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Does anyone ever have headaches where it is worse when you shake your head , and then your eyes feal real tired and it feals like you just have a lot of pressure in your head like it is going to explode. The weired thing is when I am still it dont hurt real bad , it is just a very dull ache but when I shake my head it hurts a lot and when I move a lot and it does not happen every day but sometimes. I guess sometimes the pressure feals like all the blood is rishing to my head like im upside down even when my heart rate is normal. Anyone ever get this?

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I get the pressure in my head and behind my eyes and my b/p can be normal during it, other times it happens when I am having a run of tachy though my b/p does not go outrageously high. I like the way you explained as being upside down, that is exactly how I feel, like all the blood rushed to my head, it can last quite a while for me also.

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I have these headaches quite often, I refer to them as moving headaches. I also suffer from migraines and associate the pain right in there with migraines. I do take florinef and have just started propranolol wich is suppost to help with pots as well as migraines. So far I have not had any headaches in 4 days wich is a major plus for me. You may want to talk to your doctor and give it a try.

Rita s

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I get Migraines,sinus headaches (allergy related) and then the worst of them all called a Spinal Headache. Dull pressure constantly and no matter if you are sitting or standing, then sharpe and all most knock you out stabbing sensation deep in the head. Sometimes I can describe where the stabbing pain was because of the suddenness and intensity. The causes are tricky : neck or back injury like whiplash, bad recovery from spinal tap/IV in the column, and or/dry spine(i don't remember the med term but you have a decrease in Spinal fluid in a area most likely due to injury).

I first got one after a Spinal tap for passing out at the cash register at work 5 years ago. They let me get up and move aroun 30min after the procedure. When I was released from the hospital on the good drugs I went home and layed down for awhile. I woke up and went to turn my head and felt a 10 out of a possible 5 pain right through my head and lost consciousness. A few seconds later I calle for my husband but everytime I moved my head I screamed. Paramedics came and the thought I could have has a spinal hematoma so they were real gentle. All the way to the hospital I kept blacking out. After more drugs and 24hours of dull pain then the sharpe, a nurse caught on and said that I should see the anesthesioligist. He came up and they used a ultrasound to determine that I was low on fluid at the site and did a blood patch. Blood from your arm injected right into the spinal column. Instant pain relief.

Home remedy for them is extra fluids lay down in the fetal position ot on your back with your knees pulled up. slowly move your chin to your chest and stretch.

I still get them but only if I get jerked or jarrred real bad. Now though I know what they are and if I was niot on a blood thinner then I could get a blood patch and go home and laystill for 24hrs.

Anyways..have you fallen or jarred your spine real bad? If so consider the possibility and talk to doc ASAP if this sounds familar

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I think i get that type of headache... if i stand up or turn my head its like someone has punched me in the head the pain is so sudden .. yet if i am still its basically fine.

Sometimes the pain is so hard that i actually scream "OUCH" ... if im in public it confuses people around me heh.

Sometimes i get them with migranes (where i see flashing lights etc) other times just on thier own randomly. ... im really not sure what causes it .. i am on florinef and i had not realised it could cause problems before.

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