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private blood labs?


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Im not sure about that one. I think that visiting nurses can draw blood, but you have to have a visiting nurse . Sorry I couldn't be much help.

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believe it or not, there are labs in SOME states (depending on state law/regulations) that draw blood without an order from the doc. i don't have personal experience but noticed it on a website when i was looking up info re: some test results once. the one i'm aware of isn't a fly-by-night as it's the same company where i had most all of my blood work done for years (with doc orders) when i was on the east coast.

insurance though will NOT pay for it without a doctor's order & i hightly doubt there is any availability for at-home services. they also do not do all the tests that a full-service lab does.

here's the link though: http://www.questest.com/ch/minihome/Home.jsp

hope this helps,

:( melissa

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My lab does tests without an order (but if you want it without a doc's order, you have to pay for it). I believe it is "Quest". You have to go to their offices, I think.

They advertise it and encourage people to have "thyroid panels" and "heart-healthy" tests, etc. They are a trusted, reputable lab and I see nothing wrong with requesting your own blood work whenever you think you need it. You can always see your doc if something turns up abnormal. I think it is a help because I feel like docs already think us chronically ill people are a bit hypchondriac-al, without us asking them every 2 months to PLEASE check something else! Kind of empowering...


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the link i posted above is the exact lab diana is referring to.

for better or worse, i honestly don't think it's any more than a venture in capitalism.

:rolleyes: melissa

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Quest is also the main lab in NYC. I have gone to several doctors and hospitals, but all my blood work has still been through Quest. I think they are pretty reputable. I would still prefer to have a doc in charge of my bloods, tho, to read them and make sure I am getting the right tests in the first place.

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i don't doubt that quest is a quality lab and don't doubt the reliability of results...i wouldn't have been using them for years otherwise nor would most all of my docs/hospitals/insurances (when i lived in maryland). i've never had bad experiences at the several quest labs i frequented for blood tests as well as some other testing along the way and the self-ordered testing appears to be done at the same locales.

i just think that - like many other parts of the health care field - their particular motivation re: allowing patients to order some of their own tests is likely $$$. that doesn't negate that it may be helpful for some but ultimately for me i'd rather make my insurance pay for it :)

B) melissa

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I think as far as testing itself goes, they are fine. My point is the same as Melissa's. (Sweet Melissa, I can't see your name without thinking of that song B) ) I don't question the quality of their testing, just their motives in doing them without an order.

We have a doctor in this town, who has branched out on her own into some interesting things. She does 800 dollars worth of labs, but insurance doesn't cover these labs, so she sends it to quest and they do it and you pay upfront for it. I am not saying they are not doing the testing incorrectly, just I find it odd.

I have had labs sent to quest as has my son and my insurance does cover those, so I just don't know. That's a whole lotta money out of pocket for people. Once in awhile I think it would be nice to walk into a lab and say, please do a K+ level on me I'm not feeling well. But then I think whoa nellie, this could get out of hand...that's all. morgan

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i know it is always better to go thru a doctor, but my doctor isnt openminded, and sometimes i have to do things on my own, anyway, i would privately pay for it, the problem is also getting someone to come to home to draw the blood without a doctor's order, i know all of this happening isnt very likely, still if any of you can offer any help, i would greatly appreciate it, thanks


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