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Do You Actually Crave Salt?


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All of the sudden the past couple of weeks I've been craving so much salt it's not even funny. Even now as I'm writing this it's almost 2 am (ughh! insomnia) and I'm pouring salt over each tortilla chip that I eat.

It's like I can't get enough of it!!!

Anyone else experience this?

Just wondering, :)


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yes iget to crave salt.. usually in the middle of the night.. drung my salt craving i chow down on green olives... when i'm craving salt really bad i usually eat about half a jar of olives!.. then follow it with milk.. middle of the night salt cravings usually are followed with milk cravings..

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I guess I am the odd one here...I HATE salt. I don't like salt on anything. I eat potato chips, etc. but I never add salt to any of my foods!


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Well I used to HATE salt. My mom would salt EVERYthing we ate when I was little and it was so disgusting to me, I'd wipe all the salt off (she has NMH, too, and she just CRAVES salty things).

Now that I have NMH and have learned to like a salty diet, I do have salt cravings. Sometimes I buy soft pretzels on the boardwalk just to lick the big pieces of salt off the top (my friends gag when they watch me do that). :-/

My doctor gave me a list a while ago of "salty foods" and it listed them in order from "REALLY salty" to "somewhat salty" and I think pickles were near the top of the list. So they might be a good snack for you.

Other people think it's gross and weird, but I think you're normal- or at least weird just like me.


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