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High Diastolic BP


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I have a huuuge array of symptoms, but lately I've been getting high Diastolic HP. My systolic is some times elevated but it's mostly my diastolic. My BP was just 130/95. I'm kind of worried. I don't have typical POTS where my BP drops when I stand or am upright but I have adrenal POTS, I can't remember the official name but my BP usually is normal, but for about 6 months, it's been high like this. Anyone experience something similar?

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I agree with Katy.  Dysautonomia means dysregulation of heart rate and BP, so we can be higher or lower or both.  I've definitely been all over the place, though usually have a higher HR and lower BP. 

I'd suggest asking your doctor, especially if you have a new and lasting symptom.  He/she may make suggestions like adjusting medications or diet.  Your number seems a bit above normal but not severe - but your doctor can explain/address it best.

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I have the hyperadrenergic version and my diastolic blood pressure is high too.  90-100 is where mine normally was while lying down and would rise by about 10 while standing.  I would have spikes a few times a week where my diastolic blood pressure would get to 115-125.  

I take losartan and clonidine now and they keep things mostly under control, but I did have a spike this last week where my diastolic bp was 119. 


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