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Just Need To Whine And Knew You All Wouldn't Mind

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Hi all,

I just needed a little place to whine today. I have been trying not to complain to family to much, hubby has been so wonderful and I don't want him to be over burdened by hearing me complain all the time. I started my period today and I've been misserable for over a week. I have been extra weak and on top of that The antibiotic I'm on for my lyme has agravated my IBS and I have had the "runs" (i know gross) after almost every meal for over a weak. It's been difficult keeping up with fluids and I feel like I might be getting dehydrated. And on top of that my last bloodwork said my RBC was a 3, and the iron is adding to my stomach pain. I have been sleeping till almost noon everyday, getting up to only before that to drink and eat eat a little around 8am. My doc said to stop antibiotic for 5 days and sent me to get a refrigerated acidophilus from health food store, which I did yesterday. I am suppossed to eat yogert 3 times a day, but I am lactose intolerant and I wonder if that could be agravating it. I know yogert is not supposed to have hardly any lactose in it but I wonder? It like a catch 22, eat yogert to keep intestanal flora up and it might give me trouble. I hope the pill form works better and this all calms down. We leave for vacation on July 9th and I am just shuddering to think of it. We havn't had a real vacation in 10 years and weve been planing this for months. Yesterday my husband took us to a really nice park to go for a little walk, I felt sorry for him cuz as soon as we got to the half way mark I had a stomach EMERGENCY if you know what I mean. We had to turn around and go home. He ended up going on a bike ride alone and brought me back chocolate soy milk and raison bran for me. Some drown there pain in ice cream, I do with soy milk and raison bran and maybe tufutti ice cream on top. Sounds gross but it's really good.

I just want this all to go away..... :)


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hey kim, we all need to whine from time to time, so please feel free :D . i am sorry that you?re such a rough time and hope things will work out well soon. i agreed with my husband that when i REALLY feel bad, i say so ONCE, so that everybody knows and i don?t whine all day. it really hlps :) .

hope you will enjoy your vacation and that you and your family will have a great time!!!!

corina :D

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Thank you Corina,

I think I'll try the the telling him and the kids ONCE in a very longgggg sentence maybe.


hey kim, we all need to whine from time to time, so please feel free :D . i am sorry that you?re such a rough time and hope things will work out well soon. i agreed with my husband that when i REALLY feel bad, i say so ONCE, so that everybody knows and i don?t whine all day. it really hlps :) .

hope you will enjoy your vacation and that you and your family will have a great time!!!!

corina :D

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Guest dionna

my boyfriend almost wants me to complain all the time because i hardly ever say that i am feeling bad and i will pass out and he gets so upset. i'm just like you though. i only say it once and it should apply to the whole day. all people have to do is look at our faces anyway. i do hope that you get better soon and hopefully everything will just go away just as it came. good luck to you.

dionna :)

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Hey Kim,

i can sure relate about the antibiotic giving you stomach problems and your period at the same time! I am also lactose intolerant, and i can't handle the yogurt either. The acidophilis pills worked for me but they took a couple weeks to kick in. I hope you start to feel better with those. As for the tofutti, i'm right there with you! It's great for a down day, or even a good day. Hope things start to feel a little better. Enjoy your trip!


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