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Palpitations After Eating


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Just reaching out to see if anyone experiences a increase in heart rate after eating a meal. For a number of years i would suddenly start having palpitations seemingly out of the blue but after the last few months working on my diet i think i finally can relate this to some of the food i have been eating.

Episodes will last onwards up to 4 hrs besides the increased HR i feel ill, very full and bloated and very orthostatic then my HR will return to normal and i am fine. I have noticed this with eating a seemingly normal chicken sandwich (low carb keto bread) to veggies like broccoli (now have a bunch of suspect foods on my list). Today all i ate was some homemade egg drop soup and i was just fine in fact my BG even dropped from 147 to 99. 

Any insight would be helpful


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If I eat too much or eat too many carbs I can definitely feel palpitations after eating. I can also feel extremely weak, sluggish and sometimes faint like. If I drink too much caffeine I can get them as well. Sometimes I don’t feel anything but I would say 7 out of 10 times I do. 

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Pretty much any sizeable meal (more than a few bites) is going to affect me while digesting over the next few hours, but the obvious culprits (gluten, carbs) are going to be worse offenders to the point where it's sometimes a concern. For example, I made the mistake of eating white potatoes too late in the evening last night after work and I ended up sweating with my heart pounding with a somewhat elevated rate for a decent chunk of the night until the early AM. 

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19 hours ago, MTRJ75 said:

eating white potatoes too late in the evening last night after work and I ended up sweating with my heart pounding

Potatoes are tough for me. I use to make potato soup that had heavy cream as one of the ingredients my heart would start pounding and i would sweat badly. knowing i have DM now these were the first to go off my list.

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Vanderbilt University researchers are looking at one possible cause: abdominal blood pooling caused by excessive release of a chemical called GIP, which signals for vasodilation in and around the gut.

They’ve only studied this in people with POTS, but presumably this could apply more broadly.


If you click on “Show detailed description” after the brief summary it gives an explanation of the hypothesis.

There is a natural counteragent to GIP made by the body, which you could call anti-GIP. (It doesn’t have a name yet, just a formula.) So this research could one day lead to a treatment. But it will be a while off.

The anti-GIP chemical is available to researchers and has been administered to animal and human subjects in studies, but it isn’t registered as a medication yet. Also in the studies I saw, when it was being used in experiments to understand the chemistry of the digestive process, it was given intravenously.

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Yep—if I’ve had too many carbs and too little fat and protein I’ve had this happen. It’s a fine balance

ive dabbled with macro tracking and it seems like 35ish grams of carbs paired with around the same of protein is safe for me. If I’m eating that many carbs I really need a good chunk of protein to handle it well

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  • 1 month later...

Possible hiatal hernia? My tests come back soon but I’ve had this before. I have to mix protein with carbs “for now”. I’m convinced I’ll come back positive for sibo and hiatal hernia. I got a small trampoline and it helps, especially if I have eaten allot. Hope you feel better.

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