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Everything posted by MamaTrain

  1. So I posted awhile back about trying Zoloft. After much consideration I decided to give it a whirl. I took 12.5 mg. (half the lowest dose) and was actually very optimistic about taking it. One hour went by and nothing. Two hours went by and still nothing. I was like oh yes this is going to help me for sure! 7 hours later an episode came on that lasted about 5 hours. Why oh why do we react this way? I still think it's my "blocked" parasympathetic system giving me problems. My husband is gone alot right now so I am not willing to try it again until he is home for good. Any thoughts on what happened with this? Thanks guys! KC
  2. I was going to say the same thing as Firewatcher...probiotics! I take them all the time and I believe it helps alot! Studies have shown that 70% of your immune function is in the gut and also a great deal of serotonin is in the gut. Trying to assure proper gut flora is beneficial all around! :-) Have a good day! KC
  3. Hi! I have had this happen 2 or 3 times in the year I have been dealing with this. The 1st time it happened I thought I actually pee'd the bed! LOL! I am usually on the opposite end which is freezing cold all the time. The guy who did my heart rate variability test told me that was probably happening because my body is trying to get the autonomic nervous system back into balance. Does it seem to have any pattern? I have been logging my morning BP and HR and then writing down how I feel and what not just trying to see if there is a pattern during the month. If you figure out anything please let us know! KC
  4. Good Morning! Susan I am sorry to bust in on your post but I was just wandering about something that Firewatcher said. I have been under the impression that since I dont have a high heart rate other than in the morning now (in the beginning it was different) that I must not have POTS. I do believe the endo tested me for that in April but I had no idea what they were doing then cause I hadnt yet found this site or even knew what dysautonomia was. Is a true tilt table test the only way to know for sure? This condition is so confusing and so FRUSTRATING!!!! Thanks guys....you make it bearable! Have a great Friday! KC
  5. When I first started going thru my dysauto they tried me on atenolol. I really had no idea what it was other than it should help lower my HR. I almost passed out in my laundry room after taking the whole pill. I did not know that it was going to lower my blood pressure which I think was low to begin with so it hit me really hard. I couldnt not tolerate it at all. My ANS just cant seem to tolerate many medications! Good luck and I know that it has helped people on here!
  6. Very interesting! I had a heart rate variability test done and it's cool to see how your systems are working (or not working)! I think the B vitamins is a good idea but can relate to having your anxiety go crazy. I just recently started them and I am going very slowly. Keep your chin up and keep focusing on getting well! KC
  7. Have you tried being adjusted by a good chiropractor? I have found this to be extremely helpful when nothing else seemed to be working! Wishing you the best of luck! KC
  8. OMG Maggie! I am so sorry you had to go through that! I pray that you will have a recovery that surprises you in all the good ways. Take it easy!
  9. Hey Daisy! I sure can relate when it comes to the bowel movements and heart rate! In the beginning of my ordeal they were soooooo bad I just dreaded going to the bathroom! I never had the cant go problem but I would try something more gentle. Miralax is over the counter now and I hear if you cut the dosage in half it will do the trick without giving you that gotta go NOW issue. However, people who tell me these things dont have autonomic issues. I think everything in our bodies is on high alert ready to react at the drop of a hat if you know what I mean! I hope things settle down for you. Just having surgery is a big bump in the road for people like us. Maybe in a few weeks your body will start to find it's own way again. Blessings! KC
  10. You know I was just thinking that in the summer of 2007 I tried Effexor for what I thought was high anxiety over some situations going on in our life. From what I understand Effexor is the serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake. I had to be taken off of it because I kept waking up in the middle of the night with a racing heart, I had facial twitches and I was constantly feeling like I was on edge. My doc said that's not right and we weaned off. I wonder if even then I had too much norepi and not enough serotonin. I think I do not need my norepi enhanced for sure! That was before I became all dysauto'ed. Just some thoughts!
  11. I have a script for a 25mg pill which I would cut in half when I start. I think I've decided to wait til the holdiays are over and then give 'er a shot! Thanks for all your input! KC
  12. Kexia, I have no experience with either doctor but I do have a few questions for you. How did you do on the Zoloft? I posted that question a few days ago...did you respond? If so I apologize! And the other question is, from what you said in your post they determined dysauto because your heart rate was off but BP ok? I'm just learning as much as I can so I can educate my doctors about this odd condition! Thank you! KC
  13. Thanks Jana! I know the internet has alot of info but only you guys have the info I want to know! LOL! When it was first suggest for me to take the SSRI it was hard to take as I did not feel depressed or even anxious. I would say now I am feeling so worn down from feeling so crappy the majority of the time that it really is starting to wear on me. I think I want to wait til the holidays are over so I can at least enjoy them just in case it doesnt work so well with me. Thanks again for your input and I will look more into what the differences are! Happy Sunday! KC
  14. Hey PotsGirl, What is the difference between Paxil and Zoloft? Thanks, KC
  15. Hi! I was seriously considering taking the Zoloft that my doctor suggested several months ago. As always, I'm very scared of taking new meds....especially ones that change your brain chemistry! If you have taken Zoloft please tell me your experiences. I want to feel like the "risk" is worth it if you know what I mean! Thanks! KC
  16. This is a little disheartening to read as I was seriously considering trying Zoloft! I think I will post and see how others have done on it! Thanks for the info!
  17. I am shocked to see that is suggested for POTS! It was Ritalin that set this whole dysautonomia off for me....very odd!
  18. Hey Flop- I'm wondering about this anti-inflammatory aspect. I am going to do some research on it and see what I can find! I hope you continue to see improvement! KC
  19. How do you test your pulse pressure???
  20. Wow Julie there really is something to this ABX correlation! I just spoke with my doc and he gave me that "I have NO IDEA why it helped you" look. I was just popping in on him so I didnt go into a whole long thing I just asked him how long would it be in my system as I was having a great side effect. He was very surprised however. I just keep thinking it will come back cause it's just too good to be true....you know how it is...you hate to get your hopes up! Thanks for the input! Have a great night! KC
  21. I find myself just not wanting to talk about it to people who dont get it. Some of my friends are like "they still dont know what's wrong with you?" I only discuss with my friends that I know believe me and are just as upset that the real KC has been stolen from them! LOL!
  22. I was wondering the same thing as I have had several bouts of side clutching kidney pain that never produces a stone (I've had 2 before). Either way I'm just glad it's gone for now...it was sooooooo annoying. I was eating Advil like candy it seemed. Definitely get checked out yourself...feeling like you didnt empty all the way can be a kidney infection/stone. Are you a Kari too? I just commented on Kari Perez's post that my name is Kari but everyone calls me KC and I hardly ever see the spelling like mine! :-) KC
  23. Some of you will remember I posted about getting strep throat over Thanksgiving weekend and how scared I was to try an ABX. Anyway, those of you who responded gave me the confidence to just go ahead with what I have always taken, Zithromax. I realized yesterday that I have had ZERO lower back pain since day 2 of starting the Zithro. I have had this lower back pain ever since this started (over a year) and nothing would make it go away just dulled the pain/ache. I find this VERY interesting. 7 years ago I had gotten sick with some infection and had this SEVERE back pain that mysteriously disappeared when I took the 1st dose of ABX! Now I'm going to keep a close eye on this but I am finding this odd but exciting at the same time! Thanks for reading and please reply if you have had any pleasant side effects from ABX's! Make it a great day! KC
  24. Kari, I have promised my 15 year old when he turns 18 we will both go in and get a tatt! I'll need that long to decide on what to get! LOL!! KC PS- Kari is my real name. Everyone calls me KC but it's always nice to see someone with my spelling!
  25. When mine first started last December I just remember everyone saying "oh it's anxiety" and sending me on my way! I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs "this is NOT anxiety you MORONS!" Somedays I wonder if my body senses something is wrong (like a high HR) and then reacts like it's anxious...that's just biology as far as I'm concerned! LOL!
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