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  1. https://gothamist.com/news/new-yorkers-with-long-haul-symptoms-are-upending-the-narrative-about-covid-19
  2. @Derek1987 Have you had your testosterone levels checked by chance?
  3. An ACE2 deficiency can lead to low renin and is a known cause of hyper pots. The deficient ACE2 ends up leading to a high amount of angiotensin II in the blood stream, which ultimately causes the kidneys to lower their renin production.
  4. Zoloft has been a positive for me.
  5. I get that too. I noticed with me that my ears got bright red as I was coming down from an hyperadrenergic episode. I have a theory that it happens after severe vasoconstriction as the blood vessels dilate and blood flow increases. I have seen a couple of papers suggesting Red Ear Syndrome is the same as Erythromelalgia of the ears.
  6. I think that there is a good chance that those of us with with POTS caused by an ACE2 deficiency are coronavirus resistant since coronavirus infects cells by binding to the very thing that is broken in us. The outlook might even be better for those that are taking Losartan to treat their ACE2 deficiency since that is a med that is currently being used in clinical trials as a coronavirus treatment. Having said that though, I am not taking any chances. I am staying as quarantined as possible until a vaccine is out.
  7. Where did you have those tests done?
  8. I am not really sure. Julien Stewart had reported some positive results from increasing anti-oxidants though.
  9. I wouldn't. Too many non-gaurantees for such a permanent decision IMHO.
  10. No kidding. I wish these tests were commonly available.
  11. I found that paper about high angiotensin II levels in some potsies and its effects on renin: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4511483 A subset of POTS patients with increased vasoconstriction related to decreased bioavailable NO (nitric oxide) have decreased blood volume Ang II reduces bioavailable Nitric Oxide Ang II can increase the release of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) from ganglionic and postganglionic sympathetic nerves Ang II promotes oxidative stress by causing the formation of superoxide radical through its effects on NADPH oxidase. The interaction with superoxide reduces the bioavailable Nitric Oxide Ang II is part of a control loop with feedback inhibition of renin production. Thus increased exogenous or endogenous plasma concentrations of Ang II suppress the release and expression of renin
  12. It makes sense to me that clonidine would have those negative effects since clonidine primarily suppresses norepinephrine instead of epinephrine. An alpha-beta blocker would probably help get the blood pressure down. Might want to also get tested for a pheochromocytoma if it hasn't already been done.
  13. I've never heard of infections being associated with pots. The others I think could possibly be attributed to high adrenaline. I would recommend looking up the symptoms of a pheochromocytoma since it will give a good description of what happens when your adrenaline gets out of control.
  14. I think that mine is genetic. I have 4 biological siblings and 2 of them, while not officially diagnosed, are convinced that they also have it. My sister had been dealing with what she thought were panic attacks her entire life until she did the poor mans tilt table after I was diagnoses and she turned out to meet the criteria. Since then she has been pounding the sports drinks which has helped her immensely. My brother has really high blood pressure and low testosterone that he was diagnosed with in his late 20s. He also is on a high salt diet and lisonopril (which reduces Angiotensin II). I have another cousin in her early 20s that was passing out from time to time until she was put on a high salt diet. I should probably submit myself and my family to a genetic researcher
  15. That actually sounds like the perfect summer to me
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