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Ever Feel Like A Cat? Sleeping All The Time!


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I know fatigue is something all of us potsies deal with. But sometimes I am just SO tired, it's ridiculous. And it's not like I have even done anything! (Although I do notice it's worse when it's that time of the month...you too?)

For example...I went to bed at 9:00 last night, woke up at 7:30 this morning. And still laid down to take a nap at 10:00!! I truly feel like my cats...just sleeping the day away.

Does anyone else have days of extreme fatigue? Is there a reason why we feel this way?

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i would give ANYTHING to be ABLE to sleep. I have had chronic insomnia but lately, it's been until 5 and 5.30 and 6 am the past few weeks. My sleep meds are not working and neither is melatonin.

My sleep cycles have been messed up for years...exercising can make it worse (insomnia) and forcing myself up early to STAY sleep deprived does not work...i can be exhausted and wired/tired and awake for 22 hours at a time. IT STINKS.

I envy those that can nap and sleep well with little problem.

Add on top of the the documented alpha delta sleep with little RESTORATIVE sleep and I have felt horrible and drugged lately. We are trying to figure out if it's hormonal (I suspect is is but have no periods to figure this out) but have ovaries and judging by food cravings, it's hormonal. Trying to catch urine to catch ovulation and then get estrogen drawn soon after....then will have to consider very short term use of low estrogen IF INDEED, the low estrogen (peri menopause) is causing this sudden change.

Usually in the past when I would be awake so late, I would be so crashed I would nap against my will in very late afternoon or early evening.

Imagine how I might feel if I could sleep 10-12 hrs EVERY NIGHT.

NOT sleeping is much worse than sleeping too much...unless you have narcolepsy and that's another rant, er, story. ;) ;)

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i am having trouble with both being too sleepy and not being able to sleep. i think, in my case, it is a pots thing. my body seems to be unable to understand the day/night pattern. it can last for years at a time. i have been almost unable to sleep during the night for about 4 years. it hardly didn't effect my functioning during the day (maybe that is because i hardly function at all :):lol::lol: ).

for me the periods that i slept during the day was far more worse. i didn't want to live like that.

my doc has helped me by prescribing me ritalin to stay awake during the day. it has been (and still is) a tremendous help. i take two tablets a day, but can add more when needed. i am not cured from this but i've found a way to live with it!

hope this helps lauren (and whoever neds help with this!),

corina :)

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I know exactly how you feel -- I constantly feel like I need to go to sleep. I try my hardest to fight it and only sleep at night (I need about 11-12 hours) by getting up, moving around, and just forcing myself do sit up if at all possible (sometimes obviously there's just no way and I'll pass out immediately), but I've found that my body has finally figured out the difference between being really "sleepy" and really actually being exhausted and physically needing to sleep. Basically it just requires a lot of listening to your body! Good luck! Oh, by the way, I find that I do better with the sleep thing if I have things I've planned to do during the day, like a schedule. I'm getting my Bachelor's degree online because physically going to college became impossible for me, and when I've specifically planned or scheduled class time or study time, I seem to not sleep as much during the day because I'm so focused on getting things done. Yes, I'm more exhausted that night and usually need a little more nighttime sleep to compensate, but I definitely like that better than sleeping a lot during the day!

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I too need lots of sleep.

I feel rotten if I get less than 8 hours and really do better with 10-11 hours.

It is crazy. My boyfriend calls me a country girl because I go to bed with the sunset!

When given the opportunity I can nap during the day as well. It seems there is never enough sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yup feel like a kitty here too!!!!!!!

i sleel a great deal.. generally about 12 hours a night.. and then a nap between 3-6 hours during the day...cant control it i fight it.. and i end up sleeping longer...

my "real" kitty's love it tho i think having mommy sleep with them all the time!! LOL

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