the day before my period or, just like this last one, mid-cycle. I came home that night after the er and got a stabbing pain in my right ovary, checked the calendar and I was in mid-cycle,,about day 15,,my cycles can get kooky, short or long. Been to the endocrinologist and supposedly outside of possibly being borderline PCOS even though I don't fit the bill exactly, everything else was normal. Thought about surpressing the cycles for a good long while but that also comes along with a price especially with being, *gulp*, turning 40 this month!....
  2. Sounds like GERD. I burp also, but it is regardles of whether I am hungry, or have just eaten. When I am tachy it is even worse. Water even makes me burp. I currently take Pepcid AC and Nexium.. Guess it helps somewhat. When my stomach is growling, the acid is already churning and then I eat and I still burp and feel full right away,,generally lousy. May be that you need to change how often you eat again. Like add pretzel snacks or saltines throughout the day to quell the acid and to give the stomach something to work on. You can also try Mylanta or gaviscon to coat your esophagus. Bloated stomach can cause it to travel up the back of your throat as well as a weak LES(esophageal sphincter). Try to watch what you eat also. Though fast food when it bothers you, you need it, it may flare up the acid even more. Seeming innocent food can trigger it to happen also. I have not heard of not eating or drinking for an hour after though.(I took prevacid also and had no food time restrictions) I take mine at night before going to bed and the Pepcid ac in the a.m. Hope you are feeling better.
  3. Oh yes. The gel on the pads make me itch every time. I am wearing a 30 day monitor and when I change the pads I scrape or pull of the gel. They still work it is just that there is sooo much gel that I get so itchy and my skin gets raw. Try some calamine or hydrocortisone cream on it.
  4. Sorry you were there last night. At least you they treated you well with fluids etc. Quite possible you have a uti or kidney infection going on and your body was/is trying to fight it off. Can't get enough fluids when you have an infection though...seems to be the case. Infections can cause strange symptom in a normal body let alone a dysautonomic one. Glad your b/p and heartrate were not bad that is a plus. If I did not have my own water with me when I was in the er, I'd had nothing! The only liquid they gave me was the water to take two giant potassium pills with! No iv no nothing. Hope you are feeling a bit better now. Can you take that male nurse home with ya
  5. Thanks all. It really does help to know I am not alone. Good thing is my Dr. says I am not a candidate for ablation since sinus tachy really can not be helped that way without potentially causing other problems. The fear of another sustained attack is what is scaring me again. Guess I'll have to learn how to ride them out at home. That's what he wants me to do as long as he o.k.'s it. Thanks again. I hate that others share in the misery, but it is nice to be understood.
  6. Hi, I can't offer any explanation. I can say that my other labs after a 24hr urine came back normal except for the normetanephrine levels. They were not extremely high, but they were over the lab values. I was told everything was normal.
  7. How long have any of you stayed in a tachy episode? Find anything to help relieve it if the meds don't? I thought I would never go, but last night I went to the er. I was out walking early in the evening with the kids. Pushing one in the stroller. It was warm but I was drinking my water and propel. We came back and then i did about 10 jump rope jumps then gave up. I went in for dinner(hindsight probably should not have eaten right away) and as I was sitting at the table I could tell my heartrate was still high. It was about 93..'.it would not go down even after several minutes. I knew something was up. It should come down faster after exercising then that. Then it started to go up and up. I took a reading with the even monitor and sent them over. I ranged about 120. All of a sudden I felt it go even faster. I clocked it with my wrist monitor and it was 160. .I freaked, naturally, started to feel lightheaded and told my hubby let's go. I could feel the adrenaline pouring. Got Grandma to watch the kids. By the time I go there the triage nurse clocked me at 135. They put back and I lay around for a while till I got an ekg. My rate hovered at 120-125..that is where it stayed from about 730 until 1030 even after they gave me a 1/4 of atenelol. No fluids though,,guessing since my b/p was not off the charts according to them. Of course they drew blood and told me my potassium was low and gave me potassium. They called my dr and they went over my ekg and let me go. My rate by then was about 100-105. Finally it went to about 89 but needless to say I am waiting for it to go up again. I am depressed that this has happened. They told me it was sinus tachycardia and they don't know why it happens. I guess it could be worse but I had not had it last that long so that concerned me. When my hubby spk with my dr. he was upset that I could not reach him. He would have wanted to see what the readings that I sent over were and he would tell me whether to go the er or not. I could not wait. He's good to me, he does not want me to go the er and be pumped full of drugs when they don't know my history and how I react to things.. My chest hurts from all the heart banging stuff and I am wiped from the adrenaline. I was surprised they did not tell me it was anxiety. I asked in the er if low potassium could cause this and she said no. I somehow remember that low potassium can cause arrhythmias. I don't know whether the potassium is low prior to the episode or goes low during the episode. The chicken or the egg things. Meanwhile, my hubby, god love him, sits there reading a book and says I know you are fine, he was not nervous one bit! He is soooo the opposite of me. Sleeping was non-existent. Whenever I would finally fall asleep I would be jolted awake by my heart,,only from 70-80's or 90's but pesky nonetheless. I must have taken 50mg of beta blocker w/o much relief. That nagging fear that things are getting worse as I get older is getting to me again. I thought I was doing well for a while. HR in the 70's lately and no higher than 120 and now..boom! What a setback this is going to be. I'm afraid the fear of having another long standing bout of tachy will keep me from doing things. Even the simple things. Saw my cardio and he verified that is was sinus tachy and could have been brought on by a number of factors, heat, dehydration,potassium, or just plain neurochemical. So he told me to keep up w/gatorade and water and up the beta's if and when I need it and stay out of the er until I speak to him first. I just can't imagine dealing with tachy for hours again at home. Thanks for listening to the long, drawn out ER story. Now, finally I am back in the 70's I'm pooped and want to get some rest. Hoping the sandman finds me tonight. Hoping you all are taking care in this heat
  8. It takes courage whether ill or not and I have great respect for all who do and for all those who help any which way they can. It is super that you met the person you want to be with. Destiny
  9. Hi Melissa, I was sorry to read about how you have been feeling but happy to hear from you. You have helped me in the past, I wish I could do the same. Please know that I keep you in my thoughts and wish you only the best. I look forward to reading more from you. You are super
  10. I am not what they consider a typical PCOS type. I went to an endocrinologist to check if there were any other reasons why my heartrate was high plus I was starting to worry about having a five o'clock shadow soon.. as well as hair just where you do not want it to be...sigh.... and acne. Sometimes better sometimes worse. I had an ultrasound prior to my visit for a different reason and it showed a cyst of some sort on one and a paraovarian on the other. When I got my blood results she told me it was suggestive of pcos though I did not fit the typical profile with my weight. She did say that some do well on a low carb diet plan. I have not done anything different nor taken any meds. I have to go back every 3mths for blood. Whether I really have it or not, I am not sure but I do fit many of the symptoms.
  11. Hi, I would watch for a possible rebound effect from stopping the beta. Not to scare you but just so you are not totally caught off guard. I don't know how long you have been on the Toprol either. I've had that happen and it can last a few days before your body gets back to normal. Keep up the fluids too. Hopefully the midodrine will balance that out. Since I started taking potassium-at least I think it is from that- my heartrate sits in the 70's sometimes 60's. I get nervous about taking my betablocker for fear it will get even lower, but I don't want to stop either for the days it does go back up. I hope this keeps working for you.
  12. Hi, I take atenelol. It helps to take a little bit of the feelings of the rush off but I still feel them. I have not yet found a ssri that I can take w/o nasty side effects that I could not deal with. Speak with your Dr. It really is trial and error with the meds.
  13. Mornings are bad for me also. As soon as I open my eyes my heartrate jumps up. I try to down some water or propel before I get up and make a go of things. Showers are horrible, my rate jumps in there no matter what time of day. The shakes and jitters are always there in the a.m. and resting heartrate is usually in the 80's or 90's of forget about getting up and moving. I usually do my best in the late afternoon and early evening.
  14. Mine is all over the place even while on meds. Do you take your b/p routinely? Take it sitting or lying down? My readings have been while I am sitting. Even during a tachy episode I take it while sitting. Just curious
  15. Janet, Funny you should bring this up. A friend from another site had given me a number of a Dr. in PA who had this ANS machine. I called the office and they sent me a brochure on the ANSAR. This was just about 3 weeks ago. This particular dr. is not a cardio, a primary physcian I believe.
  16. Oh yes. I just don't know how to describe it
  17. I take the same. Zyrtec and singulair and nose spray. This season seems to particulary bad and the meds are really not doing much
  18. Glad you were out and about. You are going to terrorize the roads!!! You go!
  19. Hi, Does anyone that has seasonal or year round allergies notice that it makes their symptoms worse? I am finding that my chest is tight and I can not breathe through my nose at all. The goosebumps and chills re constant and the sweating at night. I have to take a singulair to feel some releif with the chest and that can only be taken once a day so by the time 12 or so hours goes by it is starting to come back. I've been told I do not have true asthma though they say I could just be hypersensitive to the allergens and it causes some inflammation.Hmm, hypersensitve why did I not think of that..lol. Like in my previous post, lately my heartrate has been in the 70s sitting.(for about a week 1/2). Getting up it shoots to about 105. If my heartrate happens to be higher say, 80's or low 90's it shoots to 120's standing. No b/p drop though. I hate to take the beta blocker because then when it kicks in and I am sitting it feels too slow and it is so blunted that any little adrenaline that kicks in from excitement or watching a movie it causes a palpitation. Trading off one for another really stinks. But if I don't take the beta blocker who knows what will happen next. No happy medium. Wishing you all a great day. It is beautiful here in NY.
  20. I don't really have much to offer but I do feel badly about how you are feeling and the situation you are in. I have heard the portable ones are nice. Guess you have to have someone who is knowledgeable on the right one to buy. I don't know anything about housing so I can't offer help there. I am sure you are keeping it documented on how and when you have called etc. Please don't go under the blankets, it is way to warm under there (a poor attempt at being funny) I really wish I could offer you some ideas. I hope you can get this resolved soon.
  21. Thanks for responding. Well I am off the potassium now, my dr. only gave me a script for 30days and I had blood tests done today to check the level. So I guess I will see if it was the potassium. I am sure I will know in a few days.
  22. I go through days and weeks with daily shivers. It's warm outside and I still shiver and my teeth chatter too!
  23. Hi, When I was about 24-25 I had to go for a bone scan. The results were good from the standpoint that they did not find anything bad but they told me and showed me all the areas where I had the beginnings of arthritis. Neck, ankles,knees,hips,shoulders,neck and even on my clavicle. The dr. told me that it is not uncommon to see the beginnings of arthritis in a person in their 20s.
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