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Motion Sickness


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Does anyone else get motion sickness? I never feel nauseous thank goodness but I get dizziness and lightheadedness. Which is a bummer. Not really from riding in a car but from video games and other things. Like today I was using my camera taking pictures of the snow and now I don't feel well. I was using the lcd screen and not the view finder. I usually don't get motion sickness from the camera but i guess i did use it longer than usual. Now I am lightheaded, and my vision is blurry. I hope I don't get a migraine. I can't even play video games anymore they make me sick. Also looking through magnifying glasses make me sick as well. Does anyone else have this problem? What do you do to feel better? Been 30 minutes already and I still feel miserable and pretzels aren't helping this time.

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Yes! At age 22 I tarted getting motion sickness. I now think it was one of my earliest symptoms. In the car, I take frequent breaks, and suck on Altoids. I do not get nauseous but the Altoids seem to help. I don't play video games, and can't watch any shows that have lots of motion, or just close my eyes for those scenes.

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My daughters are probably among the most severe, but you seem to have a milder case of the same problem. They always got car sick when they were little, but now that their symptoms are in full swing, the same thing happens to them as is happening to you. They can't use a camera for too long (although they have improved some with that). They can't watch tv at all. They turn around on the couch and "listen" to tv shows, so that means that anything with too much action and little dialogue is out of the question. All they hear are guns firing, sort of boring! Same thing happens with visual things, such as their neuro's new office...windows everywhere! One might say, 'look at the view'. They take one look and begin to spin and get lightheaded. It goes on, but you get the picture. I believe it's caused by a central nervous system problem and their vestibulo-ocular reflex. Their neuro is pretty sure this all has to do with their autonomic instability.

Best wishes to you and you might want to take some meclizine before it gets any worse!

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