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Everything posted by corina

  1. Hi ronnie2016, welcome to DINET! I'm not familiar with this med but it is on my "to try" list. Am very interested to find out more and learn about people's experiences!
  2. Naomi, I know of another member that can't copy and paste. We haven't found out why, sorry!
  3. Hi ks42, sorry I can't help you, just thought to say hi and welcome to our forum!
  4. Happy to hear Peregrin and thanks for sharing! Hope they haven't found anything bad!
  5. Great news Rachel! SO happy for Tyler!
  6. Good for you gjensen, really happy for you!!!
  7. I use a written family calendar to know where everyone is. Everything is on it, everyones sports, when my boys are home late, all kind of appointments, what is for dinner, you name it. I also use it as a "what to do today" calendar for special things like buying birthday cards, presents etc. I don't want to keep it in my phone as I would be in huge trouble when it would get lost or died like Katie mentions!
  8. Have you been checking "My settings" in your profile Matt? You can set/change notification preferences in your User CP (after clicking on notification options).
  9. Okay, thanks for letting me know! I'll see what I can do for you!
  10. Matt, I noticed you checked the "follow this topic button", are you receiving email notifications now?
  11. Yes, count me in, I hate having to use them!
  12. I think Praxxtor covered your questions pretty well, so all I will add is welcome to our forums!
  13. Hi Mariewl28, welcome to DINET! I'm not 100% sure as I'm not in your country but I thought that Cleveland Clinic has an Autonomic Lab and specialists. Have you asked to be seen by one of them?
  14. Happy news!!!! SO glad for you Sarah!!!!
  15. Hi Matt welcome to the forum, I'm sorry you are struggling. I understand how you feel re the SSRI but you may not be aware that it might be helpful in treating POTS! I do hope that you will find a way to get into an autonomic clinic, there ARE treatment options that your cardio may not be aware of. Don't give up!
  16. Sorry to hear that Rama, it's trial and error isn't it?!
  17. Yayy yayyyyy I feel excited for you!!!
  18. Congrats artlvr! Katie gave you excellent advice, I can't bend either so I always squat!
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