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Posts posted by artluvr09

  1. I had a terrible migraine today. It was one of the worst ones I had. I was fine when I woke up except for random crankiness which was probably a before effect of the migraine. I went to church. My stomach started feeling odd not bad just a sour stomach. then I ate lunch and after lunch I was doing the dishes and I usually like to sing when I do the dishes to pass the time and I started noticing something odd that I started not to think right. I couldn't remember the lyrics of the songs I know them to and I started getting slurred speech. After a little while of slurred speech and not thinking right I then tried to type on the computer but it came out in gibberish because my brain wouldn't cooperate. I knew what I wanted to type but my hands wouldn't type what I wanted then I kept misspelling words and not using the right ones my brain was jumbled it was like I was losing my mind. If that aint scary enough then the right side of my face goes numb and my right hand. Then I got lightheaded and couldn't see straight and couldn't read. The aurora's lasted for like an hour then they went away and then comes the headache part. My head hurt like crazy and I was so nausceous! That lasted about two hours. It finally went away and I am so relieved. Now I am just worn out tired from that. Does anyone get weird migraines like this? What do you do to help your migraines?

  2. It started yesterday. brain fog, weak, tired, hot. Today I feel worse. really brain fog. hot weak clammy, stomach issues, and trouble thinking clearly. Im hot than cold and very tired all day . I feel like I didn't get any sleep but I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 8 so I had 8 hrs. I also feel like this whole day didn't happen like it went by in a blur and I am just out of whack right now. I just keep feeling worse. Has anyone else felt like this? Has any one felt like the day just went by in a blur then at night u feel like it didn't happen? its a weird feeling. I hate feeling like this. its a little nerve wracking.

  3. When I first started working out I would get lightheaded, weak,, hot, my hands would get red and hot and a little puffy, and I would get anxiety as well. I would feel like that the rest of the day! Now I make sure I do light exercises. A good exercise is walk a mile with leslie sansone. you can look it up on youtube. and take frequent breaks if needed.

  4. I used to have hypoglycemia. It has been almost a year without having hypoglycemia anymore!! I never had hypoglycemia problems until in middle school when I was put on celexa for my anxiety. well right after the medication I started getting hypoglycemia. We didntt connect the two until last yr. I went off the med and my anxiety has been better and my blood sugar is back to normal. I do have some tips for you. My doctor told me to avoid blood sugar crashes to always have protein and a certain amount of carbs. I always like to make sure my snack or meal was 15 grams of carbs or more but not really more than 40 because if you have a lot of carbs it could crash. also right before bed a good idea is maybe have a high fiber protein snack like an apple and glass of milk so the sugar wont crash at night. my grandma watched dr oz and he said an apple or a glass of milk b4 bed will help prevent blood sugar crashes at night.

  5. I think maybe some can have an adverse reaction and make symptoms worse. My experience while on 40 miligrams of celexa was not that great. I suffer from anxiety so my doctor prescribed celexa. I was on it for a couple years and have been off it now for about a little emore than a year. The celexa seemed to make my anxiety and moodiness worse. It also gave me hypoglycemia. I never had hypoglycemia but I got it right after starting the medication. Also I was dizzy a lot more than I am now without it. I was never able to lay flat on my back or I would get dizzy. I also know someone with the same medication and same dosing that I was on and they had hypoglycemia. Ever since going off celexa my anxiety is getting better and I don't have hypoglycemia anymore. I still get moody at times. I also avoid nitrates or foods with lots of preservatives because they make me really moody. I also try to avoid foods with a lot of sugar. I hope you feel better soon!!

  6. Has anyone experienced these type of dreams? I woke up at 4 to come to my grandmas. Then I went back to sleep for an hour. But within that hour I had a weird dream that I knew I was dreaming and kept trying to wake myself up. in my dream when I would wake up I would think I was awake but I was still in my dream. it sounds really weird and it was. I hope it makes sense. but this morning when I really woke up I felt disoriented, weak, shaky and just not feeling right This whole day I felt off. I still feel a little disoriented still now. I never had that type of dream before that I knew I was dreaming while I was in the dream. I hate feeling like this. I don't know if it was from that weird dream or not. I really hope I don't have that kind of dream tonight. I have been out of whack all day. anyone else ever get this? what helps?

  7. yes! mine gets crazy at times. Like my friend and I were at the dollar general like a month or two ago and I went in to pay for my stuff then I went to put one thing back and almost walked out the store with out the bag of stuff I bought!!! thank goodness the cashier reminded me! I also forget what I was going to say a lot or sometimes I walk into a room to get something and I totally forget why I was there!

  8. It seems here lately I have been having episodes of face flushing Different times I notice my cheeks, nose and ears get burning hot then I start to feel hot and light headed. sometimes I am not even hot before the flushing spell!! It always starts out as really red and hot on my cheeks and nose then the rest of me feels hot and I get lightheaded. I don't know what causes it! Have any of you had this? if so any tips on helping it? I asked my cardiologist today and they said they didn't know! well it was the assistant that saw me but still!

  9. Have you tried eating something salty when your blood pressure is low? I get where I stand up and hear a whoosing sound in my left ear and get lightheaded. When I get lightheaded and almost seasick feeling I eat a small amount of something salty whether its a couple chips, pretzels, bugles it helps. Make sure your hydrated as well!!! have you thought of drinking Gatorade? I drink Gatorade for the electrolytes and it helps the dizziness some. Hope you feel better!!

  10. This past week or two I have been lightheaded a lot. I have been getting blurry vision as well I am not sure if it is with the lightheaded spells or if it is after or without the lightheaded spells. My anxiety has been flared also which is strange I usually don't get anxiety this bad where I just feel restless, and irritable for no reason. Brain fog is bad too my words are starting to get mixed up! Anyone else get this and if so how do you stop the symptoms? I see my doctor not this week but next so I will also tell her but I hope this doesn't stay!

  11. It feels like the past week or so my brain fog is worse. I also have been lightheaded with blurry vision and my anxiety has been worse as well yesterday! I don't know if it is from the seasons changing because fall is coming. My brain fog seems to get worse when summer turns to fall and winter turns to spring. The thing that bothers me most is the brain fog!

    Also last night whenever I tried to fall asleep I felt like I couldn't breath or something it was strange. My anxiety also seems to get worse when the seasons change as well. Do any of you feel like this with seasons changing? Brain fog and anxiety? What do you guys do to help those symptoms?

  12. For a relieve maybe you could try goldbond powder or lotion? I have chilblains and during the winter when it is hot in the house my chilblains make my feet really itchy and the gold bond powder helped. the one I had had like a cooling effect.

  13. Tonight after dinner I started to get an adrenaline rush. like my body feels so ansy and cant relax. It feels ansy for no reason. like I feel agitated anxious for no reason. Its like my insides are all jumpy and want to jump out of my body and run. It is hard to explain. Also tonight is the supermoon and I wanted to get a picture of it sdo I was walking around not stitting down from 7 to 840 until I got a good picture. but still I cant realx. I feel like my insides want to jump out and run and im all hot and sweaty. I just don't feel right. I want to feel relaxed and tired not this weird adrenaline rush. Do you guys get these? What causes these? I don't think it is what I ate. for my 3 o clock snack I had a yopa crunch greek yogurt and a tiny bit of sweet frog frozen yogurt. Then at dinner I had a campbels chunky chicken noodle soup. and now I am having a greek yogurt protein bar. idk what is causing it and idk how I can calm down to relax.

  14. I am so exhausted today. I went to bed around 11:30-12 last night then I woke up at 4:50 to get ready for a rummage sale by my Grandmas. So I only had like 4 to 5 hours of sleep. Usually though i can go through the day just fine but today i am getting worse as the day goes on. I have no energy, really bad brain fog where its hard to comprehend what people are saying like for example i had to have my mom repeat something twice for me to be able to process what she was saying. Also when i am really overtired sometimes when people talk it sounds like they are talking from a distance which is scary. Does anyone else get that? .. The major concern for me is having problems comprehending things and feeling really spaced out. I hate the feeling of losing my mind and not being able to focus clearly. Brain fog is a scary feeling. Does anyone else get like this from lack of sleep? I know i will feel better tomorrow after i get sleep tonight but i would like tips on how to get through the rest of today. I am not allowed to take naps or i wont be able to sleep at night and i can't have caffeine. I tried having an egg omelet for lunch that helped a little bit but now im back to blah.

  15. It's so frustrating!! Swimming is so fun but then after it takes a toll on you!!! Today I had a pool party with a few friends and I went to her house and I went in the pool for like an hour. I didn't swim much just hang out and talk with them and I did do the doggy paddle back and forth in the shallow end because I don't know how to swim lol and we sat around for a hwile after but it was so hot out. I have been feeling blah ever since swimming. Just very very tired and brain fog. I have no energy!! I always get like this after swimming. I even didn't swim as much as I would lhave liked to because I knew on how I would feel after. Any tips on how to swim and not feel blah afterwards?

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