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Hi, I had an apptment with my neurologist at Beth Israel Deaconess today and he decided to go for another Tilt Table Test and decided not to put me on any more meds until we get the results of my vestibular battery testing. I am going to keep you guys posted, I go for my vestibular testing next Wed. Hope all is well with everyone!


good luck with the testing, hope you find some answers. keep us posted. :P Vanessa

Hi, I had an apptment with my neurologist at Beth Israel Deaconess today and he decided to go for another Tilt Table Test and decided not to put me on any more meds until we get the results of my vestibular battery testing. I am going to keep you guys posted, I go for my vestibular testing next Wed. Hope all is well with everyone!

Tilt Table is scheduled for Nov 28th. This is going to be my third tilt table...i have had a neg result, positive result, then borderline (?) result. I dont know what the borderline result was all about but since my symptoms have gotten alot worse my neuro suggested i go to get anther test. Oh i do have a question....one the first 2 tilt tables that i had at boston medical they use a helmet and stuff however the third one i got they didnt use one but they put electodes on my hand.....are there different types of tilt table tests out there?????


With my tilt table test, they strapped me in and hooked me up to an ekg machine, and took an ekg every time that they raised the machine. But then it was in an old hospital. Vanessa

Tilt Table is scheduled for Nov 28th. This is going to be my third tilt table...i have had a neg result, positive result, then borderline (?) result. I dont know what the borderline result was all about but since my symptoms have gotten alot worse my neuro suggested i go to get anther test. Oh i do have a question....one the first 2 tilt tables that i had at boston medical they use a helmet and stuff however the third one i got they didnt use one but they put electodes on my hand.....are there different types of tilt table tests out there?????
Guest Finrussak

All 3 of my TTT were in a modern progressive hospital. I was strapped onto table, 12 lead EKG wires on body and O2 sensor on finger, 2 blood pressure cuffs...one an auto and one manual...NO helmet!!! cant imagine what for. IF it was for brainwave then why not elctrodes??? the machines constantly monitor and record ekgs and heart rates, the occassional strips taken are for "events"...the intermittent auto cuff gets the Bps ( or when they want another reading the techs press a button) but they keep all info in computer for comparison...the strips printed are mainly for chart and documentation...also an IV is started if not already there and sometime during the test injection of drug to speed heart rate artificially.....

\as for results...theyre subjective meaning its who interprets them...a so called negative can be because you didnt pass out...only good for neurally mediated syncope....other dysautos dont require fainting for it to be dx or positive!!! Ask for copies of all your old tests including testing documents, chart notes etcs and values taken during the procedure...not just the final interpretation. Then take these along with the new tests values to a good doctor who can interpret them.

How long ago was your last TTT??? and did you even ask why another one??? what its supposed to show???

because TTT cant really ( as far as I know) tell if youre getting "worse"...either you have an ANS disfunction or dont and TTT may be able to tell where that disfunction is...beyond that repeat tests arent really indicated. Read articles by Dr B Grubb and Dr Low and Dr Robertson ( pubmed is a good site)


I typed Tilt table testing protocol into Google earlier for another site and came up with so many dfferent things, I decided not to post it. I didn't want to confuse anybody.

One place only lifted to 30 degrees, then later raised to 60 degrees.

Some used isuprepol (sp) to stimulate people's HR. Others did not.

My test did not give drugs and I was 70 degrees.

Good luck with 'the interpretation' of test to your readings and symptoms!


Hi I have had 4 tilt tables test done in 3 yrs.. all of them support the dx of POTS..

However during on particular TTT they hooked me up to SO mych equipment!

ALOT of leads... and this really big defibrillator patch things.. and they placed a cooling thing on to my back..I felt sorta weird.. :) being hooked to so many machines... I had an IV one in each arm..(so incase of a problem they'd have double access..) and that finger thingy that measure your O2 + the automatic blood presure cuff.. and I was of course strapped in securely... that was a very rough tilt test.. s I got majorly sick on it..

the last one ttt i had done in july was basic... just leads strapped in and IV -bp cuff..

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