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I haven't been feeling well for a few days now and it's really hard to make myself eat. I know I need to lose weight, but this is not the way. My biggest problem is meat, any meat. It just sits in my stomach and Yuk. If I burp, I can taste what I ate yesterday. Help!!! Any ideas would be greatly app!!!

Sorry, I seem to have the worst brain fog.



I definitely have stuff I can't eat- dairy, eggs, wheat/gluten, and caffeine or sugar. Any one of those things makes me either sick to my stomach, or the POTS symptoms flare and I get really fatigued. I have had food allergies for a long time and have found that sticking to my diet and eating primarily organic and whole foods has helped a lot :) I've heard a lot of people mention that meat doesn't agree with them- maybe it's the excess fat, or the chemicals used in production. It's such a mystery, but there's undoubtedly a connection between POTS and food intolerances.


When I get really symptomatic I find that I cant eat. I feel like I am already full and dont have the desire to even look at food. I have gone for 4 days without eating which only exacerbates the symptoms. The best advise that I can give you is when you feel like that to eat lighter high salt foods. I find that soup and crackers is pretty good.


Hey there! Eating problems were the reason I went Mayo Clinic (I lost 37 pounds in 30 days) and found out I had POTS. Here is what they told me: Many Dysautonomia patients can develop problems with gastric motility. This can come and go at any time. Basically what they mean is: food does not travel through the GI tract the way that it should. You can get "backed up" so to speak (thus, the burping, feeling full after just a bite or two, nausea, etc.) What they told me to do was the following: Drink warm liquids (I like Green Tea), sip your broths, and try some Pedialyte and Ensure (I like vanilla). I survived a month on that diet alone until I could tolerate "normal" food. What I have learned: Don't fight it. If you can't get more down, don't force it. If you feel up to it, and are not allergic, you can slowly add in rice, eggs (good protein), fish (much easier to digest that red meat and even chicken). Good luck to you, I know what you are going through, so don't feel alone.



Thanks, all of you.

Robyn, I have tried some broth, that went OK but I can only have a little at a time. The other thing that work for me is slimfast, but I have to by special milk. I like Dean's Easy, I get the taste of milk with out feeling sick.

Ethandmom, can you have yogurt? I don't usually have the regular stuff, but I love Blue Bunny's frozen yogurt.

How about soy products, I found this brand called Morningstar Farms. It tastes good and doesn't upset my stomach. But, again, I still can't eat very much of it.

Thanks again, Blackwolf


i have lost 40 pounds now. i am reduced to eating gerbers toddler foods as everything else sticks in my esophagus and i choke for hours after i eat. sometimes i say bag it and eat something i shouldn't, then pay dearly. i am hoping vandy can help as gerber graduates are pretty. morgan :)


Morgan, I haven't quite got that low yet. But at this point, I'm doing ok on slimfast, broth and occasionally toast. It's been about 5 days now and I still don't see any end in site. I know I need to lose weight but I think it could be better anotherway. :blink:

My regular Doc ordered some pills to help. All I feel right now is high and nausated. :wacko::wacko: I know it's generic but it's called Prochlorperazine (10mg)

Boy did I make a mistake!!!

Talk at you all later



Blackwolf, sorry you are feeling so badly. I know, I hate trying new pills, it's just not worth it sometimes!!

As far as eating, I lived on tuna and salmon and pb on salty crackers for months when my symptoms were at their worst. One thing that makes me see a notable difference in my symptoms, even now, is salmon. Don't know what it is but for me it's one of those foods that I can digest and I feel really good after eating it.



I do eat yogurt, but not every day :) The trick seems to be eating it a few times per week, and although I am dairy intolerant I can eat some things like cheese and ice cream on occasion. There are lots of yummy products you can find to replace milk, like soy yogurt (the fruity flavors aren't bad) and 8th Continent makes a decent soy milk...you can also try rice milk or almond milk. It's all an acquired taste :D

I also eat lots of salmon- I don't like fish much but I make a great teriyaki glazed salmon over white rice...mmmm!!


Jessica, Thanks, I wasn't to sure about trying the soy milk, but mabey I'll give it a try. I went with everyone to the pool today. It was pretty nice here in Sioux Falls SD, about 82 and 48% humidity. I'm tired now but just can't seem to sleep. I'm having some really bad brain fog. I'm sure I'll have to read this twice before I post it. As my son is fond of saying "It's not brain damage but drain bamage MOM!"

Good nite(good morning!)



Sometimes we just have to stick with what works... I lived on tomato soup for a couple of months when this first started. Now I have days when I can only tolerate crackers - sometimes with pimento cheese on them. Milk is a big no no but yogurt is okay - I assume I developed a lactose intolerance. I think all of us have gastric problems of one sort or another.


Have any of you tried taking digestive enzymes? Some are made specifically to take before meals, some after. I take both, but I don't remember how/why they are different. Maybe some of you would find some relief through the enzymes.


I guess my biggest problem is just getting the food to stay down. I wonder if a digestive enzyme is the right thing to use? I'll give it some thought and see what comes ofit.

Thanks Blackwolf

P.S. I'm managing on slimfast and taost ok right now but I think I'll try some light fish this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes later.



I've always had problems with nausea and keeping food down. That was how I first discovered I was sick. Anyway, I've been symptomatic for the past month or so. When I eat I feel like the food sits there and my stomach just feels really heavy and I feel nauseated. My doctor prescribed a medicine called Reglan, that helps with motility, and is supposed to alleviate the nausea. So far so good, I started taking it on tuesday and have felt nausea free since then. Everybody is different of course, but that is what seems to work for me. Eating soups and crackers always has worked for me. I usually skip an actual breakfast in favor of carnation instant breakfast because solid food doesn't sit well first thing in the morning. At this point, I haven't noticed that any one food makes me feel worse than another. Has anyone else who experiences nausea noticed that it's worse in the morning ?


Yes, mine is typically worse in the morning. My nausea seems to be much less troublesome than many others here, but it's still far from pleasant!


I've graduated to solid food, but I'm still taking it easy. I seem to do best on slimfast in the am and light foods in the pm. Yes I'm much more nausiated in the am. I like to relate it to "morning sickness".

Still haging on.


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