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  1. Sounds GI related partly. But also it’s probably raising your norepinephrine levels leading to anxiety and feeling or tight chest. Possibly gut microbiology? Wish I could help.
  2. Possible hiatal hernia? My tests come back soon but I’ve had this before. I have to mix protein with carbs “for now”. I’m convinced I’ll come back positive for sibo and hiatal hernia. I got a small trampoline and it helps, especially if I have eaten allot. Hope you feel better.
  3. This could be a simple neck or spine issue. My symptoms get worse when I don’t take care of my spine. Also, I tend to get sinus infections when I don’t take care of my spine too so doing frequent sinus flushes with salt water and colloidal silver helps but I have to do them when I don’t have much symptoms also.
  4. I have these. What helped me was either stopping carbs (oats, bread) or having lots of protein with carbs. I noticed that on days where I stress my spine they are worse. I think it’s a combination of spine, vagus nerve and GI. The last few days I have been taking 1 tbsp charcoal, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar. This seems to help. I just sent my SIBO test off so eager to see the results. Likely the carbs are upsetting some serotonin producing bad bacterial overgrowth.
  5. Your symptoms actually sound like high serotonin. I highly suspect that is the case. What is your adrenaline level? What do you eat on a daily basis?
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