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Can You Wear Contacts?

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Hi everyone!

I have thought about asking this for awile now, and I just kept forgetting to. LOL

I have tried to wear contacts, but even the new ones that are supposed to be comfortable and help with the dryness have not worked? They give me almost an instint migraine and I feel as though I have been crying when I try and wear contacts. And on top of all that, they become blury within an hour or so.

This is very frustrating and I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem.



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What is that futurehope? Sjrogen's syndrome?

I think I have dry eyes? But I get teary all the time so not sure? I know I have to close my eyes to "clear" them. They get blured and sticky like I have had my head out the car window. It doesn't hurt unless I have contacts in, but it's is bothersome.

Thanks Amber

Oh, I have used the bausch & lomb daily wear....:blink: no luck for me

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Before this illness I was a daily contact wearer. Now I can't tolerate them for 4hrs. Like you I get an instant headache and my vision blurrs. It really ***** because I don't like how I look in my glasses. Oh well

Let me know if you find something that works for you..........I'd be interested


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I wear contacts too...I use the acuvue 2 disposable contacts. I've been wearing disposables for years now...I leave them in for a week or two then let my eyes "breath" then put in a new pair. I have had trouble with the solution they are stored in...I have to rinse them in my opti free express rinse before putting them in my eyes or I'll have lots of stinging pain etc.

For the most part I haven't had any trouble with my contacts but I do remember several years back trying one of the more "breathable" (for lack of a better term) types and I had lots of difficultly with blurring and wattery eyes ect. That's why I use the acuvue 2...they're not as flexible and hold their shape a lot better so I don't have problems with them moving around, tearing, or bunching up like I did with the others.

My advice whould definately be to try rinsing them in different solutions before putting them in and see if that helps...and if that doesn't work then maybe try a different brand or type of lens. I took me a lot of trial and error over the years to find a combo. that works for me.

Good luck! :blink:

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i am wearing contacts for 26 years and didn't have much trouble (just when i used the hard ones, than i started the soft ones).

i understood that once you start menopause your could get dry eyes. my doc told me i started menopause about ten years ago, but i still can wear my contacts. i hate to wear my glasses , but if necessary i do (like when i have an infection).

corina :)

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Guest dionna

i do wear them but i also have to wear sunglasses most of the time if i am going to be in the bright lights. i wish you luck on it though. maybe some day you will bea ble to.

dionna :)

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I wear the Focus night and day contacts, the ones that you leave in for 30 days at a time, actually now that I think about it, I dont think I have changed them for about 6 weeks......

Except for the occasional piece of dirt in my eye that drives me nuts, I dont have any problems, the extended wear are supposed to pass air much better than the daily wear contacts.

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I can't wear contacts either. I last tried them 15 years ago. I am sure things have improved. My eyes seemed too dry when wearing them. Otherwise I never notice dry eyes. My mouth is dry now due to the salt tablets. I need to go chug down some water right now.

People with migraines have "hyperexcitable" brains. This means that our brains are more sensitive to things that might not bother someone else. I don't know if this applies to contacts but it seems that it might? I just don't like putting things in my eyes, just like I don't like loud noises, bright lights.....even when I don't have a migraine.


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I has been able to wear contacts all my life without a problem until this year. I started to develop dry eyes in the winter and am still having problems. I use Opti-Free Replenish, designed for extra moisture, but it still doesn't do the trick. I constantly have the blurry vision and have to blink to get things to clear up, plus I have the stinging as well at times. I do use drops or artificial tears on occasion. I am dry all over, though, not just my eyes; I have a dry mouth, nose, ears, skin, etc. I guess my eyes were the last system to go dry.


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