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Everything posted by micheller

  1. This is my most debilitating symptom. Has he tried anti nausea meds? I go through spurts where it's awful and won't eat or drink for 2-3 weeks but then it's somewhat tolerable for a few weeks. There are many times I will sit in the bathroom for hours because it's so bad. I went to a GI for the nausea and he's the one that diagnosed me with pots. I have severe reflux also but I'm not sure if the meds for that help with my nausea or not. I would be fully functional if I didn't have this nausea. I hope you find something that helps.
  2. This is going to sound kind of backwards. I go through spurts (usually 2-3 weeks) where I won't/can't eat or drink much of anything. It's usually a sip to take my meds in the morning and maybe a sip later in the day. When I have these spurts, I have no appetite but also no symptoms unless I go from crouching to standing really fast. I actually feel wonderful! After I get my appetite back, I seem to want to eat all day and will get symptoms whether I eat or not. I get dizzy, really nauseous, light headed, vision disruptions, tachy, sweaty. Today is when my appetite came back after almost 4 weeks. I didn't eat a ton but ate. My legs and ankles are so swollen they hurt. I feel awful, flu-ish. From what I've read, symptoms are usually worse when there isn't much food or liquid intake. Any ideas what could be causing this or tips?
  3. I get that too but I have gerd also. My main symptom is nausea and it's horrible in the car, even going a few blocks. I haven't figured out what causes it but it's not as intense if I don't eat a few hours before leaving. I do burp alot when nauseous and it helps. I take a few drinks of soda to get the extra bubbles out.
  4. I load up on fluids the night before. I have to get up at 5, leave by 6 to be to work at 6:30. I clean so it's constant running around. I've noticed that if I don't think about the dizziness and nausea, it's not so bad. Mind over matter type thing? It gets me through my work day so far.
  5. I have bed risers under the head of my bed for my reflux. I didn't know it helps pots too! I have 7 inch risers. Walmart has them for around $15.
  6. Also towards the end of the day, my calves and ankles feel swollen, tight, and hurt. I'm guessing it's water retention?
  7. I will try the thicker soups and broths. I can't have anything acidic or I will suffer for days! I haven't brought it up to my dr yet, it's only been the last week or two. I will be calling him tomorrow though! It seems to be more in the late afternoon/evening but that is also when my digestive system feels like it's at a halt. Ramakentesh, is the licorice a supplement? Alicia, water gives me crazy reflux/heartburn. It's weird how something so simple can be an enemy.
  8. This is a double negative. I can not drink enough during the day but can't drink a lot at one time. I'm thirsty all the time and when I do drink, I just want to chug it down. I had the nissen for reflux so I'm only supposed to have 6-8 oz at a time of food and/or drink every 3-4 hours. I drink way more than that and feel so sick but still horribly thirsty. I can't tolerate thin liquid drinks like water, Gatorade and can't have milk. So what's the best alternative that will kick this thirst in the butt and not make me feel like I'm going to float away?
  9. I've been making myself talk slower which is somewhat hard because I usually talk fast. But when I do it comes out in a mess. I have the problem with writing/typing too. I have to reread it word for word or I will read what I think it says. Makes it a pain to write papers for class.
  10. Yes I would like to know if anything helps these symptoms. I'm afraid to talk to someone who isn't familiar with me. People will look at me with the 'are you ok' face and it's embarrassing. It's a relief kind of to know it's a symptom but not. I was just diagnosed in October and things have been going downhill fast since then. It's very scary, not knowing what's going to happen next as far as wacky symptoms.
  11. I'm not on any meds for pots so I can't blame that, wish I could! I get frustrated because I know what I want to say, it just doesn't come out that way. Or people ask me to repeat myself if they can't understand me. I was applying for jobs in customer service but it looks like that's out the window. I got a job cleaning last week but it starts so early and hard for me to function at 5am. The job itself is hard to do for me. I hate to say it, but it feels like I've gotten 'stupider' if that makes sense.
  12. I'm not sure if this will fall into the POTS category or not. I've been noticing I don't speak as clear as I used to, kind of sounds like I have something in my mouth, mumblish. Or I'll be talking and I'll suddenly draw a blank on a word. I also mix up my sentences (talking and typing). All of this has been getting worse the last few weeks and I'm not sure what to think of it?
  13. A wrist one would work great, I could bring it to work. I have a Big Lots too. I'll have to price some of them. Thanks!!
  14. What do you use to check your bp at home? I've seen different types on monitors, some really expensive so I'm wondering what everyone else uses.
  15. I have this happen all the time. I think mine is related to the heat. I have to stick my head outside the shower curtain for cooler air for a few minutes before I finish my shower.
  16. I think my test was standard. She did a few tests before the table tilt so I was already hooked up to the monitors. She strapped me on and tilted me to 70 degrees. I had to stand there for 15 minutes. After a few minutes I was getting dizzy, light headed, and nauseous. She asked if I was ok (must have seen something on the monitor) so I told her. At about 7 minutes she asked if my feet were cold, I told her they always are. They were turning purple and she took the temp of my feet. I know my bp and heart rate increased dramatically. After 15 minutes she laid the table back down while I recovered.
  17. There are different medications to try. Some are OTC. I haven't had any luck with the meds but a lot of people have. You can try Zegrid or Prevacid OTC. Otherwise there is Nexium, Kapidex (aka dexilant), Aciphex, Protonix, Prilosec by prescription. A good one I found for at night was Gaviscon OTC. It's pretty gross to take, chewable tablet that foams but it forms a barrier between the stomach and the LES to preven reflux. It only lasts 2 hours for me but it helps so much! Carafate suspension is also something to ask your doctor about. It coats your esophagus and stomach to prevent damage. It would help your ulcer to heal. I would keep a food and symptom journal to see what your triggers are. Mine would be garlic, certain spices, tomato based anything but I can have a small amount of ketchup, I can't have red meats (take too long to digest). What is a trigger for one person, isn't always a trigger for the next. I can have about 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day, soda, chocolate, all which are 'no nos'. Of course if I overdo it my nausea hits full force. Otherwise I'm always just a little bit nauseous. I take zofran for nausea and am trying to find domperidone. Good luck!!
  18. <~~~~~Queen of reflux!! Lol I've had it for a little over 3 years, 3 nissen funduplications in 2 years and due for a fourth, tried all the meds. Have you been to a GI? What meds/tests have you had done? Nausea is my worst symptom. There are a few tips to help with it at night. Use bed risers at the head of your bed so you're sleeping at an incline, not pillows because bending at the waist can make it worse. Don't eat 3 hours before going to bed. There's a few more but I can't think of them right now.
  19. I get like that too if I wear socks! I live in flip flops unless it's negative temps outside, as soon as I get home I take them off. The rash I get looks like broken blood vessels, just red, not raised. But itch like mad! I haven't found anything to help.
  20. Have you tried to see anyone at Froedtert in Milwaukee? I see a GI specialist there and he's the one that diagnosed me. Went to get a consult for GERD and get this instead. It was a shock for sure. But he referred me a great neurologist there also. I'm guessing the doctors there know more about pots and autonomic dysfunction. I can give you the name of my neurologist if you like. I see him right before Christmas.
  21. I never noticed any symptoms of pots until I was diagnosed. I did notice that I got dizzy when I would stand up and get the tunnel vision but figured it was from lack of vitamins from not being able to eat much. The fatigue I blamed on lack of sleep. Now that I'm aware I have pots, I notice the symptoms more. I think once I get the nausea under control I should be ok, I hope! But with pregnancy comes more nausea. I was recently diagnosed so I the only tests I've had was the autonomic dysfunction tests, there was 4 tests total. My first 2 pregnancies were great besides some intestinal problems. Like I said, it won't be for at least another year so hopefully I'll have further answers by then. I have a great team of new doctors but they are 2 hours away.
  22. I always dread bedtime. I will usually stay up until I can't anymore so I crash but I started a job and have to get up at 5 so I've been going to bed early. I've noticed, for a while, if I lay down, close my eyes it feels like I'm spinning, my heart starts pounding, I get sweaty and nauseous. It usually happens right before I fall asleep and startles me wide awake. I feel really sick after these episodes and have to get up. I'm exhausted and just want to sleep but this is keeping me from it. I'm not sure what could be causing it since my typical symptoms happen during the day.
  23. No I started having symptoms when I was about 3 months into my last pregnancy. I ended up quitting my job around 3 months because I just couldn't do it. It has been manageable lately but I know pregnancy can cause all kinds of havoc. lol
  24. My daughter will be 3 in May. All I remember from my last pregnancy is sleeping and being horribly nauseous the whole time. I only gained 6 lbs (she weighed 5 lb 9 oz) because I couldn't stomach much of anything. I don't think I had the dizziness until after I had her. My last 2 were c-sections so no labor. Whew! I have my first appt with a neurologist next month so I should be further diagnosed. Right now I'm just taking salt tablets. I wouldn't try for another for a year yet so I have time to talk to my neurologist and figure things out. Thanks for the info!
  25. I'm wondering how pregnancy would affects pots or vise versa. I'm considering having a 4th (I know, crazy lol) but my symptoms started when I was last pregnant. I felt like death and slept probably 6 out of the 9 months. My symptoms are tolerable now and I think most of it had to do with my reflux. I'm guessing the fatigue is increased dramatically but wondering about the other symptoms.
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