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Its time for me to apply for ssd/ssi and i need your help!

I've gone ahead and taken a look at the provided information on these topics but it would also be good to hear your advice, since I am doing this on my own and basically want to avoid the hassel and get it right the first time.

Any suggestions for me reguarding applying, lawyers, etc.

Personal experiences would be GREAT too.

Thank you for all your help with this! This is going to be alot for me to do.

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Guest sonotech

Hi there!

Well, I started my application on-line. If you decide to do that, then be prepares for a WHOLE DAY of it...I think it took me about 6 hours. You will also have to have all your medical info together, like dr names and addresses, hospital names and addresses, dates of appointments and hospital stays, surgery dates, medications, work history and dates, etc.

After finishing app. then you need to hand deliver your original birth certificate to a local SS office along with signing medical release forms (be prepared to sit ther for several hours).

The initial wait process is 60-90days after you turn in all of your paperwork, so the sooner you get started the better.

If you go on the SSA website they also give you lots of info. I do know that you must be disabled for at least 5 or 6 months before you can collect SSDI (though you can still FILE during this period).

I am still in the waiting process myself, so dont have much more info. I dont think most lawyers will get involved until you have been denied (which is very likely to happen from what I hear), so dont know if they can help you much right now but wouldnt hurt to consult with one I suppose.

Good Luck


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Get your medical records yourself. Do NOT depend on your doctors to send them. I was turned down initially and learned the SSDI folks didn't even have my cardio records. So, do that legwork yourself. Be honest and answer questions fully. Remember the SSDI (or SSI) reviewers are trying to determine if your disability keeps you from obtaining and KEEPING gainful employment.

If you have a doctor on your side, see if he will prepare a letter for you. My cardio did after I told him I was turned down.My doctor said point blank that gainful employment is not possible for me. I was approved within five minutes of seeing the appeals judge and no doubt my doctor's letter helped with the judge's decision. So, if you have this option- use it.

Be forewarned that applying can be daunting but it is well worth it in the end. Research and learn all you can so that you can be prepared and hopefully, will have the outcome you desire. Good luck!


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I applied for SSD in August and I'm still waiting to hear back on the decision. Supposedly the Physicians that are emplyed by the state are reviewing my case at the moment.

I decided to hire an attorney (it's my first time applying) because the process was really difficult for me and I found myself getting really stressed/emotional about everything and just couldn't carry the burden on my own. This is obviously a personal decision - there are definite pros and cons - one pro being that the lawyer takes care of the case for you and the cons being that the lawyer gets a percentage of the backpay you may be elligible for (this is how they are paid).

Hope the process goes well for you,


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I've been denied twice. I got a lawyer after my first denial. They have done everything for me since.

I'm waiting for a hearing date, they filed an appeal and requested a hearing after my 2nd denial. 90% of

people get turned down on their 2nd try so don't be discouraged. It is a looooooooong process. It will

be 2 years in October since I first applied. I think it really helps to have a lawyer especially if you get denied

and get to the hearing stage. They get my medical records and call me for an update every 2 months.

I have The Shaw Group, they are nation wide, all they do is disability and many of their employees have

worked for the social security administration so thay know how to word everything.


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as i'm not in your country, i can't offer you much help, but carmen mentioned some real good points. all i can say is: keep your head and chin up, it's a long way but in the end you will think it was worth it.

i'll keep my fingers crossed for all you and sending good thoughts for a good result.

(ps: i applied too and was once denied. after that i got myself a lawyer and he did a real good job. when i was approved i felt sooooo sad but that's part of this "deal" as well)

good luck,

corina :)

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Guest sonotech

Hey everyone,

Found this website: www.briantalk.org

then find the forum listed- Social security disability

You can read up on tons of posts people have made on SSDI issues. This site has forums for just about everything, but if you go on the SSD forum specifically, then everything related to SSDI is posted there!

Take a look and read what everyone has posted and answered, you dont have to join or post yourself if you dont want to.

Hope it helps....


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I appiled in frist week in Jan. I had my doctor appointment with there doctor on May 5th. I am not just waiting for the approval/ denial. I am hoping it will come soon, so I can reapply soon as I don't have high hopes of getting approved the frist time. The only good news right now is that the doctor appointment went well. The doctor agree that I could not work due to the fact I need need oxygen and due to how bad I am doing. I am also hoping that now that I am getting injuctions on procrit that that will also help. but how knows!

I wish you the best, the one thing I have going for me is may case is also going thought the sentors office I contacted so the keep me posted, and are support and also send information on things that help while apply.


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Thank you so much for your advice and support. Im definately planning on researching and learning as much as possible before applying, so I can get it right the first time.

Much love,


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