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Everything posted by cmreber

  1. Yeah, I'm not sure what it was, but I suddenly couldn't breath and had to turn the radio off so it was quiet, take off my sweatshirt and roll down the window. For some reason the cold air seemed to help. It was scary because I was driving at the time! It happened a couple more times after that while I was driving, and then a couple other times while I was just riding as a passenger. All of the times, quiet and cold air seemed to help. Not sure why that would be. It's interesting it also happened to you in the car. Maybe it was too much stimulation, since turning off the music seemed to help me?
  2. I was experiencing this a lot, not too long ago. My symptoms were pretty much like Kellysavedbygrace described. (In fact, I believe I started a thread about it at one point and commented on Rich's thread about it as well.) I wasn't quite sure what triggered them. Sometimes, it was when I was having heartburn and I think it was due to that. Other times, it would come on suddenly while in the car, lying down to go to sleep, at a restaurant, etc., and I never really did understand the cause. I changed my med times (I take a BB) and that actually seemed to help, for whatever reason. Also, I lost my grandma at the end of August (she raised me and was my only parental figure, so it was pretty tough) and it all seemed to come on a couple of months after that. Now that time has passed and my breathing stuff has gotten better (though I still get a weird attack from time to time), I can't help but wonder if the stress had anything to do with throwing my body even more out of wack than it already is LOL. So sorry you are dealing with this...it has definitely been the scariest of my issues. Hopefully you can get some answers and/or relief soon!
  3. joyagh, I don't have any kids, so no napping with them...I DO have 3 dogs and a cat...maybe I'll just start napping with the cat hahaha. I bet I would feel great if I slept as much as she does khaarina, yeah, I've been wanting to cut my dose for awhile. I asked my doctor around the beginning of this year, but he didn't want me to change anything at that time. I think I'm going to have to talk to him again because I don't think it would hurt to cut back and see what happens. Worst case scenario, my bad tachy comes back and I go back to what I'm taking now In fact, there is a part of me that might just take a high hr over feeling this utterly exhausted all the time! I also want to look into the melatonin thing because I'm tired of not sleeping at night! pink, hopefully you will find a medication that helps you feel better!
  4. I don't know about gf bread, but I have tried Annie's brand gf white cheddar mac n' cheese, which was actually pretty good
  5. Tobiano,I'll defintely have to see how the walking on lunches thing goes. I actually have a lot of freedom in my job since I'm my own boss, lol, so I might try to get one of those exersize balls to try out Yogini, you bring up a good point about smaller meals, and I think that might also have something to do with it. I have a tendancy to get so busy throughout the day that I forget to eat small meals and then, by the time lunch hits I'm starving and eat more than I probably need to. I'm sure my body trying to digest that doesn't help anything! I do sit at a desk most of the day, so moving around for me will probably be a big help. I might also try taking my vitals and comparing them, just to see if there is any sort of pattern there. I take 50mg of Metoprolol twice a day...so once in the morning around 7 and in the evening around 7 also. I want to start decreasing my dosage, but Dr. Goodman doesn't want me to yet Khaarina, I do have a lot of trouble sleeping, and like you, I'm not sure if this is a byproduct of the BB or not. I have been a night person my whole life, but it has definitely gotten a whole lot worse since this whole POTS thing started. I have read some posts on here about meletonin, but haven't looked too far into it. Angela, I'm pretty sure mornings are the bane of my existence hahaha... for that reason Garfield the cat is my hero I have been experiencing more dizziness than usual lately, especially in the afternoons...not really sure why. I'm wondering if this has to do with the seasonal change and the fact that it's getting warmer where I live. No idea. Isn't POTS just a hoot sometimes? ;-P
  6. Libby, my first time scuba diving was in Grand Caymen on a cruise about a year ago. I filled out the questionnaire truthfully, and they did have an issue with it. Fortunately, our good friend who was with us on the cruise is an orthopedic surgeon, so he was able to give me the necessary "doctors note" to go along with it. After trying it and realizing how awesome I felt while doing it, now I just "fib" a little bit so I can skip the whole "doctors okay" thing. LOL Of course, for anyone that hasn't tried it before, I would DEFINITELY recommend asking! But, yes, it is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! There is honestly nothing like it that I have experienced before, and the fact that I actually feel good while doing it is worth a million dollars in itself!!!
  7. Interesting, khaarina, I have often wondered why I function so much better at night. I'm also on a BB...not sure if that might have anything to do with it.
  8. @azmusiclover, sometimes I think it's just my body's way of telling me it's done too...the problem is the timing is awful hahaha! @ boymommy3, no thyroid issues that I know of...I know they tested for it in the beginning of all this, but as I recall it came out normal. @tobiano, I think that is actually one of my main problems and I'm glad you mentioned it...I'm pretty much at a desk most of the day and don't do a lot of moving around. I think you may be onto something with that. I do have this really amazing walking trail that runs right out my backyard...I'm thinking I might start trying to take a walk on my lunches and see if that helps get some circulation going! @ramakentesh, it's interesting that we're all so similar and different at the same time. My biggest problem is that, once I get past 6pm and get my "second wind", I am WIDE awake for the rest of the evening and then have tons of issues falling asleep. Most nights there is no falling asleep before midnight...which makes getting up for work the next day not so much fun lol I keep thinking that if I'm just tired enough I'll fall alseep at a decent hour, but so far, no luck with that! haha
  9. Nice! Have you ever heard of NaNoWriMo? (National Novel Writing Month) It happens in November and you try to write 50,000 words of a novel in the 30 days of the month. It can be a bit intense, but it's good for getting your ideas down and not getting bogged down in editing! This April, they have Camp NaNo and you can set your word count goal, just in case 50,000 is too much
  10. I went there last May and also saw Dr. Goodman. Had a wonderful experience and really liked everyone there. LOL azmusiclover, too funny Hope you get some answers mydoggielovesme2!
  11. Hello everyone! I've started noticing a pattern and I wondered if anyone else gets this too. It seems like I am always tired these days (like many on here, I'm sure!), but even more so between 3pm and 6pm, for some reason. The problem with that is I work 9-5, so that makes the end of my work day pretty rough! It's like, I'm okay and then 3 hits and BAM I am struggling to think, keep my eyes open or do anything remotely productive! Fortunately, I work at a home business, but I can't exactly nap because I have to answer the phone and finish up reports, etc. Does anyone else get this "afternoon crash" and is there anything you have found to help keep your energy up through it? I do find that if I can make it to around 6:00 I seem to get a second wind and then I'm fine. I have tried to go to bed early and wake up early, but that just doesn't work for me and my body just refuses to cooperated with me on that front. (Too bad I can't just trade it in for a new one!!! LOL) Thanks and have a good day!!!
  12. ihatebananas, what kinds of things do you like to write? I love doing anything fiction, though fantasy is my first love
  13. Interesting, maybe I'll check it out one of these days! I don't get too much time for video and computer games anymore, but every once in awhile I get the chance
  14. Writing and reading for me. I actually just finished up my second novel, yay! They are both ways to let myself check out of reality for awhile...worry about someone ELSE's problems for a little bit! lol Something else that I have recently discovered isn't exactly creative, but awesome nonetheless. I have been into extreme sports for a long time (dirt bikes, motorcycles, snowboarding, surfing...) but those are not exactly POTS-friendly and I've needed something that can take their place until I can get back into them. What IS POTS-friendly (at least for me) is scuba diving. In fact, I actually feel GOOD down there (maybe a combo of salt water and compression/pressure from the water?) AND it's so much fun!!! Of course, it usually means having to travel and it is pretty costly, but I think I've definitely found a new hobby.
  15. I've experienced chest pain, but nothing like this. I don't have much to add, just wanted to say sorry and hope you feel better!
  16. Yes, and we all have our very own special and unique designs Glad you enjoyed it!
  17. Every day would be an "optional work day" depending on how you were feeling. lol Oh and movie theaters would be open all night for all those with insomnia Great post, by the way! I agree with blue, ocean/beach for sure!
  18. Sorry you're feeling so down puppylove I have definitely been there...a LOT. Especially in the beginning of all of this, it was so difficult to accept the fact that my life had changed. I went from being super active, super spontaneous and fun, to acting like an 80 year old--worse, actually! lol Things have slowly gotten better for me, which has definitely helped, but I still have my bad days and sometimes weeks, and I get feeling a little blue. I still miss the old me. I am holding out hope that someday I'll get her back completely, but in the meantime, I just keep pushing through. It's funny, sometimes I'll make myself go out, and I will feel awful, but then I'm happy I did because I put so much effort into convincing people I feel good that, for a moment, I almost believe it myself lol. Of course, the crash the day after is a swift kick right back to reality, but sometimes just those couple of hours of a good laugh we people I love is what I need. On the flip side, I am also learning that it is okay to say no and stay in and listen to my body when I don't even have energy in my "reserve tank" left and I'm just too exhausted to pretend. I think accepting those times and making the best of them (i.e. getting some writing done, catching up on my favorite shows, or reading a good book) has really helped, and I just try to think of it as giving myself some much needed "me time". Hope you feel better soon! Maybe you can invite some friends over for a girls movie night? Social benefits right from your couch! My best friend does that with me when I'm feeling really bad...nothing like a good ol' "Friends" marathon to get the spirits up
  19. It's interesting you mentioned potassium, Issie. I have struggled with low potassium for some reason over the past couple of years and my doctor says to stay away from licorice. Doesn't matter too much, I hate the black kind anyway lol, always have...even black jellybeans! But, it is great that it might help some people with their symptoms!
  20. Never heard of it...but I like games. What is it?
  21. Sadly, I have no sense of smell...lol, so I am absolutely no help. If I suddenly do start smelling things, then I'll know something's wrong! haha But I do suddenly want ice cream after reading this thread...lol!
  22. Glad you guys enjoyed it! I know sometimes reading something inspirational or positive can make my day. And, AllAboutPeace, your description...dramatic, possibly; but sadly, right on most of the time! lol Definitely gives a great visual!!! (I suddenly was reminded for some reason of the train in Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, though much less appealing haha)
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