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Everything posted by skiberthoud

  1. I understand those feelings dani. I have two children and on my bad days I can't function, can't take care of anyone and am dependent on family as well. It's easy to incur guilt on ourselves. I allow myself a small pity party but then I force myself to change how I think. I remember that my family loves me and are happy to help. THEY do not view it as a burden. You and your family know that you're not just being lazy - frankly, who cares what others think, they don't live your life. I try to think about how I would feel if it was my mom or my brother in my situation and how I'd feel about it, and know that's how they feel about me. As far as the kids go, when I'm feeling guilty about not being able to be the kind of mom I want to be I try to remember the reality of it. I am very grateful that they do get opportunities, thanks to others that bring them places and do the fun things with them when I can't. I also remember that my job is to teach them how to be great people, and a lot of that can be done even when I am not well. I can still smother them in love. We can have meaningful conversations or just silly ones. (my kids are 3 & 6 - sounds like you have an infant) I also tell myself that they will learn and develop wonderful qualitites because of our home life. For instance, they will learn the quality of compassion and learn how to act on that. I see them also learning that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving. These are some of the things that help me when I am feeling guilty and burdensome. I'm so sorry you are having these feelings and I hope you are able to find ways to see your worth and value despite your health. Remember that you are not your illness. The wonderful person is still there, despite limitations!
  2. Just a side note. When my oldest daughter had her allergy testing done, she had the Serial Endpoint Titration testing. The first thing they titrate is histamine to see histamine tolerance/intolerance. Hmmm... Don't know how this adds to the conversation but I just remembered that...
  3. Thanks for sharing this great research! And Issie, I thought of you as soon as I read it!!!
  4. I second issies post! I'm loving these meatier topics! All I have to say is that i'm not sure that we will ever truly figure out the neuro-endocrine system, but it's so fun trying...
  5. Fellow migraine sufferer here. Sorry to hear you are having so many! I started to get migraines in my late teans and went on prophylactic meds which helped significantly. Went off those meds a few years later and my migraines were few and far between, until lately. I haven't taken any OTC migraine meds because caffeine actually triggers my migraines. I recently started on one of the triptans and it has been a big help. There are also some supplements on the market for prophylactic use you could try, esp if you are leary of meds (my neuro recommended). So, sinus migraine? Are you having sinus issues as well? I hope you find some relief soon.
  6. Yay for your heart, Julie! I've been waiting to hear the results! I have never jumped on the "salt load" theory. I just don't think, that for me, the long term risks out weigh the short term benefits, but that's just my opinion (I certainly do not judge others for their choices). I also do use himalayan salt when I cook. Just my two cents... oh, and happy to hear about your positive results, Reen!
  7. Welcome Ryan. Sorry for what you are going through. I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow (and by well I mean that you have someone listen to you and believe that it is not strictly an anxiety issue). Keep us posted!
  8. Interesting. I just started taking magnesium for my migraines and I've started taking epsom salt baths, too. Just wish had a bigger tub - lol. I'm curious to see how helpful these prove to be. Thanks for the topic, Mack's Mom and I hope your next echo is promising!
  9. Thanks, ladies, for your replies. I just saw a new neurologist who told me the first thing I have to do is get off all OTC pain relievers. (I'll wait until after I'm over the flu!) Rachel - I've heard about how magnesium can be helpful. I also came across MigreLief online and ordered it. I read that it can take 4-8 weeks to notice the benefits. We shall see. I'm going to try the Hylands Migraine Relief in the meantime, I think. Thanks for sharing your experience. Sallyblooms - so for you it was hormones causing your migraines. Did you experience them all the time, or did they follow a pattern with your hormones?
  10. Hello fellow migraine sufferers. Here is my question: Have any of you tried any of the natural/herbal/homeopathic products for migraine relief and have they helped? It's looking like I'm headed back on meds for my migraines, but I'm not thrilled with the idea (though am thrilled about not having to try to survive my daily migraines) and am looking for alternatives. Thoughts and experiences are appreciated. Thanks!
  11. Hi AdrenalMom. Welcome! Perhaps you could obtain a copy of the testing for your own personal use? When I received my copy of test results they had a nice little chart with my stats per minute. Enjoy this forum...there's a wealth of knowledge here!
  12. I also have these full body tremors. Don't enjoy them at all. I've only experience them during my full-blown episodes. My episodes consist of repeated vomitting, BM's, virtually continuous urination, headache and tremors. Typically these occur when I start my period, however I have had them at other times. Almost every episode I have had has been at night. Most times these episodes come in waves for hours. By waves I mean that I get these 30 second "rest" breaks (about every 15 minutes) where I get overwhelming "heavy" and exhausted, the tremors stop, but I can't speak or hold my head up (heavy and exhausted), then I "wake back up" and continue with the tremors and everything else. I can typically tell when I'm headed down that road, but not until it starts, and usually I will take a Lorazepam to help me ride the wave. Since doing that I've noticed that my HR's haven't been going so high during the episodes - so the anxiety part definately does make things worse. So that's my story. I have no answers and not a single diagnosis and haven't found anything that consistantly helps. But, I'll keep searching and enduring. I'm sorry so many others deal with similar things, and those that deal with so much more!
  13. So sorry to hear about these new, disturbing episodes. I would definately get in touch with his doc. If it is possible to get these on video, do so. This is what I did with my daughter and it was extremely helpful because even though she wasn't having any episodes in front of the doctors they were able to see them on video. It really helps you get the attention that your child deserves! I hope that this is able to get figured out and resolved quickly! My heart goes out...
  14. Just letting you know I'm in the same boat. My dentist is always perplexed and tells me it's the biology of my mouth? (For a while I was questioning that it was the dentist and not my teeth, but that's been ruled out). I always have cavaties and that's with regular brushing, flossing and fluoride rinse. I don't eat much sugar and I pretty much only drink water. It's very frustrating. I swear that it's somehow related to something else going on inside me, but have yet to prove that one. I feel your frustration!
  15. Agree with Firewatcher. And if you have adrenal issues as well fatigue can be more pronounced. Oh to be able to take a nap! Then once it's time to get the kids to bed I'm wide awake again - ug!
  16. Yay for a diagnosis! Just having a name can be helpful, especially emotionally. Now you have a direction to go. I hope your daughter is feeling some relief soon!
  17. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this with your daughter. I imagine it is much scarier watching it happen to her than if it was happening to you. My sympathy to you! Does your daughter have a good primary care physician that you trust? A good PCP can prove to be indispensible when dealing with these complicated medical problems. They can be the director of your orchestra of doctors and make sure you and your daughter get the care she needs. Hang in there and remember that you don't necessarily have to wait for the doctor to call you!
  18. I'm right there with you Cat_Lady! I regularly have beads of sweat rolling down my arms. I have always (well, for many years) sweat a lot, but not like I have been the last 6 months. I know about the embarrassing and uncomfortable part of it, too. I use underarm sheilds to protect my clothing and limit the "embarrassing" factor - they are a life saver for me. I've had to try a couple different ones to find ones I love. I have a new endocrinologist who has some sneaking suspicions he's looking into. I'll let you know if we find anything out. We think mine in endocrine related instead of ANS related. When I had my qsart test the neurologist said I had no problem sweating and that I sweat more than 3x the norm. How is that "no problem" sweating? lol. it's just a whole different kind of problem sweating... Sorry your dealing with this same icky issue!
  19. I'm so sorry you feel so lousy! I do believe Candida overgrowth can be a very real thing. If you do have an overgrowth it can definately contribute to your symptoms. Your PCP can test your candida antibodies - there's even a blood test for this (though it's not the most accurate way to test). The candida diet is difficult, but it's worth it. It's good to hear that you are going to an ENT and getting allergy testing done. DO you have any known allergies? Allergies and chronic sinus infections seem to go hand and hand. It sounds like your immune system can use all the help it could get. You know, all those things we're supposed to be doing for ourselves: getting enough sleep, having a good diet, avoiding our allergens, decreasing our stress...(it's so hard to do what we know we're supposed to do - ug!) I hope that you are able to find some relief! Let us know how you're doing...
  20. I had the same thougth as sj75. If this link really does exist it could explain why so many in the healthcare field are affected.
  21. [Anyone not notice a difference doing 60 2xday, but find 180 work for them or the timespan work for them versus the syrup or regular 60mg pills?? And which symptoms improved? I've heard stomach, but anyone's faintness, dizziness, fatigue go away? those are my most debilitating symptoms keeping me from working.. I started out on 60mg 3xday - no gradual start here. I noticed immediate improvement of both my GI symptoms and fatigue. It was hard to remember all three doses a day, and I definately needed them, so now I'm on the timespan 180mg a day. I like only taking it once a day, but I don't like the inability to adjust when I'm dosing. I will tell you that when I was on the 60mg and I would forget a dose I definately could tell - I need at least 180mg, and sometimes even more..
  22. What does your doctor say? What have you done to try to help yourself? Have you seen a psychologist or tried meds? You clearly need someone who can help you. It's not ok that you live with that kind of fear and anxiety day in and day out. It's not fair to you or the rest of your family - you should be enjoying your life, not fearing your death. I'm really sorry for where you are at right now - I hope you are able to find some help soon. Remember, you need to do this for yourself - no one else can. Take care, Lieze.
  23. Everybody reacts differently to medication. What works for one may not work for another. If you search "Mestinon" on here you will find plenty of experiences. It seems to work for some and not at all for others. Also interesting reading is the research studies being done with this drug (just google it in relation to research and you can find all sorts of studies). Personally I have benefitted from it. What it has helped me with the most are my GI issues and fatigue (which I wasn't expecting it to do). I have many more functional days thanks to my Mestinon.
  24. Add me to the list of medical professionals. I'm a physical therapist assistant. I've been working in acute rehab for 12 years, specializing in neuro rehab - go figure! I've only been working per diem since my last daughter was born, but haven't been working at all for the past five months. Hoping to be able to pick up some hours here and there when I'm having good days...we'll see how that goes. I now know that when I do get back to work, I'm going to be able to have a little more empathy for my patients...
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