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Posts posted by corina

  1. Good luck in finding a good doctor Roxy! I have heard from other members that cooling vests can be really helpful. I was in Las Vegas several years ago and boy it was HOT!!! This is what I copied and pasted for you from our "What Helps"section (to be found on our main website):

    Cooling devices can help POTS patients. Cool Sport* sells personal body cooling vests that may help patients tolerate hot environments.

  2. Hi cemp, welcome to the forum. I'm sorry your doctor ist not very cooperative thinking your problems are psychological. I think it would be very worthwhile to ask for the TTT or (perhaps even better) a second opinion. In London is Dr Mathias (not sure if he's still taking on patients) and his specialized clinic so if you are able to travel there that might be the best place for you to go. I have checked our Physician's list for you but we have no one listed in Ireland (which doesn't mean there aren't any of course!). Hope you will find answers!

  3. Cognitive impairment makes me feel so sad, I so miss the old me! I think I can deal with physical limitations better than the cognitive problems. It often leaves me feel "stupid" which I find quite hard. Over the years I've had about three neuro cognitive tests (to compare) and the outcome is that I'm getting worse. I refused when they wanted to do another one a few years back, I know the outcome, no need to add the stress and bad feelings re this to my life!

  4. Hi everyone!

    As I'm sure you all have noticed we've had a forum ugrade last week. I think the new forum looks really nice though it gave us quite a few struggles as well! Most of the problems are in control now, there is still some work left but do know that our volunteers are working really hard to get things fixed!

    Other than that we have made a few additions to our rules (which can be find under Guidelines on top of the forum and in the pinned section in Dysautonomia Discussion). One of the most important new rules is the following:

    Links to commercial websites or websites that otherwise contain advertisement are prohibited.

    We are aware this is quite a change! Inserting links has been an easy way to help others find (important) information. As DINET doesn't allow solicitation it's been difficult at times for us to decide what could stay and what not. For some years we decided that what would be helpful to most members could stay, ie links to sites that sell compression stuff etc. Links to blogs that gave information on commonly used diets were okay too. Fact is that those websites/blogs contain lots of advertisement which can't be considered to be "useful information" for our members. So together with the Board we decided it best to be consistent and came up with this new rule. Of course you are allowed to mention which brand you use re compression garments, supplements etc (as in: "I use x" or "For me y works best") etc!

    There are a few more new rules that we needed to add/change. You can read them here: 

    We really hope you'll understand that the rules aren't made to nag; they are necessary to keep DINET a safe place for everyone to enjoy. Where other forums have burned down, I'm very proud our forums are still up and running and helpful to everyone who is in need of help, a listening ear, understanding and words of encouragement!

    Happy reading (if you have any questions please let us know!) and hope you'll enjoy our new forum lay-out!


    On behalf of our moderator's and admin's team


  5. I'm so sorry Ancy. I think you're passing out due to brady. My doc told me that when I get to this point we will talk seriously about getting a pacemaker. I hope you can be seen by your doctor asap and that s/he will be able to figure things out and come up with a treatment plan. Warm wishes, Corina

  6. Josh, I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad. I have trouble carrying stuff let alone up stairs! Like Macca mentions POTS symptoms can be very scary. Do know though that POTS in itself is not life threathening. My cardio told me that eventhough my heart may be running wild, it is healthy and there are no riscs of me getting a heart attaque or dying from it. I found it reassuring and told myself to stop worrying about it. That was easier said than done but it did help me to just take his word for it and move on. Talking to a psychologist can help you deal with the scary symptoms but may also help you in relation to your family's attitude to you being sick. Have you ever shown them the "Changes"video? That may be helpful as well! Sending good thoughts your way Josh!

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