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I Feel Scared

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I'm a hypochondriac, and I hate it.

The only thing that showed up during my neurological testing was the positive TTT and brisk reflexes. But I still worry that maybe something was missed and I really have some horrible disease. The stress of my life is combining with that stress and making me feel like crying all the time. Then I get worried about that -- it's a symptom of some hideous neurological diseases, you know. Pseudobulbar effect, I think it's called.

Has anyone else felt all freaked out in this fashion before and eventually calmed down about it? I wish I could just take comfort in my POTS diagnosis.


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Hi Amy,

I think it is quite normal to second guess our diagnosis and fear that something sinister is the actual cause of our symptoms, rather than accepting the doctor's diagnosis of POTS. It is also normal to have a stress response to being chronically unwell. Many people suffer a degree of reactive depression when faced with chronic illness - learning to accept the diagnosis and adapt to life with POTS is quite difficult at first.

I suspect that you are going through pain and emotional turmoil that is familiar to most of us at some point. Getting upset and crying is a natural thing to do, but if you feel that you are crying for no reason or feeling really down then I would advise you to talk to someone about how you are feeling. Just a chat with your PCP may be all that you need or perhaps talking to a trained counsellor or therapist might help you to understand why you feel this way and learn to cope with things.

Sometimes taking a break from reading too much medical info is a good idea. It is really easy to scare yourself with imagined horror diagnoses that you don't have. I'd advise you to stick to POTS related stuff for the moment rather than trying to find alternative diagnoses. Have a read through some of the old threads on here and you will see that you have actually joined a huge family of people who have experienced what you are facing now and want to help you through this.


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I really appreciate your advice. I am seeing a counselor, but it's also helpful to hear from others who understand!

I'm going through a lot of other stress now, too. My job is horrible and keeps getting worse. My husband wants to change careers and more than likely it will involve a move. I think it all adds up.

Thanks again for your kind response.


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I was neurotic, I am quite serious. went here.


I am cured. And I'm quite serious about that also. The closest meeting to you is Fargo ND. Its cognitive therapy and it works.

You should get it. What a difference. Of course you can go elsewhere. These meetings are free tho. You are taught not to work yourself up. In this case-as you stated- you will know that you own thoughts are scareing you- progressively. You are taught, first to realize what you are doing. And then 2 ,trained to think objectively. You are given and arsenal of thoughts to chose from. These are not even your own thoughts. You choose one and you greatly reduce fear and stress.

For example.

My feelings are distressing, but not dangerous.

This sensation is distressing and I will plan to ask the Dr. if its dangerous.

I will not sabotage my mental heatlh.

I will bear this discomfort and comfort will come.

Sensations are distressing but not dangerous.

By repetition you learn the automatically think these "secure thoughts".

And listen, you are FAR from alone, there is comfort when you see that others have gone before you and you are not a freak. Others DO know the way out.

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Please don't feel like you are the only one. A few years back I started to twitch, first in one spot then all over. I was convinced I had one of the worst neuro diseases out there, I'm sure you know which one I am talking about. Of course surfing the internet was the worst thing I could do. Even after going to my Dr., who basically had to control himself from laughing when I told him what I thought I had, and seeing a neuro 2x, I still thought they were missing something. Of course all that worry really took it's toll on my nervous system and I'm still paying for it. :(

I've had anxiety issues over the years so I am sure that added plenty of fuel to the fire. It took a long time, support from my hubby, support from a good therapist, and a lot of hard work on changing thought patterns to get past it. 3yrs later, I still twitch but I am still here. Pat57 hit it on the nose with thoughts and a good support network/group. Those negative thougts can really wreak havoc on a normal individual, what do you think it does on someone with an overly sensitive nervous system?!

You can get throught this! ;)

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Thanks, guys! I really appreciate it.

Pat: I'm thinking about going to an Emotions Anonymous group that meets here. It's kind of like Alcoholics Anonymous but for people with depression/anxiety/panic/etc. Fargo's a bit far away -- something like six hours! And my counselor is working with me on cognitive therapy. I'm finding that it's hard work to change the way I've thought for 31 years!

Mom4cem: That wasn't very nice of the doctor to laugh. He evidently has never had any health anxiety. It's horrible!

Thanks again.


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The researchers down in Australia found that people whose norepinephrine transporter gene was switched off either had POTS, or panic disorder, or both. So anxiety issues could be just another result, along with POTS, of the same underlying biochemical problem.

If you anyone needs a mantra, how about this: POTS is just life-altering, not life-threatening.

I thank my lucky stars that I only have POTS, and no anxiety problems.

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Oh my GOSH! Have I been there!

I was at the end of my rope a year or so ago when it seemed everyone in my medical arsenal was coming up with no ideas of what to do for me. Everyone was clear that I failed the TTT, I had NCS, but no one seemed to know what to do for the symptoms. I was fired by my internal med doc - yes, fired. She refused to see me any longer. She had referred me to an endocrinologist who found nothing out of the ordinary, he said, despite low estrogen and blood glucose, and thyroid. Yep, nothing!

A psychiatrist told me in no uncertain terms I was suffering from panic attacks and was a hypochondriac. They were all so helpful! - not!

Thankfully, my understanding therapist never wavered.

She knew something was definitely wrong and supported me all the way.

I almost lost my job.

I went through much embarassment and humiliation with so many docs, but finally I have all these diagnoses (POTS, dysautonomia, NCS, hypothyroid, hypoglycemia, menopause, depression), a doc who is familiar with dysautonomia, and the right meds. I am much calmer. Anxiety is rare since the POTS and assoc. stuff is under control as best it can.

I guess I say all this to say you are not alone and it did get better for me. Hopefully it will for you as well.

I'm here to support you any time!


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Thank you, Dari!

I also have a good counselor and also a good psychiatrist, who both agreed with me that something had to be up besides just anxiety. They helped me get the appointment with the neurologist who diagnosed POTS.

Now I just need to stop being so scared. Easy to say!


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Thank you, Dari!

I also have a good counselor and also a good psychiatrist, who both agreed with me that something had to be up besides just anxiety. They helped me get the appointment with the neurologist who diagnosed POTS.

Now I just need to stop being so scared. Easy to say!


You are right, easier said than done!

Hang in there. Utilize friends, this board, and your therapist as often as you need.

It is all a bit overwhelming at first.

Things will calm I imagine.


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