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service dogs?


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ok forgive me and my brain fog, I found my post, ha. The chi sounds like she knows exactly what you need! She sounds perfect, definately one that would make a great servcie dog!! Its amazing how they are so in tune with us. I have heard they can sense through our chemical smells, when we are in pain they pick up on it. Shes a very special girl!!

No it does not matter what type of breed you use. Although you have to remember what the public will react to also. I trained a male Newfoundland and he was trained for support, helping in aiding one to walk. He was excellent at his job, but the public responded negatively due to the size. Some people are afraid of dogs so seeing one that is 175lbs and furry became quite a problem. I now only train the females as they do not get as big.

The main thing we make sure is we temperment the puppies before starting to train. You want a puppy that is confident, yet submissive to you and not afraid of new noises and such. Its a lot in the personality to know if they will make a good service dog or not. Some we train our tiny for those in wheel chairs who want a smaller dog, some are bigger so they can pull a wheel chair. Its also important to know the health line of the dog if you can, this way you have a better chance of having a dog with no health issues, although any thing can show up, but the chances are better if the parent and such have great health.

Well I applaud all the pets out there who make our lives so wonderful! God knew what he was doing when he created them, ha.

Brenda R.

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Guest Belinda

I have a sweet black lab ( 2yrs.old) named "Daisy", the love of my life..ok besides kids and boyfriend(but sometimes she's what I need)..

At any rate, I think even having a small companion especially if trained can help anyone if not physicallythen mentally. Just the assurance of when I am alone that she is here is comfort.

I have to say though it was alot of work to get her trained in every way..but well worth it.

Also I have seen many elderly and disabled persons with dogs that do fine..

they learn to adapt with letting the dog out, feedings, sending them to be groomed(bathed) and lots of times groomers will pick up the dog.

Dogs sense things( I truly believe that).

Take care and it is so nice to hear all your pet stories..

P.S. When Daisy was a puppy she broke into the fridge and ate everything(OMG) and popped like 3 case of pop. But gosh I love her! I think she knew I had just grocery shopped!

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I don't think that my little Chynna has been traumatised by the fact that I am ill at times. She seems to love to help.

Actually, if the truth be known, if I wake up not feeling well, she seems overjoyed, as it means she will get to spend the day in bed with me, rather than be home alone.

I'm so lucky to have her.

And, just some of the things she does are just so funny, like the way she decides if I need blankets on me at night, and she pulls them up, or pulls them down.

She knows my routine so well - when my alarm goes off, I always push the snooze button - those last 9 minutes have to be the best bit of sleep I get. Chynna pulls the covers over my head, and leaves me alone, and then when the alarm goes off 9 minutes later, she pulls the covers off me, and jumps all about. It's so cute, and so funny.

I take her to the vet regularly for all her worming etc, and they tell me that she is a very happy little dog. So, I don't believe she is tramatised at all. I think she likes the fact that she helps me.

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okay, my 125 pound lizzy ,

when i pass out she barks diff, pushs me on my side,licks my face.

last summer i passout and fell and hit my head and was bleedinding that was the first time that ever happened the dog whent the the neighbers and barked.we to a locaal stoore down the steet the clerks rather have her with me then not couse of me passing out to many times in the store.they have seen sher put me down ,wen i look funny to them.

so how can i get her trained ?

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I don't know if anyone is aware of the Doodle breeds (labradoodles, goldendoodles, etc) These are labs mixed with poodles and golden retrievers mixed with poodles. My husband and I are about to buy a goldendoodle as a play mate for our Charlie, spaniel/poodle mix.

I belong to a doodle forum and ran across this link for a labradoodle service dog that's available for adoption. Beautiful dog.


The doodle dogs are highly trainable, intelligent, gentle, friendly and fairly hypoallergenic due to the poodle in them (they don't shed much at all). Labradoodles and goldendoodles are sought after breeds even among celebrities! :P

Have a nice day!


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Oooh, now, do they compare with a long haired, dear headed chihuahua?? LOL

I think whatever dog you can look after is fine.

For me a chihuahua is great, as they don't need a lot of excercise, eat very little and are so affectionate.

You've got to remember that you'll have this dog for about 15 years, so it is an important undertaking, especially if you are thinking of a larger breed that requires more excercise and food.

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yes i have a cell phone, but the main concern what if i got sick and couldn't talk....i mean i don't pass out but you know that brain foggy crap can be a pain but oddly i feel better when i drive. :P

I am a wireless geek, so I can help you in this respect, what company is your cell from?

If you have a Nextel phone, there is a service that can be added called "mobile locator", if you have this feature on your account, you can log onto their website and click a button that will show the current location of the phone ( as long as its powered on). Check out the link below.

They also have other GPS locating tools, I use one here so that I can track our drivers when they are on the road, can create reports showing everywhere they were in a given day, how long their stops were, and even if they were speeding on the highway!!!!!

Nextel mobile locator

If you are interested in doing something like this, I can point you in the proper direction.

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Yes the nextel locator is a good thing, Iused to have it on my phone. I think soem of the other phone company have GPS on them too.

The FCC mandated that all cell phones must have some way to track 911 calls, some use GPS, some use the network to triangulate where the phone is.

Nextel is the only one that has the ability for the end user to track where the phone is, all the rest of the phones out there that are GPS capable are just for when you have to dial 911.

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wow guys this has been a real fun thread! I love talking about animals and how they help us. I like to think that maybe they have spirits of humans that have already passed and those spirits use the animals to take care of us, ha, ok well not maybe, but its a good thought! Makes you wonder how they can be so in tune to us and help us automatically with out any training. Ok no more doggy phychic, you'll all think I am nuts, ha.

Emily thank you for your kind words! i am glad you enjoyed our web site. I just am grateful i am able to help out others! I have wanted this for so many years and its finally taking off. I love helping others and using the best thing in the world an animal with unconditional love.

I am sorry to hear your puppy dog is so anxious over you being ill. I hope things work out for both of you and if it does not work at your house maybe he will do better some where else. Oh dont feel bad, its not your fault! He maybe was suppose to bless you life for a short time and now is going to bless some one elses. Hes special to be able to move around! maybe some day another dog will come to bless you and be more settled with things.

Lizzy, If your dog is that in tune to you I bet it would do great for a service dog. Just have to make sure its friendly and not sacred out in public places. The first thing i would do is have some one teach it to sit come stay and heel, then your half way there to having a servcie dog. the rest is teaching it the special tasks you want, and socialization in public. You dont want everyone to pet it you want it to be paying attention to you and not worried about other things going on, if you want to e-mail me personally i can help you through this.

I can give suggestions or advice to who ever, i may not know all the answers but i will try.

This has been fun sharing! Furry hugs to all,


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I belong to a doodle forum (for labradoodle and goldendoodle owners and breeders) and ran across this post today. The breeder said in her post that she has 10 week old labradoodles available

This is an excerpt from her post..."my main concern is finding wonderful homes for these babies, so if you know of a deserving family or another avenue of placement, please contact me. I would love to donate for service training, too"

Of course, you would still have to get the dog trained, but sounds like she would donate the dog?

click here to see her pups http://www.brewersgoldendoodles.com/AvailablePuppies.html



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Has your family brought Asher in to see the vet? My brother's dog had similar problems with anxiety and would get terribly worked up. They took her in to the vet and she was prescribed medication - I think it was ativan. They gave it to her regularily for the first while, then just when she got anxious and it seemed to break the cycle for her. She improved alot and eventually only needed it occasionally if there was something very disruptive happening in the house or whatever.

I really feel terrible for you and Asher having to go through this. He must be very attached to you and it would be good if there was something to help him settle. I hope a solution will come for you. Laura

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As always, you spoil me! Thank you...

As for Asher, we have a trainer coming to the house tomorrow to talk to us.

We have tried some meds for him, but not Ativan. Maybe we need to seek out other med options.

So far we have tried Clomicalm and now he is on Prozac! Kind of funny I guess if you think about it, but he has a hard time with the POTS too!

We've also tried all the things like crate training, and treats on hand and bully sticks to chew, and toys and a cintronella bark collar and he went to obedience class and blah de blah! We won't give up on him easily...

Actually, we were told that his anxiety is really tied to ME...that he really is trying to do what he knows best, but it ends up being just constant, excessive, panic barking.

Although, tonight he's being good and he just got back from the groomer and he's nice and cuddly.

Yes, it would be very very difficult to part with him, but I would only do it knowing that it was best for HIM and all of us AND that he had a really good home waiting for him.

His anxiety was a problem from day one after we rescued him, but it has increased DRAMATICALLY in the past year since my surgery. So, it is clearly connected to the severity of my illness.

Oh my...my poor Asher!

Gena...thanks for that link!


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okay folks...i'm FINALLY getting back to you all with some links. i had a bunch bookmarked and couldn't find them anywhere but racked my brain a bit and found much if not all of what i know i'd perused previously.

The International Association of Assistance Dog Partners (scroll down for MANY links to add'l info):


Assistance Dogs Internation (has many links, info to "types" of therapy/service dogs, etc):


The Delta Society - "The Human Animal Health Connection" (lots of info re: diff types of therapy/service dogs, links to add'l info, etc):


Dr. P's Assistance Dogs (lots of links....scroll to bottom for MANY providers/trainers for dogs. some are old though....just a warning):


And here are a few links to specific providers/ non-profits that actually work toward pairing people with animals. Many of the sites also have good general info re: service/therapy dogs & the like:





Last but not least.....

Kramer (a service dog)'s web page:


And that of his owner (which is how i orginally came across many of the other links....):


hope these help (and if not, they should at least keep you busy for awhile :) )

:angry: melissa


em, my heart SO goes out to you and asher. as i'm sure you know i could ramble on much more but will restrain myself. i can relate only a wee little bit as czar flipped out right after my neck surgery...i think he was scared of the brace?...but he started biting & doing other weird things that were SO not his normal self. and czar attacked my CPAP hose last night, aka bit holes in the entire thing. and i thought he'd been doing so well with it. but seriously....know that you're both in my thoughts & prayers...i KNOW you're doing all you can to make things work and that whatever decision you make will be the right one.

brenda, welcome (or rather welcome back, though i don't think we've met). and thanks so much for chiming in on this thread. it's so neat that you've been able to pursue something you like so much while helping others as well :blink:

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I hope the trainer can help you with Aston. My first thing i would do is have you hold and cuddle him when he starts to get anioux. Not with a lot of energy, just gently hold him and tell him its ok and slowly pet him and keep him from breaking free and wiggling all over, if this will work with you, it might help him to feel close to you and maybe take over the energy surges he has with the anxiety over yo. Being real calm and holding him may help him to calm down over his concern for you. I wish i was close so I could help you, but maybe this trainer has some great ideas too. I know you dont want to love on him heavily to where he thinks he is getting praise for his anxieties, but holding him tightly to you and calmly and gently petting him he should not get the wrong message.

I do hope things work out for you, you sound like such a wonderful person and know that you love him so much.

Best of luck to you, keep us posted on how he is doing.


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Holy Cow Melissa!

Now that's what I call thorough research! B) I'm laughing so hard b/c when I research something it is ALL THE WAY and I think you are the same darned way. It's cracking me up.

That list is really, really great and I think it starts the leg work if someone wants to pursue that path.

We just typed in 'service dog' or 'support dog' and the number of hits was overwhelming. When I say 'we', I really mean the 'royal we', as in my mom!

We did find some things that looked good and I think would be perfect for folks like us, especially the dogs like Brenda trains...for support rather than 'service'.

The trainer was interesting...we'll see how it goes. I will give her technique a shot and see how it goes if it means it helps all of us stay together.

And um, Czar ate the CPAP machine? Maybe he wants his own? Yikes!

Thanks for all that work of posting all of those links, I hope folks will find it useful. If we pursue a new dog, I'll be checking them all out!

Love, Em

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On Sunday, January 22 at 10am on Animal Planet "K-9 to 5" they had a story about Independence Dogs Inc. and the dog they featured was a Great Dane that was used to assist a man with advanced Parkinsons to walk and also to get up if he falls. Because of the dogs height, he was perfect for the man to hold onto as he walked and brace himself against when he felt unstable. The dog knew how to counterbalance. I checked the animal planet website and the program listing but no information was available for that episode. I also searched for Independence Dogs Inc but the website link doesn't take you to their site. That particular dog could also sense when the man would "freeze", a symptom of parkinsons, and the dog would place his paw on the man's foot to stimulate action.

Here is the link to the episode:


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i was just wondering if anyone has a service dog? I am looking into it as my mother doesn't want me to travel anywhere more than an hour away by myself. she fears if something would happen no one will have a clue what to do, i am also looking into a bracelet (which i probably will get in a month or so). Plus i think she has a lot of nagging "what ifs".


my grandmother told me about a lady with epilepsy that had a dog and noticed that the dog acted a certain way before she had a seizure, thus she knew to get help or get in a position to keep from getting hurt. i talked to an organization about it but i decided to get a great dane. they are very gentle dogs but are also great watch dogs. i figure that it would be good to have a companion since i will be by myself while my room mates are working. i am going to send him to obedience school but other than that i will just hope the dog can help. he should be born any day now and should be ready for pick up in the middle of march. i will let you know how it goes.

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