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My Trip to Dr. Heffez and SSDI

Guest Julia59

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Guest Julia59

Hi everyone---I hope today finds you feeling well.

I have talked with SSDI this week and the person on the other end of the phone told me that the decision was made but they couldn't tell me what it was--------------------------BULLROAR........ this usually means your denied. My adjudicator was not available when I called---BULLROAR---again.

I did get the Ohio senate involved, and they did flag my case, but I don't think SSDI gives a ROAR------they are bold people. Anyway, that excuse of a doctor who falsified his report to SSDI is still on my #$%& list. One thing about me------------------if someone puts the screws to me---i'll go after them. And this guy definately did that. That bucket of bolts that I have for an attorney will be fired.

It would be ironic if I did get approved---and then the attorney GOT PAID! She didn't do anything----I have done the work.

Please say a little prayer for a safe trip to Milwaukee, and that I can avoid surgery.

My main goal is to find non-invasive treatment to help relieve the pain, and possibly some of the symptoms. I feel the gravity pulling me every day, and my neck/cranial area feels like it's being squeezed together pinching every nerve in my craniaum. This is how I feel if I simply walk around doing simple activities.

Picking up my son's girlfriend's daughter is out of the question---as if makes me feel really bad. I'll ask Dr. Heffez about that---and other physical activity.

I'm really pretty much at my wits end, but i'm hanging in there. I just hate all this doctor stuff. Next week is the gastric emptying test----radio active eggs---yum--yum--, especially since i'm not an egg eater. Then the week after that ----the implantable loop recorder get's installed----all this as I find out i'm being denied once again for SSDI. I'll be totally surprized if I DO get it.

Then I'll have to hire another attorney............. :(

Take care everyone,

Julie :0)

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i really hope that your trip to dr. heffez sheds some light on things for you...please let us know how the appt. goes. safe travels. one of my bestest friends lives out there! :)

the SSDI stuff is a big bummer too! aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!

i thought maybe a 'virtual scream' would help!


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Guest Julia59

Good news------------Our kind neighbor works for a hotel chain. He looked into a hotel for us and gave us his family discount! 39.00 bucks for the Clarion----can't beat that deal. It's a 20 minute drive to Dr. Heffez's office from there.

And Today I received what I thought was another doctor bill, but this one said Promedica on it---(Promedica is a corp. that houses several hospitals.) I haven't been to the Toledo Hospital in quite a long time, so I wondered if my new PCP was affiliated with them. I opened the bill curious to see what she charged----well it wasn't her either.

It turned out to be a refund of 98.00 bucks from a gynocologist that I saw there a long time ago. An over payment---Both my husband and I had insurance at the time. Not as nice as having a SSDI back pay check---but I can't complain either as it will help pay for out little trip to Milwaukee. As my dad would say---"it's better then a sharp stick in the eye." :)

Just thought I would give you some good news for a change.

Julie :0)

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i think you're already on your travels at this point (and your appointment is today?) but wanted to let you know that i'm thinking of you, wishing you well & sending prayers your way for the visit.


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Guest Julia59

Thanks everyone for the well wishes---my appointment is actually tomorrow. WE are leaving now for Milwaukee now, and we will stay in the hotel overnight.

Then tomorrow I have to remember what questions to ask-------- :P

I hope we find that surgery is not needed, and I can find some other way to relieve these symptoms. Ugg------pray we make it through this heat....and the possible storms that are heading east. 96 degrees in Toledo today--- :huh:

Take care---THANKS AGAIN..................... :):)

Julie :0)

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