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I'm training for a 5 km race


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Hello All,

Teri and I are registered for a 5 km race (3.2 miles for the metricly challenged) to take place on December the 3rd at 9am. I will be running with my digital video camera and hope to post portions of my video on my blog.

This is a monumental task for me to train for, given my health. I started physical therapy last week on Monday, and had my 2nd visit last night. I am doing great there--yesterday I did 5 minutes on the bike, 6 minutes on the arm bike, and a whole host of spinal and abdominal stabilization exercises. My visits take more than an hour because of the complexity of my issues.

I'm posting, first, as a declaration so that I am now publicly saying: I AM DOING THIS. I'm doing it even if I have to walk, or crawl to the finish line. Secondly, I'm asking that when Dec 5 rolls around, would you please think powerful and nice thoughts on my behalf? I'm going to need every bit of my own strength and then some. :)

And, if I don't finish, I'll live, but I'll also try again. Nina

Edited by MightyMouse
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Go Nina Go Nina Go GO Go NINA!!

WOW that is very cool!! I couldnt imagine doing that even on a good day!!

You are Mighy Mouse for a very good reason!

Cool... good luck...


LInda :)

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Hi Nina,

when I knew I had to have my coccyx surgery 4 years ago, I planned to start training for running the Amsterdam Marathon after the surgery. How little did I know!!!!!

Hope you are able to do this run, I'll be sooooo proud of you and will keep in mind that it is possible for a POTSy to do this!!! Good luck,

Corina :)

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Hello All,

Teri and I are registered for a 5 km race (3.2 miles for the metricly challenged) to take place on December the 5th at 9am. I will be running with my digital video camera and hope to post portions of my video on my blog.

This is a monumental task for me to train for, given my health. I started physical therapy last week on Monday, and had my 2nd visit last night. I am doing great there--yesterday I did 5 minutes on the bike, 6 minutes on the arm bike, and a whole host of spinal and abdominal stabilization exercises. My visits take more than an hour because of the complexity of my issues.

I'm posting, first, as a declaration so that I am now publicly saying: I AM DOING THIS. I'm doing it even if I have to walk, or crawl to the finish line. Secondly, I'm asking that when Dec 5 rolls around, would you please think powerful and nice thoughts on my behalf? I'm going to need every bit of my own strength and then some. :)

And, if I don't finish, I'll live, but I'll also try again. Nina

good luck mighty mouse!!! Thanks for my bracelet. Got it yesterday. Terri

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It will take everything I've got...and then some?... to keep my training regimen going. I did my PT exercises last night, and again today. I have PT on Mon, Wed and Fri this week too. I was able to ride the bike for 5 minutes & the arm bike for 6 minutes (the arm bike was hard!!). I have 6 weeks to get my act together and I see my doctor about a week before the race. I need to work my way up to a mile by the end of next week. We'll see!

Meanwhile, I'm sore, but motivated. A nice side note--all the physical activity has given my guts a kick-start and I'm a bit more regular than my usual irregular *regularity*. I do need more sleep, but no surprise there; oddly, though, I seem to have lost my ability to nap in the middle of the day since starting the exercise daily. My lower back has been bugging me a bit--not sure if it's the exercise or the restart of my monthly cycles since allowing the Lupron to clear my body.

Antibiotics are working on my sinuses, kind of. I still have the headache, but not as bad as before the antibiotics. I'm getting to the point where I might be able to start rinsing again to clear stuff out (stuffing out?). If I do it too soon, I'll end up trapping fluid and it'll make my ears very unhappy :( better safe then sorry, yes :)?

all I can say is...this should be interesting :):D:)

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Good morning Nina,

What an Inspired Goal !! As always , I would suggests you re-examine nutritition program as you have signifcantly increased your regimen for a particular goal . When the specific RACE DAY comes - be sure to prepare nutritionally - ie HYDRATE - DAYS before ssodium intake CARBs - complex to simple etc. I think with your history of SPINAL problems and with the pounding that is inevitable with running, GOOD SHOES are a must. IT is worth the investment. Even if you never enter another race ; having a really good pair of shoes will help to balance your running style and give you more comfort,Perhaps alieviating some of the lower back throb. This could be caused by hip movement during running , rather than weakness in the back per se. Also want to make sure that you stay completely relaxed thru your upper shoulders as this will also allieviate tighness in the lower back. The more relaxed your upper body is , so becomes your breathing , thus becomes your stability thru your abdomen - relieving stress on the low back. The good shoes you can always use after the race TOO.

Good luck !! HAVE FUN !!

kITE 7

Ps not just a PT also had 2 cervical surgeries /plated c3-c7 & 2 lumbar , lucky THOUGH no thoracic yet but still tryin'

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Wow Nina that is amazing you really are an inspiration to us all!

May I wish you the best of luck throughout your training and on the big day! I will definately be thinking of you!!

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Wrong date on my orginal post--I changed the title... Erp!!! I goofed--brainfog city.

The race is actually DECEMBER THRID (3rd) not 5th. Oy vey. What a goof ball I am!

As for the shoes--I have a pair of custom made Nike Free shoes. My feet love them... and I had the word "Mighty" sewn in on the tongue of the shoe so I can get a reminder when I look down. :) The shoes have a really good shock absorbent bottom, that is wider than others I looked at, keeping my ankles safer.

Thanks for all the cheering on... training is going pretty well. I worked out at PT yesterday and was able to do 10 minutes at a nice pace on the treadmill, and another 6 minutes on the handbike, along with my hour of core work.

My PT says I'd be perfect for a conference on trigger point release techniques--he says I have enough knots in my back and chest to give everyone a chance to work on me :lol: He thinks that my muscles are so rock hard to compensate for my loosey goosey ligaments.

Off to go do my home PT routine. Nina

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Oh, you girls are cute! I've never heard of getting your shoes initialed! Did you special order them somehow?

Boy, am I proud of you Nina! What a big goal! What alot of fun you'll have on the way towards the big day as well. That's a neat idea to video tape your run. Good stuff!

Steph, sounds like you're doing really well also. I'll have to check out the NuStep... sounds really beneficial.

Take care you two! Laura

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Laura, I love my Nike ID shoes! Some of them also allow you to order a different size shoe for each foot, and specify regular, narrow or wide. Mine are just a regular size 5, and it took three weeks for them to arrive, but was so worth it. BTW, tonight I ordered my race day clothes online. I am having a t-shirt custom made, which you can take a peek at via my blog. A link to my blog is on my website--you can get there via the button here that says "card" with the little person symbol next to it :lol:

I have PT first thing tomorrow morning. I'm actually looking forward to going at this point even though my body is sore, sore, sore; he makes me work REALLY hard, but for the last 15 minutes, he always does trigger releases and stretches, which is probably why I look so forward to my appointments. Basically, I'm getting a massage 3 days a week paid for by my insurance. Might I say, it's the best money my insurer has ever spent on me (I'm not kidding! It's keeping me working hard to keep my body at it's best possible state). :)

I'm so pleased to think of so many of you as my cheering section. Honestly, I think I will hear all your voices as I run my way to the finish line.

Giant warm hugs to you all. Nina

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I am so happy you have such a great goal and are moving forward with it! I have always loved training and having goals and a set training schedule to get there is so important.

I am doing a big Ditto on what Kite said about running sneakers. I am getting back into running as I am doing better but used to run an insane amount each week. I always have at least two pairs of sneakers, sometimes three for training. I use one pair in the gym and the other two are kept for running and rotated. I know that seems kinda nuts, but running shoes are MEGA important to how well you are able to perfom, how well you recover and your longevity. Shin splints are such an issue and once you get those, if you keep pushing, you will get stress fractures which lead to bone infarcts. I have a bad word for what those are like, but they can take a year to heal and you aren't able to put any weight on the leg for that duration. Been there done that. I think its good that while it most likely won't happen people know about these things, so they can prevent them from happening.

I have gone to a hardcore running store since a fairly young age. They have me stand bare foot to see bone structure, pronation etc. Followed by walking and running on a firm surface. I have major pronation, and wear out sneakers in less than a month if they aren't really good. When i was younger I wanted the shoes with pretty colors, but it really comes down to being "pretty" and having injuries, or having a truly solid and functional shoe. I also have a hard arch support that goes in my running shoes, and can sometimes be replaced before I have to replace the shoe. We do a few other things like half insoles, etc. that help. Lacing makes a difference too.

I don't mean for this to be a lecture, but its something I am really firm about. I've done elite sports for so long, and have had alot of injuries that you just end up getting when you do something for that long. Whenever I can tell people about sneakers, or things that have helped me I try too, because it can make such a difference in performance.

I go to an incredible running store and when I'm not able to get there, if I am still in the same model they send it to me no matter where I am. OH! Just remembered, another cool thing about the store I go to, is that they have a treadmill in the store. So you can try out a shoe before you buy it, and really get an idea about how its going to perform. They also discount sneakers majorly after so many pairs, and if you bring in your old sneakers and donate them for charity and to be ground up for footing, you get a really good discount. Most stores do stuff like that, so it makes the cost alot less.

Your shoes sound really cute! Nike has some really great clothes, cut for women. Adidas has some super stuff out too. Anyhow, Keep on with your training and I know we all look forward to hearing how you do! Take care and train hard!

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Nina, I was just about to post that I couldn't get to the link for your blog (I'd been trying and trying...) when I realized that I was hitting my "card" button and not yours! I really like the shirt. Good idea. I also checked out your bracelets and they are Lovely!! I really like the heart clasps on those two... haven't seen that before. Good job!! No wonder they've sold out already!

Blackbirdsings... what a great idea with the treadmill to try out your sneaks. Thanks for the info. Lots of things I didn't know! Laura

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Ooooof... today isn't my best day. I did my first combination of running and walking, and had forgotten to put my custom orthotics in my shoes. Owcheee. My knees, feet and back are angry today. However, my attitude is still good. If I can get through these aches and pains, I'm hoping that my body adjusts to the work load.

I am noticing some positive changes as a result of all the PT and physical activity. First, my tolerance for being upright has improved a little bit--I now have a few extra minutes of standing still time before the woozies kick in and I have to sit. Also, my posture has really improved. I may, at some point lose a little weight, but not this week, as the leftover Halloween candy is sticking to my hips and thighs ;)

Also, as mentioned in my prior post, I don't seem to be needing my mid-day naps as badly; but when I sleep at night, I need at least 10 hours right now. Last night I got nearly 12 hours and would have slept longer, but Teri made me get up so I can stay on a decent schedule.

I bought a book last night, on the suggestion of a fellow EDS patient, on how to do neuromuscular trigger point releases on oneself--I'm hoping to help keep my muscles happy after and between PT visits.

Tonight we're going up to NYC for my mom's 60th birthday party--it'll be interesting to see if my family notices any changes with me... ;) we'll see. ;) might be a little soon as my training is just a little over 2 weeks old now.

:) Nina

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