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Everything posted by Bri123

  1. I fainted today, been known to do it a few times over my lifetime and I would say the last 3 times have been the exact same feeling. This was during blood extraction. I got that dreaded feeling that if you are a regular fainter you will know, light headed, sick stomach and fuzzy head feeling. I remember saying to the nurse, oh I don’t feel well. Then the next thing I knew everything goes black and I’m completely in a different place, it’s like I’m dreaming in bed at home. Normal life stuff, seeing to my horse in the evenings etc. I felt quite at ease just like I would at home. To then hear the nurse in the background shout can I have some help please! Because of this I must have been out for no longer than a couple of seconds but to me it felt ages. I came around hearing voices around me but couldn’t speak, in shock to realise I was actually still at the doctors and not in my bed. I was shaking, hyperventilating and extremely hot. I lost all feeling in my hands and the whole experience was horrific! It’s really horrid but I’m very interested to see other people have had similar experiences. It’s very odd and I’d love to hear more behind this.
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