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Hi everyone!

I've been getting this weard feeling in my head and neck for the past few days.

It feels kind of electric like..and just plain weard. I'm not really sure how 2 explain

the feeling of it. When this happens my eyes feel very weard, and I get a llittle dizzy and very confused. I posted something a while ago about my ears and neck bothering me. Im not sure if that has anything to do with it. The bottom on my head it very red, and a little part of my neck is..where it hurts. My lower back has also felt sore. Im not sure if this is also related to Pots..and if any of you have experienced this.



I Wanted to comment on your problem...I do get something like that....It usually starts on one side primarily. Even hair touching my face hurts and the electrical impluses almost (and lots of times do) make you jump they hurt so much. Combing your hair even hurts! My neuro called it facial neuropothy (spell)...After about two days it goes away and leaves your face sore. I try hot/cold compresses and paid meds...it is very difficult to deal with especially along with all the other stuff going on.....

It always makes me feel "not-so-weird" when I read that someone else gets something that I have...

Sure hope you feel better....


I don't get the "electric" feeling exactly, but every now and then I get facial soreness and sensitivity, which radiates down my neck, back, and arms and leaves my skin feeling super sensitive. It hurts to rub my skin, brush my hair, etc ... and it will go away after a few days. It almost feels flu-like, the way your skin gets really sensitive and sore when you have the flu, but touching it the wrong way can cause a shock type sensation. I usually take ibuprofen, which helps. This sounds a little more like what DawnMarie was describing, I'm not really sure what it is, but I have definitely noticed it over the past year or so, it flares up once every few months and leaves me feeling yucky for a few days.


I get this too, occasionally. I used to call them brain chills when they were really bad, but they have improved with the medication regimen.

I have no idea what they are, but my sister who has MS also gets them. My healthy sister thinks we are crazy. I think it has something to do with blood flow to the brain, or some type of neurologic issue.


I get that electric charge feeling sometimes, out of the blue. I also get the skin sensitivity every few months on my head, almost like a baby's soft spot. If I touch it, it feels like I have a bruise on the inside of my head. It is really weird but after a day or 2 it goes away. I never had it before POTS and I can't determine any triggers.


I have the same unusual pain in my neck, back, and scalp. I have been having the problems since I was 17 years old and now I am 20. After going to numerous doctors, they related my electric like pain and head related pain to fibromyalgia. It's still hard to believe what the actual cause of it is for me. I have a twin sister who has not been diagnosed with POTS with the same symptom! :) It made me feel somewhat better to know someone else has these crazy symptoms I have.

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