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Everything posted by Radha

  1. does anyone know of any medicine for this syndrome other than vitamin C? and does this get better or just stay the same forever? radha
  2. that is a huge huge accomplishment for anyone, but even bigger considerng all the health problems you have, you should be so so proud of yourself, congratulations on your success!! Radha
  3. i also think this is a great topic, too deep a question to answer quickly! yes letting go is so so hard, but a must to just survive and cope, and just accepting what is instead of crying and letting yourself yearn too much for all you cant do or have now, but there is such a fine line between accepting and then not letting yourself become too compliant or losing all will to fight to find something that will make u better, but then again you cant make yourself go crazy trying to find answers to questions that no one has the answers to just yet!! and of course being sick changes you, i too get nervous and scared so easily and my personality has changed in ways i dont like, but i guess we have to be kinder and more compassionate to ourselves instead of beating ourselves up about these inevitable changes, like maybe getting moody or mad quicker. just look at how crazy our bodies are! well i know everyday is a major struggle to just get thru not just physically but mentally, to just keep myself sane and try not to let the wide range of volatile emotions totally take over my life and impact those i love around me, but i know i do feel guilty often, boy, guilt can just about kill u! guilt for depressing family members when you keep telling them how bad u feel all day, and guilt for maybe snapping at them, or expecting too much from them, i hope i added a little something meaningful to this discussion, i know that just living with this uncertainly about when or if you will ever feel better or have any life even close to what you once had is so so hard to deal with, just wondering if you are expecting too much to get your complete former life and wishing for things that will never be. but then you also need to keep some hope too right?? i think i hope i didnt just confuse everyone with my comments! radha
  4. thanks for the links, but i wanted to know what normal values would be after eating, not fasting, does anyone know about those values? and how soon should the blood sugar start dropping after eating? i am not talking about a big meal, or eating a full stomach, radha
  5. if anyone knows anything about this or can recommend a good website or article, please let me know, i was wondering what a person's normal sugar level should be right after eating not a big meal, and then what it should it be maybe about a half hour after eating and not eating meat or something heavy or a full stomach. and what some of your fasting sugar levels are. any info and input would be appreciated, thanks radha
  6. i'm the only lefty in my family and i'm the only one with so many health problems! radha
  7. thanks katherine for letting me know about the medicine, radha
  8. katherine, could u please tell me what ssri u r taking and did it eliminate the hypoglycemic symptoms? and do u think this is related to POTS or could it be diabetec related, although, i have never had high sugar levels, thanks for your help radha
  9. i already avoid caffeine white sugar and simple carbs, and still get this, and it happens right away, not hours later, and it doesnt matter what i eat, just a little amount of food triggers these hypoglycemic symptoms, does anyone have any idea what is causing this to happen and if there is any med to help it? thanks for any help radha
  10. i was just curious about what my sugar was like and i have a monitor at home so decided to test sugar and was very surprised to see that my sugar was lower than what it was before i started eating, when u eat anything isnt the sugar only supposed to go up? please any input would be appreciated, i know low blood volume is a big reason for why eating is such a huge problem for me, but does anyone have any idea what could be reason why sugar is going hypo right after eating such a little amount of food? not hours later.......and does this have anything to do with POTS? radha
  11. for those of you who have had the plasma metanephrine blood test and had it sent it to the mayo clinic, since i heard it is the best place to get most accurate results, by the way, can you have the blood shipped there? well, did the blood test show anything and does it matter when you have the blood drawn, when you are having symptoms, or even when you are feeling ok, not shaky and hyper? i am thinking of having this test done but i will have to do alot of convincing to my doc and then well i dont want another normal result! i am sure you all know what i mean, when you get sick of another dead end! any info would be appreciated, thanks radha
  12. yes i feel like this so so often, more so in the beginning, but after so many years, you develop a certain acceptance and resign yourself to the life you have now or you will just lose your mind! there are no end to the what if's, of course we would rather be doing so many wonderful things than being in bed but it isnt our fault and we didnt do anything to deserve any of this, and for our peace of mind, the best thing we can do is just accept what is instead of wondering and wishing things were different, maybe i am sounding too negative, but this is how i have survived without totally sinking into the deep depths of depression and despair, hope i helped alittle! radha
  13. its actually nice to finally hear someone have the same experience as me!! beta blockers usually always lower bp but the higher my dose the higher my bp gets!! but my heart rate doesnt go up, the betas keep that under control, but my bp used to be around 75/45 and now the more beta i take, its around 100/60, but i still feel as lousy as i did when it was so low, but it would be great to know why the beta is raising the bp, so if you find out, please let me know! wish you the best radha
  14. so sorry to hear about your terrible experience, its bad enough being sick with an unusual illness and then having an idiot of a doctor who makes you feel worse! i really hope you find someone with some compassion and understanding and never never doubt yourself, i have had my share of lousy doctors, hang in there, you deserve so much better, but i know it is not always easy to find a decent doctor, wish you all the best, radha
  15. yes i have all of that and much more, too much to even list, hope you get some relief soon, radha
  16. eating is just a nightmare for me, it triggers so many symptoms, i get terrible adrenaline rushes, get so so hyper, bp drops alot, then get terrible crushing pressure headaches even after just little bit of food. i can only so little and am starving most of the time, i take beta blockers which help to keep the heart palpitations under control, but thats about all they do, after this whole hyper adrenaline episode, and breathing so fast like i am running, then i am just so so exhausted afterwards, its just ****, well sorry i dont have any helpful ideas, but just wanted to say i can definately relate to the troubles of eating! hope your symptoms get better, radha
  17. thanks so much for your info about zoloft, i will look into it, thanks again, radha
  18. i am already taking st. johns wort, but i was looking for something for anxiety, my doc is useless, i have to ask and give him ideas...........thanks radha
  19. i already have a huge problem with adrenalin rushes so i am talking about epinephrine, and i dont want anything that will excite me even more or increase epinephrine which speeds my whole system up, thanks for any help radha
  20. could any of you recommend an anti depressant that would help anxiety and depression without increasing epinephrine, actually i want something to decrease epinephrine, and would not cause alot of weight gain......thanks for any help radha
  21. thanks for you replies, the one thing is i dont have the high blood pressure, but from what i read, you can still have this pheo without the high bp although its rare, and i dont want to go thru repeated tests trying to prove i have this, but i have every other symptom listed, but still i am thinking just forget about it, since it is obviously so hard to prove, thanks again for your input, radha
  22. i am sorry if this question has already been asked, but from what i have been reading about pheo, it sounds exactly like what i go thru every time i eat, but i was wondering how accurate the tests are for this problem and if i was getting tested when i wasnt having an episode then wouldnt the test be normal?? so do i have to get tested while having an episode, which is kind of impossible! any help would be appreciated, thanks alot radha
  23. thanks for all your replies, it is nice to know i am not the only one! take care radha
  24. recently my upper lip has been quivering and shivering, and getting needles in the upper lip too, it is just shaking by itself but it just stops on its own too, i get needles in my hands and feet too when the blood flow changes after eating, could this lip quivering be because of lack of blood going to lip? anyone have ideas what could be causing this? and anyone get this? any input would be appreciated, thanks radha
  25. sorry that you had to get a cold amy, i know firsthand how terrible it is catching anything with already having POTS, even a mild cold makes all the other stuff so much worse, hope you recover soon, and it is such a huge strain mentally when we get these setbacks, maybe try to watch some comedies or read a book about something that might distract you radha
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