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weight /POTS


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I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share how POTS has affected their weight (gain/loss). I'm a newbie to POTS and it is disconcerting to me what I've heard so far regarding rapid gain/loss. Doesn't these gain/loss leave you at risk for more health complications? I've been experiencing, like some of you have noted, severe stomach bloating and distension after eating. Do any of you think this bloating indicates that I'm gaining weight or have anyone experienced weight loss along with symptoms of bloating, etc.? I apologize for bombarding all of you with so many questions regarding this, but I'm concerned and interested to all of your experiences regarding this. Thanks!!

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My doctor and I were never able to determine the exact cause of the bloating, but we assumed it was delayed emptying of my stomach along with blood pooling. I did loose a lot of weight at first, but now I'm a healthy weight by watching what I eat, how much, and how often.

If you have bloating, try eating smaller, more frequent meals. I've become a steady grazer. I almost always have something I'm snacking on, but I don't have any "set" meals. This way, my stomach only ever has a small amount of food in it.

Hope things get better for you, I'm still early in my diagnosis, and it's been really difficult ajusting to this horrible condition.



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I lost over 50 lbs when my syptoms were bad and I was undiagnosed.; because of the constant nausea and my adrenalin rushes. Then I gained about 15 lbs from the meds I was taking. Now I leveled off and Im not gaining or losing but I do get very bloated after meals.



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Hi, I have put on 30 lbs since June :unsure: . I know the Toprol makes me soo tired that I am not getting as much exercise as I should be. I am on Florinef now which caused me to put on 8lbs :D . The doc lowered my dose a tad. Wish I could go back to my origional weight!


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Guest Julia59

I was at a normal weight before I crashed with POTS. I was a little underweight before that---I was always on the thin side. I lost 30 pounds with the adrenaline rushes and was barely able to eat. Then after I was diagnosed with POTS, I was put on meds that made me gain my weight back---+ ten more pounds!

I guess I tend to do better with a little weight on, but would like to lose about 20 pounds----very slowly and carefully. I also bloat very badly----Even when I wear my loose jeans I have to unzip them fully after I eat. I look 7 or 8 months pregnant. But magically after about an hour of misery----the bloat goes away.

I do not have delayed gastric emptying----but I do have slow bowel motility. I imagine that doesn't help with the bloat. Bloat makes me cranky.............. :unsure:

Julie :0)

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I've lost around 15 pounds unintentionally since the summer. I was too thin to start with and my cardio keeps threatening to put me on "protein shakes". I really have no idea why I'm losing weight. I think I have a food aversion like others on the board. But, I have been given permission to eat whatever I want and how much I want- the problem is, I just don't want it! So, I don't know really how to answer other than recently I've had weight loss but who knows why. Good luck to you.


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I lost about 15 lbs during the beginning of all this because I couldn't keep food down. I have learned to eat teeny tiny meals all day, not to eat when I'm feeling woozy bc it's a good sign that my bp is acting up and if there isn't any blood down in my tummy to digest my food I end up on the ground, and I avoid eating out especially in crowded, warm areas. It agitates my symptoms.

I have put some weight back on, but it fluctuates. I learned not to really worry about it bc there's just so much else to. lol :) like why my jaw keeps going numb, hehe!


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First I gained about 7 pounds. I was shaking a lot, and I had no tolerance for ever being hungry, so I ate a lot, especially milk shakes.

Then I tried to eat very healthy, smaller meals and lost about 20 pounds in 3 weeks. I wasn't trying that hard, I think the adrenergic trouble was at an all time record.

Since then, I've gained 20 pounds. I think it is a combo of depression, sedentary lifestyle, the adrenergic trend slowing down, the medications, and not caring what I eat any more!!

I am showing insulin resistance now, and really need to get things back to an even keel, though. I so understand your frustration!!!

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I lost a little over 20 lbs in the first few months of being sick. So far it has stayed off. Sometimes I just don't feel like eating? Then I get dizzy cuz I am hungy and I eat. I go throgh periods where I snack all day and am always hungry then back to picking. I get a nausous feeling when I feel dizzy and thats mostly the reason I think I pick instead of eat. I get the bloaating feeling on what I consider a small meal, my pants even feel tight. I went through all kinds of testing by a gastro and they couldn't find anything wrong. I get alot of what feels like air in my stomach and chest pain then relief from a burp. Then it's on again. Since I got sick I have become very lactose intolerant, even small amounts can give me really bad stomach pain and you know what else! I have to watch even the ingredients in store bought bread cuz alot of brands have it in. When I was on florinef the bloating was worse especially the week before my period.


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