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Posts posted by artluvr09

  1. Katybug the clicking sensation I do feel but that isn't what happens when I talk loud or sing. Its more like an echoing vibration like Krista3 said. It is so confusing! I have a doctors appointment thursday with my new doctor. i just ended with my pediatrician they kept me longer than they usually keep people since my health problems are so complexed. So I will let my new doctor know what is happening and hopefully we can figure it out!

  2. Thanks guys! I think I drank too much lemon water that day. I had half of a half gallon of lemon water the day before and the rest that day so i had a half gallon of lemon water in two days. I think that is what caused my heartburn and stomach issues which probably made me dehyrated which probably caused the dizziness. I am not going to have lemon water again! I felt much better the next day

  3. Not feeling well at all today. Started with feeling hot in my face and cold rest of body before lunch. Then after lunch I started feeling weird like hungry an hour and a half after i ate which i never do i can usually wait until 3pm when i have my snack. So i had a snack at 130 even though i had lunch at 12 then I got heart burn and a weird stomach. Stomach pain in my lower left abdomen and having stomach issues a few times. not nausea though thank goodness. And I have been really woozy since like 3 pm or earlier. and the dizziness gets worse. whenever i turn my head i get a woozy sensation like I'm on a boat. I hope its not low bp because i take atenolol twice a day and my bp runs around90s/60s and i hope it won't go lower after the second dose i just took. i can't skip it because i am not supposed to. can gerd cause dizziness and stomach issues? I hope its nothing too bad. I just want to feel better! what helps with the dizziness? when i turn my head i get dizzy. even sitting still watching tv i get dizzy. i never feel this bad!

  4. I made lemon water yesterday and today because I want to try not to drink so much g2 because of the artificial flavors. Except I noticed the lemon water makes me pee more! Sorry for the tmi lol. I was wondering is it good or bad? Because i don't want to flush out the electrolytes i need from my body. Anyone know of an all natural electrolyte drink recipe?

  5. For some reason I have been very agitated all day today for no reason! I hope this doesn't mean I am going to get a migraine in a couple days because sometimes i get this way a couple day s before one. I am just highly agitated all day and snapping at people which i don't mean too and feel bad about it. i keep trying to relax but nothing helps.

  6. Does anyone know of a blonde hair color that doesn't smell so strong? I get migraines and I have a very sensitive sense of smell. i have never colored my hair because the smell bothers me so. I did get pink highlights once and the smell was terrible and i never want to do it again. I want to get ombre hair. My grandma tried using the kaleidacolors powder lightener that smells fruity more than chemically and has only a slight smell but it did not come out as light has i'd hoped. I do want to know if there is any blonde hair color that doesn't reek of chemicals that would work for ombre color. I hate having migraines.

  7. I get episodes where I get anxious and agitated for no reason at all and I get shortness of breath then shakiness. Sometimes I get these spells two or more days before a migraine. I get bad anxiety before a migraine hits. Also years ago when i used to have hypoglycemia i got similar spells. maybe she could try drinking orange juice next time and see if it helps.

  8. That is exactly how i feel! I think it might have been because i was going to get a migraine. I usually get pro dome symptoms a day or two before a migraine. I didn't realize it though. I got a migraine today and it was horrible. My eyes got blurry i couldn't see at all kept seeing weird squiggly bubble floaters and feeling like passing out. My left hand went numb and the left side of my face went numb. Then i got pain on t he right side of my head and behind the right side of my head.I feel better though and it didn't last. I am glad i had a migraine today so hopefully i won't get one for a mother couple months and i hope i won't get one again when i am visiting family for easter. Has anyone had weird symptoms a day or two before a migraine? I usually get anxious or irritable a couple days before and this time i had a weird taste in my mouth yesterday and the day before. Migraines are scary and strange.

  9. Last night was really strange. I had trouble sleeping. I think i finally fell asleep around 12 am but then kind of woke up around 1 am. Then when i fell back asleep around 1 am. Everytime i went to fall asleep i felt like i had trouble breathing. When I fell back asleep around 1 am I had a nightmare. In my nightmare I couldn't speak and felt like i couldn't breathe. In my nightmare I tried to yell for my mom to say i needed to go to the hospital but i nothing would come out. Then I woke up suddenly having trouble breathing, feeling really disoriented, had trouble writing, ( I was trying to write my symptoms down) couldn't think straight and had trouble waking up fully. I was freaked out. I felt like I was in the dream still but i wasn't. I went downstairs had a banana then tried to calm down. Went back upstairs opened my window because i was hot and clammy and read a little bit to try to calm down. Finally fell back to sleep around 2 am. Then this morning I woke up at 8:30 am. Got up had breakfast but still feeling weak. My resting hr was 111. I got a shower hoping that would snap me out of it and had a warm shower but at the end i drenched myself in a quick cold water to try to wake up but it didn't help much. I still feel weird. I am weak, and still feel kind of like i am in a dream. I don't know what this is and its scary. I just want it to go away and get back to normal. Has anyone else experienced this? What can i do to snap out of it? I hate this feeling it scares me. It doesn't help that it is dreary outside. How do i stop the feeling like i am still in a dream? I mean i know i am not. I hope i don't sound crazy lol. Also my legs ache today probably from the rain.

    I hope this passes. I have easter plans and I don't want to feel like crud when we visit family.

  10. Thanks! tips would be awesome! Also has anyone noticed they feel worse when its stormy? I haven't felt well today just lightheaded, and brain foggy, and just out of it. I get worse before a storm and my anxiety gets worse as well. The storm is done but i still feel crappy. Plus my parents put the pellet stove back on even though its only 60s outside! Now it is 75 degrees indoors which is making me miserable and they won't turn it off because its supposed to get back in the 30s on saturday. I can't wait until it gets warm enough to put air conditioners in here. I hate our pellet stove.

  11. Exactly! I can't seem to find what triggers me to feel like this either! Like this morning I woke up not feeling well. Just weak, lightheaded can't think straight fast heart beat and palpitations and hot. And a new symptom blurred vision! Like its fine when i'm not trying to read or look at my computer screens like now my vision is blurred which bothers me because all i do all day is my computer. And the worst part is i don't handle heat well either and its 74 degrees indoors because my mom still has the pellet stove on and hasn't turned it off :(.

  12. The past couple weeks my brain fog has been bad. It keeps getting worse. I don't know if it has anything to do with the time change even though it has been a while since. Or that the weather is all wacky. It was nice earlier this week. Then today we had a freezing rain advisory and rain and 49 degrees. Tomorrow its going to be 70 and thunderstorms. Then Friday back to 50 and Saturday back to 37. Then next week back up in 50s! I don't know if the weather is playing havoc with my brain fog.

    Sometimes I wake up in the morning not feeling well. Fast heart rate, weak lightheaded clammy and shaky. I don't know what makes me feel like that. Its frustrating. i just don't have energy lately. I haven't gone to my life group at church or my adult autism group. I haven't even been exercising much at all. Any tips on how to get energy back? I want to be able to do stuff with friends. What foods are best and worst for energy?

  13. I agree with TwynnB. Therapy dogs would be a great option! They should be trained by the time you get them. I don't know much about therapy dogs but i love them! I went to a boarding school for kids with learning disabilities because I have high functioning autism and they had a therapy dog club where they brought a bunch to the gym and it was so fun! Therapy dogs can be trained to do all sorts of things! They have some trained to detect migraines, low blood sugar, and they train dogs to help pick stuff up for you. I am also in an adult group for autistic adults since i am out of school i am now 23 and we get togther once a month to discuss what activities to do like dinner or bowling and we had a person from place where they train therapy dogs and it was really cool. They brought the dog and showed us different stuff it could do like turn on a light switch. They even had an easy button that the dog pushes to let her know it wants a treat lol.

    I have two little dogs. They aren't therapy dogs but they are so sweet! I have a Bichon who is now 14 and a Maltese who is maybe around 7. We do not know her exact age because she is a rescue. I live at home so my parents take care of them as well. My job is to feed them and take them outside to go potty which is a couple times a day. I tried helping out my parents once by bathing them and I do not want to do that again it was hard work.. I love having them here. When i stay with my grandma once a month i talk to them on the phone and my bichon talks back lol. she barks into the phone.

  14. I have terrible heat intolerance! I get so lightheaded, woozy and not feel well when I am hot. Both seasons are terrible for me because during winter a lot of places have the heat on and it gets way too hot indoors. Then during summer it is way too hot outside! Some ideas to keep cool could be: spray misting fan, other fans, wet a tshirt wring it out and put it on, wet a towel and put it around your neck, use ice packs, get a cooling pillow. Night time is the most terrible for me in the winter. I like to have it around 69s to be comfortable. My parents keep the house around 73 74 and i'm terribly hot in that temp. I take a cold wet washcloth and put it on my pillow and take a frozen water bottle out of the freezer and sleep with it. Don't do the washcloth on pillow if you don't want your pillow to get wet. I just get so hot i don't care how i cool off. I hope this helps!

  15. Exactly! Winter is great but the indoor heat is miserable! All week it has been nice out and I haven't been feeling well because of the season change. Then something weird happened yesterday was the first day of spring and it snowed! The weird part is when it snowed I felt a lot better than i did the rest of the week. Then today is nice again and I don't feel great again. I mean once I get used to the seasons change i will start to feel better well except for the heat but i won't feel as bad.

  16. I am entering a sweepstakes to win the Polar Sports Watch M400 with heart rate sensor. Does anyone use this model or anyone close to it? How accurate is it? Is it better than a fitbit? I saved up and am waiting to buy a fitbit charge hr plum color but if i win this then I will not need to buy the fitbit. The polar m400 says it has a gps built in. Does that mean it will tell me how to get places? I want to be able to walk but i have no sense of direction. The only thing i don't care for is it has a heart sensor strap. I like the wrist based hr but hey if i win it I will use it :).

  17. I noticed that different times when I bend down to pick up something or bend over and come back up I get woozy and I feel like i'm swaying. Also I hear a whooshing noise and feeling in my left ear when that happens too. Or i get the whooshing noise in my left ear randomly. Today though i am more woozy than usual when bending over to pet dogs or just bending to grab something. Has anyone else experienced this? Plus i have no idea what the whooshing sensation in my ear is! It is so frustrating when I am at the beach and want to pick up sea shells but the bending up and down make me so lightheaded!

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