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Everything posted by icesktr189

  1. That is true about taking care of the dog.... I find it extremely difficult just taking care of my daughter, let alone another living thing. Did you have to pay for yours? How long did you have to wait to get it approved? This is really interesting!
  2. I have at least two limbs go completely numb every day. Usually when I am watching tv or sleeping. They dont just tingle, it feels like I have no leg or arm.... I have just gotten used to it
  3. How do you even get one?? I think my doctor would be in hysterics if I brought up getting one LOL... but that would be awesome to have!
  4. On the side note, you dont know how you will tolerate the meds. I couldnt do florinef or mestitonin. Midodrine gives side effects, but I just deal with them.
  5. That is a very bold statement to say to you... I mean talk about getting someones hopes up! I am on midodrine, and it helps me stand longer and be able to get out of bed. However, it is not miracle cure. Most days are still bad days for me and I can still pass out. Not trying to say that you wont get better and I sincerely hope you do, but it would stink to truley believe in just three days you could be back to your old self and then find out thats not the case!
  6. I get more scratches easily on my legs from the blood pooling, but try not to worry about every symptom or you will go crazy! LOL I know I did the first year, but now I just go with the punches ( hard saying that when my POTS is terrible right now though)
  7. I did horrible my 3rd trimester, but felt great after birth and for about 6 months PP. Then I quickly went downhill fast. By 6 month PP I was below my pre pregnancy weight, so that might have been the cause.
  8. it could have been anxiety because it takes longer than 5 mins to hit your system... most take at least 20 and even my klonopin which is fast acting takes 15 mins but I dont get a full effect till 45 mins. if your starting to feel better that is great!
  9. did it make anyone more dizzy or pass out? macrobid made me so tired and I passed out twice right after taking it.
  10. Macrobid isnt working so i had to go back in to urgent care. After 4 days i am still hurting, so they switched me to cipro. I cant take bactrim because I broke out in a rash and threw up. How did you do on Cipro if you have taken it? I am so afraid because I feel so terrible right now... do you think I should wait a day to take it first so the macrobid can work its way out? It really messed me up... I felt absolutely terrible on it. Ugh I am just so sick of all this:/
  11. I got better for 2 years after my diagnosis, but then got pregnant. That changed everything for me.. my body went downhill fast after the birth.
  12. Sometimes I get "surges" that start under my chest and I can feel the blood rush up my head and I usually feel ice cold then hot later on. They are not fun at all. Other times I just over do it, and have too much adrenaline in my system from being up all day, and then I feel hot and burning up all over.
  13. Oh can an antibiotic like macrobid drop your blood pressure?
  14. I have a bladder infection and have been on macrobid for the past 3 days ( my infection feels better) but my POTS symptoms are insane! The fatigue is so bad, I am dizzy, and adrenaline surges. Do you think the antibiotic caused this or the infection? I think it might just be the infection because I accidentally missed one dose and didnt feel any different.
  15. Zoloft made me burn like CRAZY! Lexapro didnt... maybe you could switch over to something else??
  16. I agree with Ramakentesh. Adrenaline can make your body do weird things, I have read several articles saying that constant adrenaline activates your immune system causing all sorts of problems. My adrenaline surges went away when I was a smoker do to my bp being up. Now that I dont smoke, I feel rotten and have constant problems with adrenaline.
  17. probably because its easier to go slow with pots. it was not fun getting on them for me so I went low and slow
  18. the only way to get rid of surges is to get your bp up. beta blockers actually increased mine because they dropped my bp too low. I would try midodrine first, then florinef. is your bp high on standing? if not, I wouldnt worry
  19. My mom had ulcertive colits... I wonder if that had something to do with her POTS.
  20. Also keep in mind you wont know how you react to a medication unless you try it first. I used to read post after post and freak myself out of taking any medication. In truth, I have only had two actual reactions to meds out of every single one i tookk. Yes, with POTS are are more sensitive, but that really should not stop you from taking something. Dont let the fear overwhelm you from taking something that could potentially turn your life around!
  21. Oh you are talking to the queen of phobias over here! I am in counseling right now because of a SEVERE phobia to meds. The only thing that helps so far is to stone myself with so much klonopin first. Its horrible!
  22. What group would I fit in? I came down with it at 17, but diagnosed at 18. At 22 I am actually worse, so i dont know...
  23. I was a caregiver for a woman who had POTS and OI. She was 90 when she died! I know she had it for at least 10 years too.
  24. This is how I feel right now, but TRY to have hope. I have been just like you are right now (actually feel that way right now myself) BUT I was better for a couple years after that. You CAN get better, you just have to look at other options. Keep pushing from doctors, try every medication route.. have you tried midodrine? Lexapro helped me a lot too.
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