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Just Dx With Type 2 Diabetes

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I haven't been posting here lately because I was trying to not focus soo much on my illnesses, than I was trying a medication for my migraines that put on 45lbs in 3 months............all in my stomach. Went to the doctor to find out what was going on and after the testing was dx with Type 2. Diabetes causes nerve damage and I already pre-diabetes have Autonomic Neuropathy causing POTS and Gastroparesis and Severe Migraines. Are all these things going to get worse? I can't cope with another illness. I've been in bed crying for 3 days just because I feel SO OVERWHELMED.

Does anyone else have diabetes and how has it affectd POTS?

If anyone has any words of encouragement it would be greatly appreciated, I need so support right now more than ever. My 3 kids need to see mommy smile.

I'm going to my counselor this afternoon but never really feel much relief after seeing him.................at least it will force me in the shower.

Thanks as always

Love all of you


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Dayna, I am so sorry!

My suggestion is you get your doctor to get you in to see a registered dietician and see if you can control the blood sugars with diet alone. Many type 2 diabetics don't require meds, just have to watch their diet and if you able to lose the weight you gained (I gained 55 pounds in three months on an antidepressant many years ago) the dia betes will go away too.

It is a misconception that everyone with diabetes will end up on insulin or pills. many people have actually come off insulin and meds with just proper diet instructions. My mother in law is a prime example.

She was on insulin for years and then just decided to do the diet thing and now takes nothing. I know it feels overwhelming and hopeless, but it's not. Call your doctor and get a referral, take your shower, dry your tears and vent to the therapist. Then give your kids a kiss and tell them mommy was sad, but feels better now (lie if you have to, sometimes we can convince ourselves if we try hard enough, kids need to know that it's okay for a mom to have a bad day) and don't let anyone tell you no meds cause weight gain!

I weighed 92 pounds when I started that med and had never had a weight problem in my life, good luck sweetie...morgan

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I'm so sorry that you are going through so much. I hate it when people tell me " I know what you're going through" SO I won't say that. I have been struggling with being very ill as well, but I haven't gotten many answers. My pastor said something to me that hit home, and was hard to swallow. He said God allows us to walk through circumstances in order to grow our faith in Him and make us stronger. God also allows us to choose how we respond to it. I have really had a hard time with the second part. Choosing how to respond. There are days when all I want to do is just give up and die, but then I realize that I was given this life and body for a reason. Not sure why I was chosen to walk through life this way, but I was. The past couple weeks, I have just been trying to do my best to make the choices to make the best out of the situation. I have an 8 month old and I just want her to have a fulfilled life. I have to keep going for her and my husband.. AND MYSELF! I know that doesn't fix everything, but it put a new perspective on it for me. I will be praying for you and that God will give you strength. Hang in there!!!

p.s. I've been stuck in my house for about 8 months now, except for going to the doc. I tried something new last week. I spend 10-15min everyday (that it's not too cold) outside on the porch swing with my daughter. What a difference that makes! I know it's not much, but maybe you could think of doing something small like that to make you feel better...

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I have known MANY people who gain weight, get type 2 diabetes and then LOSE the weight and the diabetes GOES AWAY.

Sorry you are overwhelmed but the diabetes does NOT have to be a PERMANENT deal.

Do as Morgan suggested and learn the 'glycemic index' of foods. It's the key!!

Take a deep breath, be nice to yourself and focus on what you can change. good luck

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Oh Dayna-

I hate this for you!!! You are one of my favorite people here. I was so happy to see you post, then so sad to see what's been going on with you. I was hoping things had calmed down a bit.

Isn't is awful that the side effects of one med caused all of this? I've also gained weight with various meds (doxepine & florinef are two!) and losing it is tough because once you have those fat cells they just love being filled up. BUT, it is definately possible to lose the weight and reverse this. That's the greatest message you need to take away from all of this. Will it be hard work??? Yep, but you are used to that. Being a chronically ill Mom with small children is also hard work. You can do this by taking little baby steps and working up to more and more exercise each day. It also really helps me if I write down every bite that I eat. Actually seeing the calories add up on paper is very revealing.

I hate to sound Pollyanna-ish, but this could be a huge blessing in disguise. Exercising and eating better could also have a positive effect on the POTS, GP, headaches, etc :-)

Please know how much we all love you here. You're going to get through this.



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Hi Dayna,

Sending you a big HUG :lol: How frustrating to have to deal with another diagnosis.. Even though hearing that many people can manage their diabetes with diet/exercise alone may not feel like much of consolation right now, I also know my mom and brother manage theirs doing so, and with time, the changes you need to make will become second nature (easy to say but hard to do). I absolutely fear getting diabetes since I know it runs in my family, and since I'm sedentary due to POTS (I live in my recliner) and when I get stressed - if I'm up to eating - I hit the sugar pretty hard... so I can imagine the **** you are going through right now. However, you are strong and faith-filled, and you are never alone in life's struggles. (If you need to smile but you feel like you just can't - take a paper plate, draw a happy face and punch a hole on each side to put string through to tie it around your head... I'm sure once your husband and family see the effort your making to cope with the situation in such a positive way, you'll all be smiling :)

God bless,


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Good idea Tammy. I'm coming to grips with the Diabetes becasue I can have control over it unlike my other illnesses. Once I lose the weight from the other med I should be fine. Exercise is just going to be the hardest because I'm exercise intolerance due to the inability to sweat.

I guess this will be a fun chapter in my life maybe I could even get my pre pots figure (that would be nice for my self esteem)

Thanks for your support


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Hi Dayna,

exercise intolerance due to inability to sweat sounds horrible. I have odd sweating patterns but at least I can sweat in some places (usually the centre strip of my face and down the middle of my front!). The purpose of sweating when exercising is to cool you down (the sweat evapourates and doing so removes heat from the body). I guess it may be worth trying some gentle exercise whilst right infront of an AC unit, or some exercise in a swimming pool - the water would help control your temperature so long as the pool wasn't heated too hot (my gran used to do an aqua fit class where you "stood" in the water and did gentle exercises - I want to try something like that if I ever get enough free time).

Best wishes,


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