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Posts posted by artluvr09

  1. Today I had a weird heart palpitation. I was just sitting on my bed after dinner playing a game on my tablet and all of a sudden I get a palpitation where it feels like my heart drops real quick and comes back up and it also felt like a butterfly or something. but then after that palpitation 4 really strong slow pounding heart beats beat against my chest like it almost felt like it was going to burst out but it was slow not fast. that was the strangest palpitation I have ever had. Has anyone else gotten one like that? usually it just flutters like a quick drop but this was weird. I have a cardiology appointment on Friday for my usual 6 month check up so I will tell him about it but I want to know if any of you had this weird feeling.

  2. My church that I recently joined had a summer picnic today from 4 to 8 pm. It was all outside. There was a lot of shade though. I was okay for the first hour or so but by 5:30ish I about had enough. I was feeling lightheaded hot and weak. it was only 77 outside. I then started playing some games with people just laid back games ladder ball and bean bag toss. Then I went home at 7 because I was tired. I still feel worn out!!!! I was already really hot then when we came back to the house it is 76 in the kitchen and living room!!! my parents don't want the air on because they don't think its hot. so I am in the basement where it is cooler. I do have a air conditioner in my bedroom which I will use later. I hate being so sensitive to heat!!!! a gropu of my friends are going to a safari wildlife park this Saturday which I really want to go but they are staying for 5 hrs and it is going to be 82 degrees. I don't think I am going to go :/ I wish I wasn't so sensitive!!!!

    On another subject I have my first job interview tomorrow. I am so nervous! I never had a job before and this is my first interview. I have to get up at 4 am to go somewhere before hand but I am working that lack of sleep will wear me down. I always feel sick when I don't get enough sleep. any tips on how to stay awake for all day tomorrow? I am not allowed to take naps because then I wont sleep that night. and I can't have caffeine.

  3. For the vertigo you can try wearing those wrist bands that people wear for motion sickness. I think they are called seabands. its like a pressure point bracelet thing. and to keep cool maybe try putting an ice cube or a cold wet papertowel or washcloths on either your wrists temple or neck. I went to a boarding school and the one staff said putting a cold paper towel or run water on your wrists or put cold washcloth orsomething on your temples and it will cool you off. or if you want to try putting your feet on an icepack that will cool you right off.

  4. Yesterday and Today I had weird unusual heart racing in the morning like it made me feel a little weak it would pound when i would use the stairs and my pulse especially in my neck is really really strong. The pulse in my neck gets so strong you can see it and when i wear a choker (type of necklace) it moves the choker up and down. It's really strange.

  5. For some reason the past couple days I have not been able to see right. Not blurry vision but its like my eyes can't focus right on things. I have been lightheaded as well. I play games and stuff on the computer but I feel like my eyes are all over the place. its hard to explain. I hope I make sense. It is frustrating and I hope this is temporary!

  6. about 2 hours ago around 7ish I got weird pain under my left breast it was a weird achiness. worse when I breathed in. I don't know what it could be. I was playing rokc band drumming but idont think it was that. now I have aching in the upper center of my chest and its wrose when breathing in. its mild but earlier when ihad the pain under my left breast that was a little more painful. don't know what it could be. anyone else get this?

  7. I have heat intolerance as well. I was at church last Sunday and we were in the cafeteria having dinner after the photo scavenger hunt and I was so hot my face was bright red. it was nicea nd cool out but hot in the café. I had to leave and stand outside for a few minutes! Have you ever thought of carrying a portable sprits fan thing? I have a spritzer tha has a battery operated fan on it. also if its that hot I carry around a little portale table fan if you are going to be with power outlets.

  8. I am starting a new cardio routine today usually I would just do low easy wokrouts but I want to lose more weight. I have asthma. But it seems whenever I do cardio like jumping jacks and other stuff my chest burns like a deep burning sensation sometimes like a cold burning. I don't know if its because its a little cold in our house that makes it worse but I don't even go for 4 minutes and it starts to burn and ache. its like in the upper middle of my chest. Is it normal? im still pushing myself to do it but I have to take breaks and it goes away when I stop. does anyone else get this? is it okay to keep exercising?

  9. I was on the computer and all of a sudden my right arm feels really cold. I don't know what it is. I walked around shook my arm for a little but nothing works. my elbow feels the worst its really cold and feels weird. its not cold to the touch though. The weird thing is before that happened I started to feel woozy like im on a boat like seasick feeling in my head and lightheadedness. its really strange. has anyone else expiereinced this?

  10. I went to the family dollar yesterday and they had cooling pillows where you can fill them with water and if u want them cooler put them in the freezer for 15 to 30 minutes. I wanted to get one but mom said she read reviews and said they don't work. What do you guys think? it was a great price too if they work. have any of you tried them? it was only 8 dollars I think!

  11. Im so tired of being tired. I am usually fine and have enough energy to get through the day. But Friday night I did not get to sleep until 3 am. I was thrown off schedule because we had family over in the evening when I usually unwind. Then I felt anxious agitated for no reason and I kept feeling my heart pound in my chest. I slept in until 9 that day but I was still feeling very tired hot and no energy. Then Saturday night I did not get to sleep until 3 am again. I was tossing and turning and was hot and my heart kept pounding. Then sunday night I fell asleep around 11 pm which is my usual time I fall asleep which was good. Then last night which was Monday night I woke up twice feeling like I couldn't breath. it was strange. The second time I couldn't breath I got up and walked around and I guess my nose was clogged but a dry clogged feeling and after I walked around it went away then I fell back asleep. I got sleep so I don't know why I am so exhausted today. It is hard to stay awake and I feel so out of it. Today I had to run errands with my mom and I was so out of it. we were at the dollar store and I started walking out thinking mom was behind me. then when mom ran into the pharmacy I forgot to lock the car doors because I was waiting in the car. I never forget to do t hat. I just feel like im getting more and more tired. what really scared me was waking up twice last night not being able to breath. this is so frustrating.

    Thanks for letting me vent. I am just sick of not having energy.

  12. Yes! For most of my teen years maybe longer I cant remember I walk with a wide gait. I don't know how or why but people say I walk like a penguin. I can't help it it's how I walk. It's embarrassing. and when I have anxiety for some reason my gait gets wider. its embarrassing! I hope you feel better!!!

  13. I was feeling hot from my neck up yesterday but not too bad. it went away quickly. Now today just 30 minutes ago I think I started feeling hot again really hot and was really thirsty. My heart is pounding a little and I just feel like blah. I don't know what Is causing it. I also couldn't sleep last night for some odd reason. I wasn't tired or something. and I could feel my heart beating in my chest and I was hot. I now feel Lightheaded a little shaky. really hot. and thirsty. Idrank a water bottle today andn now I am drinking my Gatorade. I don't know what is causing this. anyone else get this way?

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