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Everything posted by MikeO

  1. @MarcoS108Not sure about your system. All i can say is when my digestive system shuts down either while in a flare or otherwise eating is the last thing you want to do. Large meals also cause issues like low blood pressure, nausea and feeling full and bloated for a day or two. What i eat also makes a difference personally i would rather eat a small meal that does not make me feel sick than one that makes me have to take some down time to get over it.. Saying the above some folks that eat a small amount end up being in pain. Sure that would cause some fear of food as well as loss of weight
  2. OMG @Pistol i thought i was a lonely grazer in a field of dysautonomia . The smaller meals do help.
  3. Well starting to think that eating gets my BP down. Just not the fix i am looking forward to doing.
  4. Well i can tell you that i do not like eating generally don't do well with it. It is said that folks with dysautonomia also develop IBS. I know when i have a flare or not i may not eat for two days. And yes i do fear eating eating but i know i need to. What has helped is playing around with foods that i can tolerate, takes time to figure this out. I am still working on it. Rumour is to eat soft foods that are easy to digest and more smaller portions i.e...5 small meals instead of 2 or 3 larger ones.
  5. @CallieAndToby22 @Pistol Now you two have me Hungry. Any particular yogurt better than other? I did try some Greek stuff seemed like dy sour cream.
  6. I took my PT's advice yesterday and applied some heat to the back of my neck. Surprisingly made a difference in how it feels.
  7. Thanks! Yes i have noticed that i do better with eating protein.
  8. no just no i do not want any more symptoms.
  9. This is a deja vu post. I was in with my PT today and she brought this up, Her son runs the air conditioner while he is sleeping and me, I just suffer thru it.
  10. Anyone have anything to add to this? I have seen this before with me and happens when i have a bad flare or reaction to a new med.
  11. Found this thread interesting. I just messaged my Cardiologist with my latest BP's as i am well over goal while i am up and about. Spikes have been High 180/115. Not sure what he is going to do as i can not tolerate the usual antihypertensive drugs
  12. Oh but it is. the grass seed the gas company guy thru down grew but not Mikes. it sprouted then proceeded to die. I just don't have the green thumb. I do have to say my apple tree is doing good but then i did not plant that as well Lol
  13. Bonnie Raitt& John Prine - Angel From Montgomery
  14. I know we do what we can to make us happy. Music helps. Not sure about plants I can't seem to even get grass to grow Lol
  15. @CallieAndToby22Nice photos made my morning. Before i started getting really sick i was a bit of a shutterbug as well.
  16. Well had some bad news to day but coat hanger effect seems to be associated with dysautonomia I was hoping to validate this.
  17. Well i do not have a dog but this is my bird with the sitter while i had my 4x cabg. the two hit it off.
  18. Hey @Jyotiyes i do the unconscious countermeasures and may be what bothers me .i know when i am standing i am either crossing my legs or doing the potty dance (Haha). What i am told is the muscle pain is due to the lack of blood flow. My understanding that the coat hanger pain is for the same reason (lack of blood flow) but, studies have shown other issues have been reported while in the supine position this is why i am asking.
  19. Well my PT gal picked up on the tightness or muscle spasms. Very specific base of the skull, sides of the neck and shoulders. Sure i have dealt with this for a number of years just did not realize it. I do yuk if it gets out of control. As to my butt cheeks and calfs all i no is that my PVD doc says i should not be feeling this due to vascular disease
  20. No i have not. The Mestinton i am now taking does help with fatigue and some of the weakness but not the general ill feeling and if i miss a dose i do feel it so i know it is working. I also heard it helps with REM sleep if you take it before bed but i have not tried this yet.
  21. I have struggled with this as well with my DR's. usually they would start trying to push anti-depressants. I have gained some ground since being treated at the faint and fall clinic i am at now. My GP does get what a NS dysfunction is he just has no idea how to treat or recognize it. Some of the nurses i see also get it and will give you some hope that you will have some good day's.
  22. I do not know what Medications you are taking but, have you or your Doctor considered a possible side effect?
  23. Hi, Does anyone get the suboccipital/paracervical 'coat-hanger' neck pain that is cited in some of the autonomic failure literature and describe what if feels like? Also are other postural muscle pains common in dysautonomia (buttocks, calfs)
  24. @sitcedarThanks. so not a lot of foods i can handle but this one works Just have to keep the portions down. (carrots, rice and fish)
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