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Posts posted by corina

  1. I hope it was just a glitch but if you're seriously worried you may want to call your doctor! I couldn't tolerate Florinef and don't know what is a "normal"(everyone is different so I think there is no normal here!) dosage! Perhaps others can chime in? Hope you'll be on the up soon katcanny!

  2. Hi Momto! Welcome to DINET, I'm glad you found us! Being a mom myself I realize it must be so tough to see your "babies" struggle. So far it seems my boys are okay (though one of them has had fainting and hypermobility issues) but there are more moms here fighting to find the best treatment for their kids. Hope they will chime in to share stories! In the meantime: stay strong, there will be answers!

  3. Happy to have you back, though for all the wrong reasons. I am 100% with you, you may need to take a good breath but never ever give up fighting! We have several moms here in search of answers to help their kids, you are in the right place! Best to you and your family!

  4. For me, I always take the flu shot. I have been sick with the flu while having POTS and I was really really sick. Also, it took a long time to recover. I need to add that I dont have adverse reactions other than a warm and painful spot which takes about a week to heal. Hope this helps!

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