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Everything posted by Kimberley

  1. Hello everyone, I know it has been a long time since I've been on. I was really dizzy, and bad headaches with my pots. Oh and Really tired. My Neroligist suggested Botox. I had it done. He injected my upper back muscles, Back of neck, and even did my forehead last. I got this approved on my insurance. Has anyone had this done? It really helped with my Dizziness!!!! My headaches have eased up to. And I must say I love the look of my forehead. Hey at least I can get Something good out of all of this. Hope to hear from someone. Happy Easter.:)
  2. Actually, Slim Fast makes a Soy Protein Mix, You do not have to mix with milk, Water and Ice. It is very good in Mocha.
  3. Hello, Has any one ever had IV Hydration therapy? Dr. Stillman ( My Doctor for Pots) wants me to do that. Anyones help with this would be great:) Kimberley
  4. Hello, Yes I go to the Cleveland Clinic. Get in touch with the Nerology Department and Ask to see Dr. Stillman. He was the only one to figure me out. He is very nice. I'm glad I found him.
  5. Hello everyone. I had really bad chest pains, (Like worse than my noranl ones) So I ended up in the Hospital. Of course they find nothing. So a few days after that one morning I forgot to take by Beta Blocker Nadolol. Well I actually felt better that day. I mean not perfect but better. I called my Doc. They said OK you can stop if anything comes up call us. So Now my Ankles hurt They do not look swollen but have that brused feeling. I'm really sick of Medicine!!!!! Does anyone have sore ankles??????
  6. Hello I see Dr. Fouad What happend? I also see Dr. Stillman do you see him also? Thanks Kimberley
  7. I had a Tilt Table Test also. I only lasted 4 minutes also and I got very upset before I passed out Like very scared as if I was going through all the motions, Like feeling like you are going to die, everything shuts down. I was told some people just pass out quick and other people (like me) feel the whole thing comming on. I would NEVER want to do that test again!! But it did confirm that I had Pots. Kimberley
  8. Thank you All very much for your thoughts on this subject!!! I thank God for this Site!!! sometimes I think I'm going insane. Atleast we have each other to talk to:) Kimberley
  9. Hello everyone. Just wondering if anyone else gets this..... When I have my arms down, just like a normal person my hands start to hurt, when I look at them my veins are Huge!! and hurts. I end up lifting my hands up in the air and it goes away for a while. I called my Doctor and they say that is normal. How strange is that. Oh, it happens to my feet to. I just notice my hands more. Does anyone else get this??? Thanks Kimberley
  10. Hello, Dr. Stillman is a Neroloigist and Dr. Fouad is a Cardilogist. Sorry about that. Kimberley
  11. Hello, I 'm from cleveland also. I go to the Cleveland Clinic. I see Dr. Fouad and Dr. Stillman.
  12. Oh yea, I would have to stop watching the TV because there was to much movement in the scenes. Again, I get dizzy alot just like my chest pains.
  13. Hello, I had something scary happen to me yesturday, about 3/4 through my day Both of my arms got very weak and it seemed like it was impossible to lift them up at all. As if there were weights on them. I just went home and slept. I remember that morning before I left the house my husband said I looked white as a gost. Has anyone been through this? Thanks Kimberley
  14. Hello, Well what's interesting is that my Doctor's Assistant has POTS herself. She told me she used to be really bad but now is alot better. She is the ine who looked at my chart to see if infact they did every test for me before January (you know the deductable) . I even remember the Tilt table test, has anyone lasted 4 minutes like I did? Thanks Kimberley
  15. Hello, Has anyone been told from thier Doctor that they had Full Blown Pots Befo re? Just wondering. I mean I feel like it could not get any worse than this. It's wierd, like you almost have to pretend as much as you can that your OK when your not to keep going. Boy if people only knew!!! Thanks Kimberley
  16. Hello Nicole I've been on Effexor since April. I take 150mg. every day in the morning. I tried Celexa, prozac and I was wiped out. I mean Effexor is supposed to give you more daytime energy, but I have FULL BLOWN POTS as my Doc says so its hard for me to tell. But I do know the Effexor is better for me than the others. Hope this helps. Oh, and chances are you will not be Hungry and you will loose weight. Kimberley
  17. Hello, I get chest pains all the time for as long as I can remember. I always thought everyone got chest pains once in a while. I get them almost every day. On one side one day and the other side the next day, I'm so used to having them. It scares me sometimes, but I just keep on going.
  18. Hello, has anyone experienced heavy feeling arms and legs in the morning? I feel like someone is holding me down and it is very hard to get up. And my arms and legs sort of ache also. Please excuse my spelling. Thank you.
  19. Hello Stacy, YES, I get tired ALOT!!!. It started befor I was even Diagnosed with Pots. To get out of bed before noon is a challange for me. My arms and legs are very heavy when I'm in bed then when I get up I'm still tired all day. I'ts been happening for so long I'm used to it. My Doctor asked me if I feel refreshed when I wake in the morning, I said Are you Kidding me!!! Kimberley
  20. Hello Everyone. I'm new to the Forums. I've been looking at the posts alot since August when I was told I had POTS. Seems Helpful But I do Have some Questions. Hope someone can help. I've been sick off and on for about as long as I can remember. I always went to the doctor and was told I had the Flu, Sinus infection. sometimes sent home with anitbiotics and that's it. It seemed like I was always comming down with the flu ALOT I thought. A little over a year ago I almost passed out twice in one day. I did not go to the Hospital, just home to bed, was very extremley Dizzy and nauseated and had a headache that could kill a moose. So a week later I went to My family Doctor. I was told this was vertigo, probally left over from a viral infection so I was sent home, The next week Still VERY SICK went back to the Doctor They ordered a brain scan, Came back OK, sent me to a Nerologist Seen Him for Migraine. I explained to him that It is the Dizziness and Nausea that start first tham after a while I get a Headache too. So I did not feel it was just a Headache. So I get sent for lots of tests Hearing Sight, they came out OK. Then Went for a Tilt Test I only Lasted 4 minutes. They could not do a second part of the test because right before I passed out I got very upset and Loud, I was scared I felt myself shutting down, Could not breathe, Felt like I was going to die. So they stopped the test I guess right when I passed out. I remember waking up all sweaty and cold, Here is what they say EKG showed Sinus Arrythmia, What is that? I tolerated 70 degrees tilt for only 4 minutes, Flattening of T durning Hut, What's that? Then they did a Blood Volume Test They say I have Postural Venous Pooling, Probably normal autonomic reflexes. They have me on Lopressor and on effexor. Is this a Heart Problem or a Circulation Problem? Also, Can I get a Stroke from this also? Thanks.
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