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How do you test your Gallbladder functioning?


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Hi my potsy friends.. I relaize tht this isnt exactly a pots related question.. but I am having alot of gallbladder pain.. and hav been now for quite some time.. well it is getting worse.. today is particularlly (sp???).. alot of pain.. and nausea/vomitting.. and in my gallbladder region it gets like rock hard.. and the pain is going into my back... I just feel yucky!!

SO I am wondering how do you have you gb checked for how it is functioning?

I had a ultrasound in June.. and at that time there were no gallstones... but at that time I was not having a whole lot of GB issues.. they did the ultrasound because my labs were all wacky.. (in regards to liver functiong and High liver enzymes)

I must say that I feel miserable.. and would like to be able to eat again without being in pain.. or ending up w/ severe tummy pain& Gb pain...vommitting and diarrhea... YUCKY :)

thanks guys


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Um sorry about the title.. :):):P:D:):D:):D Imeant to say GALLBLADDER!! not ballbladder.. LOL.. oh the life of a potsy person..

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Continued pain may require more than a sonogram or ultrasound.

I had a cck-HIDA scan, which revealed less than 30% ejection of bile (meaning the rest was staying in my gallbladder and regurgitating up the duct work causing spasms and pain). You may need to get pushy to get this test--I had 6 YEARS of attacks before I went to a great internist who ordered the test on my first visit. That was Friday. My gb was out on Monday.


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yep....that's the test for functioning (not that you needed me to affirm it as nina & em are quite reliable :) ). the docs all concurred for me that my GB problems were related to my dysmotility/autonomic dysfunction, so i don't think it's off topic at all. while i was in pain & had a lot of nausea/vomiting/loss of appetite, i didn't have the "typical" gallbladder attacks but luckily had docs who were all the ball within a few months (nina i can't imagine waiting 6 years!)

my function was in the single digits which impressed my docs as well....

good luck!

:) melissa

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I concur...the hida scan with CKK is the best test though many docs stop at the ultrasound or plain hida scan. I too had an astute internist who ordered the test then worked with the surgeon to remove it. My symptoms were terrible cramps and diarhhea...though I still get the diarhhea.

BTW, for those of you with POTS and gut motility issues--suggest mestinon! It enhances gut motility in addition to helping some of us with POTS.

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Hello all,

I only had to have an ultrasound ordered by my reg. dr. then to a surgen and then to surgery in less than a week. My gallbladder looked like a pea pod with 4 huge peas that filled the whole thing, it couldn't "squeeze" anything out.

Good luck!

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Hi. I had a worthless CT scan, but, like Tracy, the ultrasound (along with my wicked symptoms) told the story. Radiology wouldn't let me leave their facility until I talked to a surgeon!! And one week later, my gallbladder was gone. Good riddance!!


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I had my gallbladder out at age 24. I had large stones. I have been so much better off without it! If you keep a diseased gallbladder for too long, it can spread disease to your liver.

Do let us know what you find out.

Michigan Jan

P.S. Isn't it strange that so many on here with POTS have had their gallbladders out? And mine was at such a young age.

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That is strange, I was only 26 when I had mine out. My third children was born in Jan. and my gallbladder was out in early march.

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Hi folks..

Thanks for the info!!

I have to agree w/ the comment about so many of us having GB problems! its amazing!

Well I called my doc's office today.. and requested an appoint.. and they stuff back to the rude grumpy.. witchy nurse.. who I dont like by the way!! can you tell??


Anyways I tld her that I am in alot of pain.. and am puking..and haivng diarrhea... and so on.. Well she goes.. This sint a new problem for you is it?? I'm like no.. its not... its an on going on.. but I dont feel good and am in pain and considering that I am calling you office for an appointment for today or tomorrow.. should tell you that!

She said well we cant get you in till Next wednesday.. and if you are indeed having pain then you should go to the ER..

I just am very annoyed... SO sick of WITCHY medical personel!

Ok mini rant over...

thnaks guys

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Sorry to hear about the witch.

Good luck and I hope you feel better.

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Sorry you went through the "unsympathetic" healthcare worker routine. You deserve better. It really makes me angry that so many people get blown off when they're hurting or having scary symptoms, especially coming from a healthcare background. I would have never treated a patient that way!! She definitely sounded like a witch...but it is getting close to Halloween!! :rolleyes:

Seriously, though, get this checked out by someone else, if they can't see you any sooner. I was misdiagnosed as having GI problems related to anxiety when I was having gallbladder issues. I ended up firing my GP and going through the phonebook until I found another doc who could see me right away. He was the one who sent me for an immediate abdominal ultrasound, which revealed a very sick gallbladder.

It is odd that so many of us have gallbladder issues. I didn't fit the typical profile for gallbladder problems. I was young, thin, and not an alcoholic!!

I hope you get help sooner than next Wednesday. If it is gallbladder, it isn't something to wait around on. It could rupture. If you have another bad attack, where you are in intense pain, go to the ER. My pain was mid-epigastric and would radiate to my right shoulder and my back when I had a bad attack. Then, of course, I would just vomit every time I ate, even when I wasn't in a lot of pain.

Please let us know how things turn out. I'm a mom. I worry a lot. :(

Take care,


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Guest Julia59

Hi Linda,

I'm so sorry to hear about the wicked witch of the west again......... :rolleyes:

I would go directly over her head and complain to the Doc----before she get's YOUR LITTLE DOG TOO......................sorry had to do it......

This woman has no business calling herself a nurse.

A gallbladder problem is a serious, serious thing, and this nurse should take is very seriously. I'm sorry you feel so yucky---and I hope you get someone to take this seriously---PRONTO...........

Meanwhile, all you can do is try to hang in there. I hope you feel better soon...

Sending you a big HUG...........

Julie :0)

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Well I had a test for gall bladder about 8 years ago, If they still do it the same why you will go to a room much like a CT room. They will put a IV in and give you drugs though the IV to see how you gal bladder fuctions. When they did mine it was only working about 27% so I then a week later had it removed and felt so much better! I was up anf feel better with in a few day. Sorry I am not more help, it was a long time ago, but can your doctor give you some info to read, I know they came up to my hospital room and gave me info about the test, it helped me to understand! Gook luck with everything! :rolleyes:


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