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Posts posted by artluvr09

  1. I know i mentioned this in one of my earlier posts but today is strange! I feel dizzy and woozy after an elevator ride sometimes and sometimes i even feel as if i am still going up and down when i get off. Today at work I used the elevator to bring books upstairs felt a little dizzy but got over it within ten minutes. Usually i overcome the dizzy and seasick head feeling. Thankfully i don't get nauseous! The weird thing is today After i got off the elevator at 1 to go home I actually felt a little car sick as well which i rarely do. Not nauseous just a seasick woozy feeling in head. and here we are 3 hrs later and i still feel motion sickness after the elevator! it has never lasted this long before! Usually just 10 min or less! Any tips on how to stop feeling woozy? What do you guys do for motion sickness?

  2. Thats good to know! It is so frustrating because I always feel hot a lot of the time and when I feel hot I always feel lightheaded and sick.

    Another question does anyone else get sick on elevators? They tend to make me dizzy. When i get off them I feel like i am still going up and down its a weird sensation and I feel dizzy for a little while afterwards. Its strange. I have to use them though at work to bring the shelves of books upstairs.

  3. My first week of work is completed :). I am still a little overwhelmed but things are getting easier. Everyone there is so nice and its a nice atmosphere. So far not too hot :). I had an appointment with my dr today and she is sending me to a dermatologist because I do not sweat. i have never sweat and I am hot most of the time and its strange. Anyone else not sweat?

  4. For some reason today my left ear when i was eating lunch suddenly started popping loud! I never had that before. It just kept popping when i moved my jaw and lasted like 10 minutes. then was fine when i was at work. Then started a little bit after dinner for 5 minutes. It is really strange. Has anyone else got this? I hope this was just a random thing. I will also ask my doctor when i see her friday.

  5. Thanks guys! Today was harder. I had 5 hours instead of 4 and I was still worn out from yesterday. Just standing in the shower this morning my feet hurt! and then i had to come home and unload dishwasher and put in a sink full of dishes! I ache and am weak and lightheaded and just plain tired. Hopefully I will build stamina up. I think I am making a friend though :). I mean I know this is only my second day and hopefully I will get more energy as I get used to it.

  6. I thought I was going in today to do training but they had me work for the first time today. I was surprised. I was hoping to do the training first to get used to it but they had me start shelving until i get trained to use the computers. I didn't expect to jump right in and start shelving. They showed me how shelving worked and everything and I am getting the hang of it. Everyone is really nice. I like it there and we get a 15 minute break. It was muggy in the building because it was hot out but It was cooler in different rooms which was a relief but shelving was done in the muggy room. I mean everyone else probably thought it was comfortable but I like the 69s indoor temperature. Any tips on how to keep energy up? I started getting tired after two hours. My feet hurt and I'm lightheaded from all the bending up and down. any tips on how to avoid getting lightheaded when bending? Also what frustrates me is my parents decide to clean the upstairs bathroom today and I smell the bleach all the way down in the living room. i hope i don't get a migraine. any tips on how to avoid a migraine? Otherwise I think once i get used to the physical activity at the library I will like it :). Eveyrone is so nice and I like the library.

  7. Last week my fitbit charge hr came and i love it! I am wondering if any of you have one and would like to be friends on the dashboard and compete :). I am trying to get motivated to get back into exercising. I got in a bad habit during thanksgiving of not exercising now I am having trouble getting back into exercising because of being tired. So i got the fitbit to hopefully motivate me and would like to add some friends :)

  8. Right now I have bad shortness of breath and shaking. Did my inhaler but it is taking slow to help. can they be slow in helping? i thought it was supposed to relieve asthma right away. Plus my whole right leg keep shaking and now my whole body. My shortness of breath is finally starting to get better but now my whole body is ahaking worse and my anxiety is high. we haven't had a good rain to wash the pollen yet so maybe that is it who knows. usually a cough drop helps but didnt this time. How do i stop shaking? does anyone else get these spells? i don't know what triggered it.Can heartburn worsen asthma ? I don't know what triggered this!

  9. I agree with Goshi. When i was exercising everyday for 30 minutes I felt better. But around thanksgiving I stopped and got into bad habits I still am the same weight but haven't been exercising now i don't have the energy to exercise. I am trying to get my energy back up and i bought a fitbit charge hr and love it. It is hard to get back into exercising because my brain fog is so bad lately and my cardiologist tells me that the more i sit around and do nothing the worse i am going to feel.

  10. I have noticed my vision getting blurrier lately. I have blurry vision and lightheadedness right now. I don't know what is causing the blurry vision. Its like I can see but my eyes won't focus on a object like i tried to kill a mosquito today on the window sill but when it was flying i had trouble focusing on it and i got lightheaded but i did kill it on the first try . Like i have noticed i get worse blurry vision when i am outside and lightheadedness with the blurry vision. I don't know if it is due to allergies since pollen is very high this year or what. but my eyes don't itch. they burn sometimes. I have also noticed when i go outside without sunglasses or even with sunglasses on i see little blue squiggly floaters like its too bright out even on cloudy days.

    I have also noticed that I see a tiny single black floater from time to time. And when I read a book and there is a bright red page i get like double bouncy vision like lightning colored blue bounces off the red. Its really strange.

    does anyone else get this?

    Can being on the computer all day everyday do permanent damage to the eyes? I hope it won't be a permeant thing. and how am i getting lightheadedness with the blurry vision? I hope this goes away soon. It has been like this for a little while but is getting worse now where its hard to function because of feeling crappy.

  11. I got the job!! A couple weeks ago i posted about being nervous about the interview and I did great at the interview. She called me today and said I got the job! I was overly excited and also anxious and I got so hot and clammy lol. How do you guys keep calm on the first day of work? I have never had a job before. When I get excited or anxious its hard to function correctly and I get all hot and feeling blah. When we were on the phone when she called it was hard to think straight! I was overwhelmed with excitement and nervousness. I mean i know I will get over my anxiety and used to working after a week or two. I just hope i can handle it with out getting tongue twisted and messing things up! I am so happy i got this job :). I really like the lady that interviewed me and am excited to work with her :)

  12. This morning started out normal I woke up came downstairs and went to look for something to eat. Then I felt a sharp pain in my lower back and the pain was less than a minute but it was really sharp and my face was clenched in pain. And after the pain let up and i opened my eyes after my face was clenched and my eyes were so blurry and I saw lots of blue dots like i could pass out. I just stood there for a minute and it went away. But it was strange. I am thinking its because when our faces clench its kind of like straining because i was in pain and my cardiologist says i have to avoid straining because its not good for my heart. But it was weird how just less than a minute of straining my face i get really lightheaded. I hope i am making sense.

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