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Poll: Do You Dream When You Faint

Poll: Do you dream when you have a LOC?  

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I usually have a little dream or thought stream when I faint, which I never really paid much attention to until I had my tilt test and I guess was more aware of things that were going on with me during the faint... So I Wondered if anyone else did this too. If you remember your dreams during your faints and want to post them, go for it.

I usually dream that there is several consternated people around me...lots of talking and debating and general consternation... I rarely remember anything but that feeling of what the dream was about.

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hmm good question... does having an out of body expereince count as dreaming?? I dream that i pass out in my sleep.. but in the general spec of things.. I'm not real sure.. its possible

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Sure. My theory is that our brains, being deprived of oxygen have neurons firing like mad for the time we are out, and since we don't dream in real time...it is possible to have quite a little adventure while unconscious.

I think it is interesting cause as a little kid I would say that everything got dark, and I felt really bad and then I would wake up. I think that subconsciously I thought to use the 'wake up' language because I had the little dream or thought firing, that I had been asleep and the doctors consequently called it hypersomnolence and studied me for narcolepsy etc. etc. etc.

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This is interesting. I did have a weird some thing one time. I passed out and remember swearing for some reason and when I came to asked any one if I was talking and they said no. I was sure I was in a crowd of people and swore cause I once again passed out. I saw people looking at me when i swore and the people who helped me said no I was out cold, they could not revive me, weird!

So I think its possible, although I have not done it since. Although I felt this same way when I was under for surgery. I felt I drempt through that once too.


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The dream thing is especially relevant to me- I am writing a doctorate on dream visions and altered consciousness in Medieval Literature! (with a bit of luck, at any rate).

I can always hear what's going on, but sometimes it sounds really far away. Even when I have no pulse and I'm not breathing, I can hear. But I'm shut away in my own world.

I get thought streams rather than full on dreams- all sorts of things go through my mind- sometimes quite psychedelic things!

But I always tell everyone who knows me and knows about the POTS that if I faint on them, they MUST keep talking- not necessarily TO me, but just talking generally. Because if I faint and I hear silence, I always wonder if I have actually died.

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  • 4 years later...

Like some of you, when I faint I lose my vision and muscle control and have even seemed to stop breathing BUT i can still hear whats going on around me. I look completely out cold but can tell you what was being said while I was 'out'.

I always wondered if it still counts as a faint if you are technically still aware.....

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  • 6 years later...

I fainted recently during acupuncture but definitely had a dream.  The combination of the pain..then fear set me off and my body just reacted. Cold sweats, nausea and dizziness and then my hearing faded and I fainted.  I definitely didn't fall asleep. I don't know how long I was out for but how is this even possible? I can't remember the dream but do remember it was a pleasant one with quite a few people in it. I was not conscious at all of my surroundings while I was out.

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  • 1 year later...

Well i was in a tornado of different colors and i was really bothered by it, i was floating around and was hearing a harsh wind sounds around me, i was moving my hands shaking them because the colors were really bothering me, then i think someone was about to get me/pull me then I suddenly woke up hearing my mom screaming, telling me to wake up, I didn’t even knew i fell asleep, i remembered not feeling good and just losing it, my dad was checking my pulse rate, i was cold as ice and my lips were white as a sheat of paper and that all happened an hour ago, they were about to bring me to the hospital but I’m good, yet i was really bothered about my weird dream.

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Frequent fainter here, but no, I usually don't dream when I'm out.   Usually I feel pretty rough (dizzy/nauseous) before I go out.  When I wake back up, I'm sometimes a bit confused and it takes me a few minutes to reconstruct what I was thinking and getting back on track. 

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  • 2 months later...

I know this post is kind of old, but ever since this happened to me, I was wondering if something similar happened to anyone else. The first time I remember ever fainting, I could still hear everything, but I don't remember being moved into another room. Recently, I fainted and started to dream. I don't really remember the dream, but just the feelings I had during it. Before it happened, my vision blurred and darkened, and I started to see a lot of shapes and colors. It looked like a kaleidoscope! I remember panicking and trying to walk to the door, but then that was it. Next thing I know, I was dreaming. Only, I didn't know it was a dream. I forgot that I had passed out, and I didn't know that anything had happened at all. Things felt calm, and I remember seeing a lot of people that I know, but not what happened.. I just know that they were making me feel really safe. Then I started to hear echos of voices, saying the door is locked, and calling for my name.. I remembered that I wasn't okay, and tried to force myself to snap out of it. I was laying on the floor and forced myself to get up and try to help open the door. My cousin grabbed me and I was out again, but i could still hear everything and only saw darkness. I was being dragged to the couch, but then I stopped hearing anything. It was like a time skip from the bathroom to the couch. I tried to explain my dream, but the only thing I could say is, "I forgot I wasn't okay, and it was almost like my life flashed before my eyes or something. I felt okay." I dunno. That's my story

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I experience these states as I go in and out of what we call consciousness... the hypnagogic state is particularly lucid for me and it's like walking from one room into another wide awake... it's instantaneous and can last for seconds to minutes... the occurrences/surroundings are hyperreal and often on 're-entry' I get an accompanying HR jolt

wiki describes these as leading into and out of sleep states but for me it's losing consciousness... ie: passing out and coming back in



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  • 9 months later...

I.m 54, i was cycling, it was hot, i felt fatigued so I stopped on a bridge, as I got off my bike i saw stars and felt dizzy, so i sat on the railing of the bridge, then i felt great, floating, content, happy, then  heard my wife saying wake up, get up, open your eyes, i didn;t want to, felt wonderful where i was, wife kept repeating get up open your eyes. Finally i did. Wife wasn't there, no one was. I was confused, laying on the ground. sat up and began to realize i had passed out and fallen over backwards off the railing. Fall was about 5 feet, then slid down the hill towards the water. I was hurting from the fall, my neck and hip, I got up, got back to my bike, sat and drank some water and just rested. I'm sore but OK.  I wonder if I died? My wife was right there telling me to get up, but she wasn't there. Very strange, I feel like if she hadn't been there I wouldn't have woke up. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

  I had fainted when in the hospital after the nurse was digging for my vain with the needle. I became extremely pale and light headed. The well, fainted.

  In my dream I was sitting on my knees in the middle of a busy highway then I got ran over by a taxi. I immediately woke up in a dark room looking at myself sitting in a chair. After a few seconds in the chair I started having a seizure. While still being able to hear faint voices of my mom and the nurse.

   I finally woke up for Real. And it turns out I actually did wind up having a seizure in real life. That was the most terrifying that's ever happened to me TO THIS DAY!

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  • 10 months later...

My husband was feeling light headed and as I was helping him to go lay down he went slack on me and seemed to faint only his eyes were slightly open and his face was blank. I was holding him up yelling and hitting him to come to. 
During this time he thought he was dreaming it could not have been more than 30 seconds but he said he felt like it was a long time. He told me he was in a field of tall grass with children and he felt young himself. He remembers a butterfly and then hearing me from the clouds screaming at him and he came to.
it was like he was there physically but he wasn’t actually there for those seconds.

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  • 1 year later...

I’m a relatively frequent fainter. Well, most times when I have blood brawn and occasionally if I have to have a cannula put in. I never used to dream when passed out but would not be able to hear anything. More recently I now have full dreams that I am elsewhere in the dream usually with music playing and then am confused when I come around and start hearing voices again. Thanks, Chyna 

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  • 1 year later...

I fainted today, been known to do it a few times over my lifetime and I would say the last 3 times have been the exact same feeling.

This was during blood extraction. I got that dreaded feeling that if you are a regular fainter you will know, light headed, sick stomach and fuzzy head feeling. I remember saying to the nurse, oh I don’t feel well. Then the next thing I knew everything goes black and I’m completely in a different place, it’s like I’m dreaming in bed at home. Normal life stuff, seeing to my horse in the evenings etc. I felt quite at ease just like I would at home. To then hear the nurse in the background shout can I have some help please! Because of this I must have been out for no longer than a couple of seconds but to me it felt ages. I came around hearing voices around me but couldn’t speak, in shock to realise I was actually still at the doctors and not in my bed. I was shaking, hyperventilating and extremely hot. I lost all feeling in my hands and the whole experience was horrific! It’s really horrid but I’m very interested to see other people have had similar experiences. It’s very odd and I’d love to hear more behind this.


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