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Posts posted by corina

  1. Hi Madisonjan7,  being on here for many years I've learned that a lot of our members don't have POTS forever. Especially the ones who got POTS after a virus seem to get better after about a few years (there are articles on that which I can't find atm sorry!). I do have the purple legs while standing, I think a lot of us do! For some this comes in flares, for others it stays (it stays for me but with the right for me meds I'm contents with my level of functioning). I feel that it's always best to find a Dysautonomia specialist as they understand (which is comforting) and can help you getting back with the right for you meds or adjustments (like water and salt loading, compression stockings etc all depending on what type of dys you have so always talk to your doctor about that!).

    Hope this helps!

  2. You have a lot going on, so sorry for that. It is found that Ehlers Danlos can be a cause of dysautonomia for many so it might be helpful to get that figured out. There have been more topics on med sensitivity in the past, here are some links:

    (the topics are about medication sensitivity)

    I personally would hesitate adding another med (CBD oil) without talking to my doctor first. Hope you have a good dysautonomia specialist to help you decide what works best for you!

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